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Everything posted by Nahku

  1. Yes, I grabbed the most recent DSEV_1_0_3.zip from https://github.com/Angel-125/DSEV/releases (edit: just tried again with no luck. Am I supposed to do anything with the "Squad" or "CommunityResourcePack" folders in the zip file? Installation instructions only says: "Copy the WildBlueIndustries directory into your GameData folder.")
  2. I'm having a hard time getting this mod running. I've removed all other mods, in order to rule out conflicts. I copied the WildBlueIndustries folder into GameData as instructed. I typically run 10-15 mods which I manually copy into GameData, so I'm fairly sure I'm not doing anything wrong on that side.. I noticed other folders in the zip file, but no mention of what to do with them. Are they dependencies? Are there other dependencies other than Infernal Robotics? I have only DSEV and Infernal Robotics in my gamedata folder at the moment (and Squad of course) and it's still freezing during loading at the same point, loading the AJ5ArcJetEngine. It actually doesn't freeze, the little "flavor text" over the loading bar keeps changing, but it never fully loads. Any ideas? Thanks. (edit: did a complete uninstall and deletion of the game directory, and after reinstalling, same issue) Updating with image:
  3. Thanks, I appreciate it. I'll get that done. And yes, I agree, the site links are a bit hard to read. I get the "dark" thing, but a couple bumps up in the brightness on that color could help a bit.
  4. Probably a dumb question, but I can't find any answers using my search/Google-fu... How does one get their server to show up on the server list? I didn't see anything about server setup, so I just kind of rolled through the config file and updated as I saw fit. If I put anything in the HTTP polling value, it causes the server to not start up though. p.s. - Thanks for making this looks to be a lot of fun.
  5. I just wanted to chime in and say that this is an amazing mod, I've used it for a while now. Keep up the great work, and thanks for all you've done. One of my favorites for sure.
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