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Everything posted by visivante

  1. Hey guys, I've got KSP working for the most part on Linux with a handful of mods. I'm comfortably floating around the 5-6gb RAM usage when suddenly the game will crash on a scene change. Checking the Player.log indicates: 'Using memoryadresses from more that 16GB of memory' as the last logged line. Which would make sense if I were actually reaching the my rigs limit of 16GB of memory. But I'm watching the Activity Monitor and memory usage never actually goes above ~6GB... So, why would the Player.log be indicating to me that I'm running out of memory when Activity Monitor is saying the opposite? Thanks for the help in advance!
  2. Double checked and I'm using the version compatible with KSP v1.0.2. I didn't see anything erroneous mentioned in the logs regarding ARP. But I'm happy to share them with you if you wouldn't mind looking them over. I'm using other mods too, so if you'd like a log with only ARP just let me know! My KSP.log on dropbox.
  3. I'm not seeing the [Resources] and [Alternate] tabs near the Resources window in the 1.0 update. I've installed into GameData\TriggerTech\KSPAlternateResourcePanel. Pre 1.0 I could switch between default and alternate without problem. However now I have no option to switch to the lovely alternate resource panel :/ Any ideas as to what I may be doing wrong? Thanks!
  4. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98250 Or... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60974-25-HGR-Command-Pods-and-1-875m-parts%28v1-1-Oct-20%29 Bummed this mod died out too... was a beautiful model.
  5. So I've got a rover on the surface of Kerbin. It's on a very slight slope, maybe 10-15 degrees. Whenever I switch to this rover from map view it bounces 10m into the air and comes crashing down. Any idea what might be causing this sort of thing to happen? Very frustrating! Thanks in advance! Edit: I'm playing on 0.90
  6. All of the suggestions and tips presented in this thread are awesome! Thank you so much for taking the time to make these beautiful explanations, I actually learned a lot just by reading through. And this the exact mod I was looking for, thank you so much! -Visi
  7. Hey, I'm curious if anyone knows of a mod that would simplify the use of Maneuver nodes. For instance if I'm in an equatorial orbit and I want to change to a polar orbit I would try and create a maneuver node to a polar orbit first. But I've found that its not as simple as dragging the radial nodes; you end up having to fiddle back and fourth with different node directions for quite a while to get the right balance. Is there any chance a mod exists which would simplify this process and reduce the amount of fiddling necessary? I'm aware of MechJeb and PreciseNode and as far as I know neither of these (besides automatically doing it for you) mods make the process of manually adjusting maneuver nodes like I've described any easier. Thanks in advance! Safe flying! -Visi
  8. Getting this error: KSP-AVC -> System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageException : Could not find file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KSP-AVC\Textures\DropDownHover.png". at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.File.OpenRead (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KSP_AVC.DropDownList.GetTexture (System.String file, Int32 width, Int32 height) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Any ideas what's causing this?
  9. Where can I find the log file? I'd be happy to send it to you. Oh, just KSP.log? Honestly I'm not sure you want to look at this. I've been bouncing between a bunch of different of versions of mods to see which is the culprit.
  10. Hey, sorry for jumping the gun on this. I'm not sure what broke my saves but I'm certain it wasn't the 1.6.1 RT update... Whenever I jump into an active satellite Kerbin suddenly disappears (yes the entire planet, although I can still see Mun) and I lose connection to the probe (even though it showed as connected in the tracking station). And on top of that, if I time warp all parts except the core of the probe disappear as well. I'm so confused as to what I broke or how to fix it... Crap...
  11. After upgrading from v1.6.0 to v1.6.1 all of my satellites are showing 'No Connection.' Any ideas what I may have done wrong? Or is this to be expected after upgrading an existing save? Thanks!
  12. Haha, then he must have posted the update as I was writing my post. Funny coincidence, sorry about that! Thanks for keeping on the updates!
