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Everything posted by kineticPull

  1. I'm having a bit of an issue with the modules: after assembling my base on minmus (1 ponderosa, 3 chuckwagons) I left for the space center, came back, and the whole structure was thrown into the air. This seemed to happen whenever the structure was loaded into physics. I am going to test this with KJR later and see what happens. Thx. Edit: KJR still launches the base into the air, but it doesn't shake it like in stock.
  2. My craft are having an issue. When I add wings to a vehicle, the center of lift remains stationary relative to the original center of mass (sans wings). This issue does not occur in stock. I'm running ksp 64 bit linux (gentoo to be exact)
  3. I am working on a mun–minus cycler, similar to the Aldrin cycler, but I am unable to find any information on the Mun–Minmus Synodic period, or the time in between transfer windows. If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be great!
  4. Ocean working now, horizon is still rotated 90 degrees
  5. So I need an xxx_map, an xxx_height (greyscale), and an xxx_normal. If this works thank you very much. Last thing, how do I add Oceans? EDIT: Didn't work. Added height maps, but they still are tilted Here's my RSS config for my innermost planet: Femia { SSBump = GameData/Kopernicus/Textures/Femia_normal.png useSphericalSSM = false PQS { Femia { Add { PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend { vertexColorMap = GameData/Kopernicus/Textures/Femia_map.png blend = 1.0 order = 9999993 } } } } }
  6. I dont think so about the normal maps. I have both a normal map and a color map in my textures folder, and the normal map is being referenced in RSS
  7. I'm having an issue with the planets I'm making. The gas giants work fine, but the rocky bodies have their day side perpendicular to the line-of-sight to the sun, and I'm unable to fix this. Thanks in advance
  8. I'm currently remodelling the whole pod, and it looks much better to me now. I just can't figure out how to make my textures look half-decent. The Pod remodel will come with a (basic (for now)) IVA. Wondering about the blue emissives inside the pod.
  9. Thanks for the tip. The service module is currently upwards of 9000 polys, and I'm not sure how to lower it without damaging the shape of the radiator. Do you know of any way I could fix this?
  10. So, its finally in a goodish enough state to post. I present my replication of the Boeing CST-100 Spacecraft As you can see, very unfinished, especially the textures; however, a preliminary download is below. Download:https://www.dropbox.com/s/k1pu4qvnn0gaqs6/CST-100.zip?dl=0 For those willing to help me, I could use a good texturing tutorial that starts with UV mapping.
  11. My problem now is that I cant kill Kerbals in seats 1 to crewNum. crewNum being equal to vessel.GetCrewCount()
  12. That would be the easy way out. I'm trying to learn how to code C# in KSP, and i'm asking for help on the things I'm completely stuck on. but I figured it out. using UnityEngine; namespace BASIK_Life_Support { public class LifeSupport : PartModule { public PartResource oxygen = null; public void Update(ProtoCrewMember member) { PartResourceList prl = part.Resources; foreach (PartResource wanted_resource in prl) { if (wanted_resource.resourceName == "Oxygen") { oxygen = wanted_resource; } } if ( oxygen.amount <= 0) { part.RemoveCrewmember(member); member.seat = null; member.rosterStatus = ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Dead; } else { oxygen.amount -= (0.2 * part.protoModuleCrew.Count); } } } } I hope it works
  13. and how would I make it check for and consume a resource (oxygen)
  14. So I'm making a very simple life support mod, and I can't figure out how to detect the number of crew members in the part, or kill one. Please help.
