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Everything posted by Youen

  1. So my problem is solved, but just in case it could help with any further debugging or whatever, I just realized now that I'm not using the french version of the game. I'm using the english version, but with the french layout (physical french keyboard, linux french layout, and in-game french layout). In this config, it appears the default keybindings are incorrect, but once you know it, easy to fix by reassigning warp keys.
  2. OK, fixed it. I just reassigned to the same keys. Except for some reason, they are not displayed like the default config (except ";" which I also reassigned but didn't change name). But now it works both for normal warp and force physics warp with right shift. Thanks for the hint!
  3. I don't think "/" is stop warp on my config, I can stop warp with "!" which is a different key. If it was "/" that might explain things though, since it's the same key as ":" but shifted... I'll try to change the key mapping (I haven't changed it at all until now) and see if I can get it to work...
  4. Yes, right shift + F12 opens the console with the cheat menu. Also works in the VAB for duplicating a part etc. But when flying, in space, right shift + ":" does nothing (without holding right shift, it increases "normal" warp speed). When I'm in atmosphere, I can control physics warp just fine (with the GUI or with the keyboard), but I can't force it when in space. (":" is the key that increases warp speed on my keyboard, which is a french keyboard. Maybe there is a bug related to the french layout?)
  5. I'm pretty sure that when I played KSP a while ago, on Windows, I could hold ALT while enabling time warp to force use of physics warp even when I was in space (the default being "on rail" warp). Is this still a thing? I'm now playing on Linux (version 1.12.3), and neither ALT nor RIGHT SHIFT work. I only get "on rail" warp. Am I doing something wrong, or did that feature get removed? It's really a most needed feature since it allows to accelerate burns that take a long time (if I remember correctly?)
  6. CKAN installs a file 999_Scale_Redist.dll at the root of GameData, and Infernal Robotics also has a (different) version in its own folder. Don't know which one is used in the end, also don't know if that was changed in 3.0.7? There must be some change in 3.0.7 that triggers the issue.
  7. Thanks a lot for your testing! I have installed IR 3.0.6 (by hand because CKAN does not know this version) and, as you've found out, this solved the problem :-) I've noticed however that I can't scale actuators any more, don't know if that was a feature introduced in 3.0.7. Not a big problem anyway. I can finally put the final touch on my Moon mission :-) This mod rocks!
  8. Hello, I have a weird bug: as soon as I add a robotics part on a vessel, it breaks all other parts that have been scaled with TweakScale. More precisely, attach nodes become misplaced on the scaled parts (but parts already attached on these nodes remain correctly placed). I can confirm this happens on a clean install of KSP 1.12.3, on which I only add Infernal Robotics v3.0.7 and TweakScale v2.4.6.12 (installed with CKAN). I have tested on linux (debian 11), 64 bits version of KSP. This happens in the VAB, but only after saving/reloading the vessel. Removing all robotics parts and then saving/reloading the vessel again fixes the issue (even parts that were already scaled work correctly after reloading). It's easy to reproduce with a minimal setup: in the VAB, just add a fuel tank, scale it with TweakScale, attach any InfernalRobotics part to it, save, reload, and the attachment nodes are now misplaced on the tank. Here is a short video showing it more clearly than a long talk And if that helps, here is the log Is this a known issue? I haven't found other reports of this issue.
  9. So no one uses this kind of technique for faster iterations during mod development? Or is there a better place to ask? Does anyone use the LoadScene method from the main menu? Is it supposed to work? Thanks for any hint.
  10. During plugin development, it's useful to have the game automatically load a save file and start the flight scene with a specific vessel, each time the game is started. I had some code that did just that, I think it was borrowed from the AutoLoadGame mod (https://github.com/allista/AutoLoadGame) but maybe it was from somewhere else. Anyway, it worked on old KSP versions, but it doesn't work on 1.7. When I call, from the main menu HighLogic.LoadScene(GameScenes.SPACECENTER), it does display the space center, but something is broken and I can't click on any building or do anything. Does anyone know how to do this kind of thing in a recent KSP version?
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