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Everything posted by Kowgan

  1. Thanks for the answer. I've tried ATM before, but I thought it would prevent those fated crashes. Unfortunately, for some reason, the game keeps accumulating more and more memory as time goes by. [/offtopic]
  2. On an offtopic line, are you using ATM to handle that without eventual crashes due to 4GB+ on memory? Or, assuming you're using it, do you reach the 4GB limit even though? Thanks. If this offtopic conversation gets more than one post response, I'll make sure to continue it through PM.
  3. Yes, it's okay. No, it shouldn't hurt anything. This newer version doesn't change any deep hardcoding that should affect the MM usage. -Edit- Ninja'd. :| And thanks for the update, Sarbian.
  4. Use the Fuselage Fairings (under the Structural tab). They won't decouple and therefore, act as a cup. I've created a short album to detailedly explain how to achieve this. But basically, what you gotta do is connect your payload on the top Interestage Adapter node. That node has a decoupler in it. So, once you stage it, the fairings will stay in place, and the payload will float outside of the fairings cup. Here's the detailed version: For better reading, visit the full album. --- @Azimech: Nice job there! Dat tube!
  5. @jurfburf: You can do it either using a ModuleManager patch (recommended), or editing the original files. If you have Module Manager (you can tell by going into your KSP\GameData folder and looking for a ModuleManager.x.x.x.dll file), use this: Create a new .cfg file containing this: { @TechRequired = start }@PART[KzResizableFairingBase,KzInterstageAdapter2,KzResizableFairingBaseRing,KzProcFairingFuselage1,KzProcFairingFuselage2,KzThrustPlate,KzProcFairingSide1,KzProcFairingSide2]:Final Save the file in your KSP\GameData folder. If you want to edit the original files, do this: - Go into your KSP\GameData\ProceduralFairings folder; - BACKUP YOUR FILES! - Open all the .cfg files, except "Common.cfg"; - On each one, locate the "TechRequired = " line and edit the value to "start" (without caps); - Save, close. I hope that helps.
  6. @Gribbleshnibit8: Take a look at this. It should answer most of your questions about MM usage. In short, you can create a MM patch using a :Final suffix to apply your changes after the mod's changes. So you can put things back the way you want them.
  7. Nothing to do with wanting or not wanting one for the top. I just pointed the info. Also, can you tell us what's the parameter for changing the animation speed using the stock animator? I couldn't find it here. Thanks.
  8. Impossible. This would break the mod. If I had: PART { [COLOR=#0000ff]PARAMETER[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]{[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]name = Orbit [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]}[/COLOR] PARAMETER { name = Surface [COLOR=#008000]PARAMETER[/COLOR] [COLOR=#008000]{[/COLOR] [COLOR=#008000]name = Orbit[/COLOR] [COLOR=#008000]}[/COLOR] } } ... and wished to edit only the blue one, it would be impossible, or would require me adding unnecessary ",numbers".
  9. Hello, TheWibby. Welcome to the forums. For good measure, I suggest you searching a few pages back before posting an issue, if not using the "Search Thread" function on the top right. Doing a quick search, I've came with previous posts explaining the same issue. Basically, this is an issue on the CrowdSourcedScience mod. Delete the original GameData\Squad\Resources\ScienceDefs.cfg file (BACKUP IT FIRST!), and you should be fine.
  10. "ConfigNode.Value.value" With all due respect, this sounds ridiculously funny. "Key" sounds good enough. But since it's Sarbian's mod, I'll keep it as "field", until he says otherwise. Thanks for the info.
  11. @Otis: I think PawelECieslak doesn't want any auto-generating functions anyway. So KER should meet his needs. Anyway, @PawelECieslak: If you're playing on Career, this might help. If not, I don't know how to disable those features on Sandbox: @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[MechJebCore]]:Final { MODULE { name = MechJebCore MechJebLocalSettings { MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleSmartASS {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleNodeEditor {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleTranslatron {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleWarpHelper {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleThrustWindow {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleRoverWindow {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleAscentGuidance {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleLandingGuidance {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleDockingGuidance {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow {unlockTechs = none} MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance {unlockTechs = none} } } } In case it's not obvious, open your notepad, paste this in there and save as a .cfg file inside your KSP\GameData folder.
  12. Agreed. 'Value' seems way more confusing than 'variable' for profane programmers like me.
  13. Thanks for pointing. Though, I took that name from Sarbian's first posts in this thread. I'll leave it like this until he agrees that this should be changed. Edit clarification: I don't get it.
  14. I created a Module Manager Handbook page on the MM wiki, mostly based on the first page of this thread. It covers most basics, but it got quite big, and I can't find a proper place to split it into two different pages. So I threw it all there. I'll start making the Math part and follow-ups on a separate page. I'd like to ask someone to review it and point or fix any errors found. Thanks.
  15. I wanna do it, but I'm afraid to double post information there. I also noticed that many of the info I've asked here are already written there, but they were not clear enough to me at the time. Would it be okay if I made a "MM for du beginners", or "MM FAQ" section over there, covering the most basics/most asked questions over here, even if that means probably repeating already existent info?
  16. Hint: @MODULE,0 { lol stuff } @MODULE[thatmodule],2 { not-so-lol-stuff } @Sarbian: Bad sides of a maintainer. I'm trying my best at my knowledge limits to ease some of your work here in the forums. Let me know if I can help elsehow.
  17. Nice, Taniwha. Your effort is much appreciated, really. You rock.
  18. It's fine, Codepoet. Real life always comes first. Good luck in yours, take your time and thank you very much for the whole effort.
  19. Ah, yes! How could I forget? As far as I understand this pack, you can simply drag the CTNsnacks folder into your GameData folder. But I wasn't able to make it work on mine. Let me check again. - - - Updated - - - Yep, it works. GameData\CTNsnacks
  20. @Sampa: Yes, it's open sourced. Therefore, it's free.
  21. The thing is, we're trying to remove all mod dependencies for animations.
  22. CTNsnacks.zip? I couldn't find it here. This is the official mod download link, for the latest version: https://github.com/tgruetzm/Snacks/releases/download/v0.3.3alpha/Snacks.v0.3.3alpha.zip Put the "Snacks" folder into your GameData folder, make sure you have the latest ModuleManager .dll file in the GameData folder as well, and you should be fine.
  23. Although it should be on the GameData folder, not in the main KSP folder. But I'm not sure this will make any difference.
  24. I know that feel. Recentely, I've lost my first two Kerbals to a Shuttle Orbiter test flight. RIP Lodzor and Theozon. Also, Are you... a Serial Killer?
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