  13. I'm running into a similar problem with any launch vehicle using unmanned probes. Manned flights will work fine, but upon trying to Launch an unmanned vehicle from the VAB I run into a similar problem. For the first few seconds everything seems and looks fine, then the ground and ship disappear leaving only the skybox visible. The game appears to freeze here for a moment. But, shortly afterwards the normal image is restored, unfortunately at the same time as the audio to freezes and all menu buttons become unresponsive. I'm running quite a few mods as well, but I've isolated the problem to WernherChecker. And it only happens with unmanned probe controlled vehicles. Manned vehicles work. Quite strange! Love this mod to death, hope there's a simple fix for this very wonky bug!
  14. After using this command pod for hours I came back here to say just this. I really hope Squad sees this and chooses to implement it in a future release like they did with the Spaceplane parts! The IVA is coming along beautifully! Thanks so much for taking the time to do it right, your work is appreciated!
  15. PringleMan had requested in the old thread, "I would be interested in seeing a new part added to this mod that is an adjustable balance weight. Sometimes I run into problems with rocket design where I have parts that unbalance my rocket because it would be horribly redundant to have multiples, but you have to in order to maintain a centered CoM. So a radial adjustable weight would be awesome!" And I completely second this idea! In addition, a stack-able test weight would also be helpful. Basically, test weights for all purposes! Once you have the ability to use the test weight for rockets you feel silly not being able to use test weights on other types of craft!
  16. Even with the new crew-saving feature I've found myself really, really missing WernherChecker. So please have it still ask about crew lineup, or at least have that feature be toggle-able! Thanks so much for your continued efforts!
  17. I can't figure out why, whenever I use this pod the camera lowers its focus away from the craft after every 6000m. The camera slowly starts to lag behind the craft until a minute or so later the craft is 1km above where the camera is focused. It looks exactly like this. It's a very sudden and very consistent effect at that altitude when only using this pod. Thanks! Edit: Words and stuff. Edit 2: Testing: Edit 3: Even further testing: After further testing, this bug only appears when I'm using Real Chutes and have attached a parachute to the craft. At 6000m the parachute (any parachute) disappears/detaches itself from the craft (regardless of placement). Then the camera, trying to follow the newly adjusted CoM from the parachute detachment, slides downwards further and further. If I remove all parachutes OR remove the Real Chute mod, then this bug goes away. And again, it only happens when flying with the K2 capsule. Very strange... Do I need a special MM config to make this capsule compatible with Real Chutes? I only thought that were necessary if the part included a parachute (which this doesnt, as far as I know...). Any help making these two wonderful mods play together nicely would be appreciated! Thanks! Edit 4: Figured it out. Sorry, I pointed the finger in the wrong direction! Something in the Real Chute update causes this problem with all pods/chutes at 6000m for me. Reverting back to Real Chute fixed this bug!
  18. You don't truly notice how helpful this little mod is until its missing again. I can't wait for this to be updated for 0.90! Thanks so much for such a helpful mod and happy holidays!
  19. Recompile for 0.90 coming soon? I absolutely adore this mod and KSP doesn't feel right without it anymore! Thanks for your hard work and creativity!
  20. Is there a tutorial for creating MM configs for different mods that include parachutes? I've dug around and can't seem to find any. And when I try and create one myself strange things start happening xD For example USI's new Sounding Rockets. They go pretty damn fast, and as a result come back down pretty damn fast too. The stock chute has a tendency to promote rapid deconstruction... A RealChute would likely fix the issue. Thanks in advance!
  21. Hey AlphaAsh, thank you for putting so much time and effort into this awesome and immersive mod! I've been running it well in KSP 24.2 64Bit. My only request is a list of Latitude and Longitude coordinates for each of the bases so I can synchronize your bases with RemoteTech2 ground stations, I think that would be really cool! Thanks! Can't wait for more bases spread around the continents -- I love flying around from base to base!
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