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Everything posted by TheKutKu

  1. The rules really need a revamp, I have a question about the rule 8 ( 8- Players are not allowed to intentionally edit the orbit of enemy craft via any method other than weapons fire (because there's gonnabe some recoil when your ship gets hit with an I-beam, I mean come on).) is it allowed to build a missile That intentionnally alter the ship's orbit, i e a slow and heavy missile
  2. A Warhammer thread! I have some Tau in W40k, maybe 400 points, 3/4 assembled, 1/4 painted I also have a 1500 point Dark elf army in Warhammer, all assembled and painted
  3. Well, who wants to fight me? Also, zekes , what s the part court of this ship?
  4. Does somebody use surface to orbit weapons?
  5. I really think you should fire farther than 40 m away from the target
  6. Before 23.5 , i used every times, but with the 3 M part and the new career mode, i almost never have to use asparagus staging in stock ksp( but i still use it in RSS)
  7. You can use jet engine in atmosphere that has oxygen, also, i would have voted ike (i love ike) if it was available
  8. I don't think modulars ships will make any ships obsolete, they are less efficient than a non-modular ship at the same weight, and the sucess isn't assured at all, if the weapons are destroyed , the modular ship is useless, also, multiples impacts/shots prevent them from reassembling, my RCS missile makes multiple impacts, i don't think your ships will reeassemble after. also, can someone brief me about the meta game?
  9. Here it is: It's the armored version (with structural panels under the wings) it weight 9 T with armor and 1.5 T without armor, it is rather useless in turn combat, but i think it can be very useful for standardized transport
  10. no, it is not like rune's ship, it is a set of ship/subassemblies That are standardized, more like container, each have a bit of sas and RCS for docking, but each have a fonction, one for the engines, another for the fuel, the cargo bay...., each module can be easily exchanged for one other , even if the ship isn't damaged I don't think it is useful in navals battle ( maybeline more why it Will be real time) , but i think i Will make a rocker building company. I think That the more difficult thing to design when building a modular ship is the arlor répartition between the modules.
  11. I've got an idea: a set of modules That Can be easily assembled to make ships, i m building it and Will share it
  12. 7/10, already saw you on some threads
  13. Ok, , one thing, please don't use any ship with more than 600 parts, please, for my computer's sake Also, i don't think i will use this ship, it weight more than 200+ T And the nuclear engines can be exchanged with mainsail, for 3500 DV and 1.4 TWR (is it good for a 200T ship)? Oh, my creative rut has begun
  14. I download mods, i also play other games (currently on alien isolation)
  15. T with the RCS engines, you cna build a 20t+ Guided missile with 15 TWR, That really hurts EDIT: I'm actually building this ship: It is fully armored behind the wings, i haven't build the weapons yet, but i think it can carry more weapons than a Drek, also, i'll try to make it flyable in Laythe's atmosphere Who wants to fight me?
  16. Ok, but i can't play ksp for some hours . Also, i have a Light fighter (15 T), A medium ship (50 T, with anti capital ships weapons) and i am building a heavy ship (maybe 100+T, and more than 300 parts)
  17. So, ScriptKitt? Do you accept the fight Also, all my ships are very unoriginal , but it is my first battle Also, with DMP, why don't we do real time battles?
  18. ^^ Why dont you build high TWR ratio missiles? so you can launch them at 100-200 M away from the ship
  19. Oh s*** , my computer will cry (700 part is the limit, with maybe 5 fps)
  20. Maybe, but they are a bit heavy for my computer, anyway ,TY
  21. Yeah, i would like to fight you ScriptKitt2h, what's the rules/ craft number limitation? However, i don't have any big ship (my heaviest is 53 T) so, it's over duna?
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