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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. Just calling from Veto Aerospace. We're sending our prototype Turbine class AWACS/AMS [Airbourne Muon Scanner] to what you refer to as 'Eve Base'. We hope you can receive it. [images soon.]
  2. I smiled within the first sentance of that video.
  3. You see, this is why we can't have nice things. And also why I name my aircraft things like 'Storm Petrel' and 'Sealynx' that no one else uses.
  4. Some nice parts there. I thought I was listening to the song the Russians were singing at the start of Hunt For Red October until suddenly 'OH MY GOD' and it was all bass music.
  5. A sort of continuation of the Goddard's Legacy adventure map I made, except so far this is just shaping up to be an exploration place, as there's no storyline yet. Although it might be some time in the future: Having performed as well as could be expected under the conditions in Seacliff Base, Security Forces decides that you - having the most experience with Goddard Engineering facilities - are the best suited Section 7 agent to send on a recon mission to 'Fort Freon'. Images here do not show Fort Freon - that hasn't been built yet, and will be constructed in the Nether. What you're seeing is Access Point #3, a facility designed as a transport base that holds a Nether portal. It is severely damaged and has been abandoned, which gives you the chance to get in undetected. [iIMG]http://i.imgur.com/tJs0h.png
  6. Are you talking [spoiler"This"] [spoiler"Or this?"] I was planning on doing it in true Kerbal fashion - most of the front end would be from a lego helicopter. The rest would be all sorts of parts dredged from the bottom of my crate stack.
  7. 9/10 Nigh on three and a half thousand posts, one of the best craft builders in the community, and I RPed with you for ages.
  8. It won't come down slow enough to touch its gear down safely?
  9. I find myself wondering when it would have arrived at the pole. If it took one hour to go from KSC to the edge of the icesheet to KSC2, it must have gone from place to place pretty quick. I saw nothing above 400 m/s outside of steep falls from altitude.
  10. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/20323-KBC-News-24-Polar-Return-Flight-Survives-In-Air-Breakup I could have ended the flight after the entirety of my tail, including the engines, broke away. However, I decided to put that baby down. It survived the landing.
  11. Flight path was intended as KSC to North Pole to KSC, until Veto Aerospace was informed that the previous polar missions [including two whose aircraft had been wrecked] had already been evacuated and snowed over. The aircraft, Polar Conveyor, proceeded to divert to KSC-2. Landing was successful. The pilot decided to return to KSC, and took off - during takeoff procedure, a major component of the fuselage broke away.
  12. Haven't done it yet, but I've set up the Veto aerospace passenger cabin to carry 12 Kerbals, and I'll be sending a rescue plane to the North Pole to pick up the standed Kerbals of three seperate polar research missions - one aircraft is low on fuel, two others have been heavy damaged. With a good enough design, I should be able to make the return trip too. EDIT: Just realised two problems: One, the VA crew cabin has not been given a hatch for Kerbals to enter through, and two, I deleted my old save file and the crashed pole planes are no longer there.
  13. Well, if Jeremy Clarkson played KSP, he'd build what I'm planning. Rather than exploiting the Oberth effect like James May would, he'd just be all like 'POWERRRRR!' before shunting his ship down to Moho. In many ways, he is like Jeb but in real life and with cars instead of rockets.
  14. Veto Aerospace's latest effort, a low orbit craft intended for Moho exploration - named Low Orbit Explorer - carried out its mission, and followed orders to exhaust fuel at lowest possible orbit. This should give a better idea as to what size of craft the delta-v neccessary to reach low orbit translates to for future reference. This craft can only reach around Eve orbit.
  15. More to the point is that it can get over rubble piles that tracked or wheeled vehicles may not be able to. I don't need to justify this, since they are almost entirely based off rule of cool anyway - no sane modern military is going to build one. But in my webcomic, these are built by a corporation which has an entire market niche to itself in militaries who aren't sane - somewhere in the galaxy, some general will want walkers or flying mechs, and Hawthorn builds them. That they aren't as good as tracked of wheeled vehicles doesn't mean no one wants one. Hawthorn Industries just puts 'most useful for rough terrain or damaged urban environments' on its description because that's what its best at, even if its best isn't as good as other types of vehicle.
  16. Were plugins released after demo final update? Because those can get really interesting.
  17. That's because it was made in Spore. A number of the vehicles in my webcomic were/will be. It's just an easy way to design them. The idea is that its an urban combat vehicle, so anyone with a mortar or RPG will have to be somewhere with line-of-sight with their target, and that's going to be quite close. Elsewhere, this vehicle does not lead assaults. That job is left to tracked and wheeled vehicles. The Empire in Star Wars relied way too heavily on walkers.
  18. Could you build a spaceplane with lego? I wonder if I have enough to do it.
  19. Soon, I shall add missiles to my Sealynx VTOL, and add bombs to one of my polar mission aircraft. Then I shall post them here.
  20. It's a really big lander going to the Mun, landing, then going back to Kerbin, with noise effects and [presumably] Apollo image style text overlays.
  21. The Hawthorn Industries D90 'Arctic' is a walking tank design intended for difficult terrain, and escalated urban warefare. It carries four heavy weapons and two machineguns, the latter operated by a gunner in the lower cupola. Armour was traded for speed.
  22. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Makes the sufferer want everything to be neat, and makes them focus on it for that reason.
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