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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. Thanks, Softweir. I'll take spoilers into consideration.
  2. ==================== Primary Mission Images ==================== In this second attempt, the basic Explorer design was fitted with the fuel line that was missing from the original, granting it far greater Delta-V capacity, or at least, the capacity it would have had if the original had been fitted with the line in the first place. Few images were taken during the mission, and the only image that can be provided of the entire vehicle is that of DSE 1. Deep Space Explorer One Flight Path. All images taken following the SKO Incident were retrieved from the vessel's emergency beacon pod, as the Deep Space Explorer's communications array had been lost with the engine section. ==================== Space Kraken Onset Incident ==================== Following MECO after successful achievement of Kerbol escape trajectory, the Space Kraken phenomena caused the engine section to break in two. A Kerbonaut goes EVA to check the damage. Crew moves to habitation section as planned. Orbital path Final image.
  3. Sorry, this forum has some weird way of doing spoilers that I don't get.
  4. Jeb's head exploded! It couldn't have been a fault with the spacecraft - explosive decompression would require a lot more air than the Deep Space Explorer carries! And Seanwig is fine, he's just being held in place by the prototype coffee maker.
  5. ==================== Primary Mission Images ==================== Trans-Munar-Intercept burn Flight path Leaving Kerbin Trans-Munar flight Munar flyby Trans-Minmus Hohmann transfer orbit Perigee raised to avoid Mun encounters Minmus intercept orbit Minmus flyby Nedson's EVA Kerbin escape burn Escape trajectory Kerbol orbit established Unexpected MECO. Seanwig EVAs to check engines Problem found. Missing fuel connection between main fuel tanks and engine section Craft evidently not leaving Kerbol orbit. Crew moves into habitation area. Seanwig attacked by experimental robotic arms Space Kraken onset incident. RCS control effective, but not a stability solution Mission ongoing, though primary goal [following Deep Space Surveyor into escape trajectory] considered a failure.
  6. Was it too heavy for the orbit vehicle and too lazy to control?
  7. List of my craft names: -------------------------- Accelleron AmpiSat Angel Anhinga Ascension Astra Clipper Concord Corona Cougar Crescent Cyclone Dart Dawn Deep Space Surveyor Defender Dragonfly Explorer Firelight Goldleaf Goshawk Helix Ibis Kestrel Kittiwake Leviathan Mercedies Munar Searcher Observer Osprey Polar Searcher PoleComms Puma Quantum Relay Conveyor Sanctuary Conveyor Scorch Sea Vulture Seagull Seahawk Rescue Sealynx Searchlight Sentry Shadow Silicon Sincerity Skypper Softwhale Softwing Solar Observer Solstice Sparrow Spirit Starbus StarHab Starlight Storm Petrel Stormfront Sunbird Sunrise Surveyor Surveyor Advanced Sweep Swift Talon Transit Tsinoy Velocity Vulcan Werewolf Wildcat Wildfire Wolfe Aquila Aspiration Marauder Orca Polar Venturer Seafox Seakittyhawk Seavixen Spiral Summersky Valkyrie Vauxhall Vortex Vulture
  8. Carts Truss Pack Mechjeb Orbital Construction Probododyne Leucome 3m Nuclear Engine NovaPunch pack A few pieces of Kosmos [solar panels, radiators, and mounts for them] Damned Industries Muon Detector C7 Flight Pack KW Rocketry pack That's probably most of them.
  9. I often look that unhappy. It is not indicative of my actual mood.
  10. Everyone knows stock parts can make a Kerbol escape, but like I said, the goal was to make the most awesome-looking ship for the job. This was worth me posting it. If it was stock I wouldn't have bothered.
  11. Please note that I did use the Orbital Construction hyperdrive to get it up into orbit, but I can do rendezvous so I could have done it manually anyway. The primary excercise was getting the most awesome-looking Kerbol escape vehicle into an escape trajectory.
  12. ==================== Primary Mission Images ==================== Kerbin escape trajectory Escape burn initiation Burn continues Deep space mission photos
  13. No, I mean there is a definite point where orbit turns into escape trajectory. I have a craft on an escape trajectory, I just want to know where that point is.
  14. How far does Kerbol's SoI reach? I know I'm on an escape trajectory, but I don't know whether I am out of Kerbol's SoI yet because the Patched Conics have failed and are not showing my course.
  15. ==================== Secondary Mission Images ==================== ==================== Primary Mission Images ==================== =================== Kraken Onset Incident =================== Control loss causes complete inability to perform prograde burn. Crew recognises control loss means no hope of return to Kerbin SoI for mission abort. Capsule jettisons main section and attempts to complete escape burn. Capsule exhausts propellant. Kerbol escape not achieved. Deep Space Surveyor mission designated a failure. The Kerbal Space Program sends its regards to crew members Nelvey, Bob and Diner Kerman.
  16. The afore-mentioned manned station came with gravity wheel design, and was to hold at least 30 crew. As opposed to a planned Nautilus test ring that isn't yet built and a station which holds around four.
  17. His idea was based on the fact that the space station would be manned. When microprocessors were invented, computers could be made small enough to do the space station's job in a satellite, and with very little maintainance. Because no massive space station, no platform to launch bigger moon missions from. Because no space station, we got stuck with shuttles that didn't pay for themselves and rocket's that don't tend to go past geostationary orbit unless they are carrying something special.
  18. Well, Von Braun had a plan for a manned space station with a fleet of Moon-return vehicles that could have been built by now if the microprocessor hadn't been invented when it was. So I'm sure he liked sci-fi.
  19. You can have the link now, but it's mostly fillers so far. http://rankamateur.thecomicseries.com/
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