  15. I'd think that the code above would work, but I don't know why it isn't.
  16. So I got that working, but now when I try to make an oceanic planet, it won't work
  17. using UnityEngine; namespace OceanExpansion { public class OceanCrash : PartModule { [KSPField] public float HSplashTolerance; [KSPField] public float VSplashTolerance; [KSPField] public double VSplash; public double vertical; public void OnStart() { if (vertical <= VSplash) { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) { part.crashTolerance = HSplashTolerance; } else { part.crashTolerance = VSplashTolerance; } } else { part.crashTolerance = VSplashTolerance; } vertical = vessel.verticalSpeed; } public void OnLoad() { vertical = vessel.verticalSpeed; if (vertical <= VSplash) { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) { part.crashTolerance = HSplashTolerance; } else { part.crashTolerance = VSplashTolerance; } } else { if (vertical > VSplash) { part.crashTolerance = VSplashTolerance; } } } public void OnSave() { vertical = vessel.verticalSpeed; if (vertical <= VSplash) { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) { part.crashTolerance = HSplashTolerance; } else { part.crashTolerance = VSplashTolerance; } } else { if (vertical > VSplash) { part.crashTolerance = VSplashTolerance; } } } public void Update() { if (vertical <= VSplash) { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) { part.crashTolerance = HSplashTolerance; } else { part.crashTolerance = VSplashTolerance; } } else { if (vertical > VSplash) { part.crashTolerance = VSplashTolerance; } } vertical = vessel.verticalSpeed; } } } Here's my current code. It runs fine in ksp, and the part (KORD drop pod) does what it is supposed to. It has a 1000 crash tolerance over water, and a 14 over land. my current problem is making a vertical speed of >14 m/s over water destroy the pod, where a >14 m/s horizontal speed over water will not.
  18. My code is working fine without public override void, it even throws an error with it. Everything is working except the low vertical/high horizontal crash tolerance
  19. I changed it so that it wasn't comparing doubles to floats, but it still won't work
  20. Thanks. I just got started with this plugin developing yesterday, so I don't really know what I'm doing. Also, I tried using vessel.VerticalSpeed to have the part only survive high velocity landings if the they were horizontal. Here's what I have. if (vessel.verticalSpeed <= VSplashTolerance) { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) part.crashTolerance = HSplashTolerance; else part.crashTolerance = VSplashTolerance; } The part survived all water landings no matter how fast. I might have a page in Add on Development tomorrow...
  21. Thanks everybody! here's what I have now. When I used public override void, it said "no suitable method to override" using UnityEngine; namespace OceanExpansion { public class OceanCrash : PartModule { bool aboveWater = false; public void OnStart() { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) part.crashTolerance = 1000; else part.crashTolerance = 14; do { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) part.crashTolerance = 1000; if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) aboveWater = true; } while (aboveWater == false); do { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() >= 0) part.crashTolerance = 14; if (vessel.PQSAltitude() >= 0) aboveWater = false; } while (aboveWater == true); } public void OnLoad() { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) part.crashTolerance = 1000; else part.crashTolerance = 14; do { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) part.crashTolerance = 1000; if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) aboveWater = true; } while (aboveWater == false); do { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() >= 0) part.crashTolerance = 14; if (vessel.PQSAltitude() >= 0) aboveWater = false; } while (aboveWater == true); } public void OnSave() { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) part.crashTolerance = 1000; else part.crashTolerance = 14; do { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) part.crashTolerance = 1000; if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) aboveWater = true; } while (aboveWater == false); do { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() >= 0) part.crashTolerance = 14; if (vessel.PQSAltitude() >= 0) aboveWater = false; } while (aboveWater == true); } public void overWater() { do { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) part.crashTolerance = 1000; if (vessel.PQSAltitude() <= 0) aboveWater = true; } while (aboveWater == false); do { if (vessel.PQSAltitude() >= 0) part.crashTolerance = 14; if (vessel.PQSAltitude() >= 0) aboveWater = false; } while (aboveWater == true); } } } Still goes boom when it hits the water.
  22. So I want to make it so that when I hit the ocean at a speed less than 1000 m/s (Debug speed) my part survives, but when I hit the land, it doesn't survive if it is greater than 14 m/s here is my code using UnityEngine; namespace OceanExpansion { public class OceanCrash : PartModule { public void OnStart(Vessel.Situations state) { if (state == Vessel.Situations.SPLASHED) part.crashTolerance = 1000; else part.crashTolerance = 6; } public void OnLoad(Vessel.Situations state) { if (state == Vessel.Situations.SPLASHED) part.crashTolerance = 1000; else part.crashTolerance = 6; } public void OnSave(Vessel.Situations state) { if (state == Vessel.Situations.SPLASHED) part.crashTolerance = 1000; else part.crashTolerance = 6; } } } What am I doing wrong?
  23. I found My favorite spot on Kopernicus Coordinates are 4*53'33" north, 84*18'31" east
  24. Hello, and welcome to my Wharf! Here are some standard seaplanes (they actually work) from my personal collection. First up is the Seaplane Mini. (currently the only one. posting takes time) https://www.dropbox.com/s/79da4znabxaukow/Seaplane%20Mini.craft
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