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Everything posted by Lookerksy

  1. Thanks for your quick reply. I'm very dependant on kOS. Hope new version will be released ASAP.
  2. Suggest add a function about temperature in Atmosphere Struct in the next kOS version. In v0.18.2, player can only get temperature sensor part. But atmospheres have different temperature at different height. Thanks.
  3. Has someone got the atmospheric drag function from game files, or an approximate function by fitting? I want to try to simulate flight in mathematical software. It's necessary. Thanks.
  4. Thank you for your reply. Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well. 1. I know the stock game have some damaged parts. For example, when the rover is too fast, maybe you will get a flat tire. Then you can repair wheel in EVA. Wheels, lander structs and chutes. They require repair(or repack) and an engineer. But why need an engineer? It shall be not necessary. I wish a pilotless vessel can also repair(or repack). You're right. I want a part. The part is to repair(or repack) wheels, lander structs and chutes. 2. I know Kerbal Krash Systems. I think It's not relevant.
  5. I think there should be a repairing MOD to replace of crew EVA repairing. A new part to repack chute, and repair other damaged parts(like wheels and landing structs). It can be fixed on a robotic arm, be moved and repair parts near it. Repairing will cost ElectricCharge, prperhaps and a new resource(like RocketParts in Extraplanetary_Launchpads MOD). Thanks.
  6. To the author of kOS: A new structure about control view. Rotation and far/near. Would you add a such structure into new version kOS? Then in some cases, the players can say goodbye to mouse wheel. Thanks.
  7. Four question: 1. How to use the keywords "batch" and "deploy"? 2. I can't understand what's math function ROUND(a, meaning. 3. If I SET SASMode TO StabilityAssist (or Stability) in kOS. What will happen? 4. The online manual(http://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS_DOC/) says: If a vessel without antenna is more than 100km far from mission control center, the Volume 0 can't be visited from the vessel. But when my vessel was near 500km orbit I still successed to do anything of Volume 0. What's matter?
  8. Has anyone writing kOS codes by Vim/Gvim? I'm looking for the Vim/Gvim's Syntax Config Files for kOS? Thanks.
  9. Anyone knows how to change kOS's full physics range? (2.5 km) Thanks.
  10. I find kOS will disable Ship:Control:Pitch when "set Ship:Control:Pitch to 1." But it doesn't work when "set Ship:Control:Pitch to 0." Maybe "Ship:Control:Pitch=0" means kOS is no controling veesl's Pitch. So a compromised way is: set Ship:Control:Pitch to a very small value(like 0.0001). And in next turn,set Ship:Control:Pitch to -Ship:Control:Pitch. - - - Updated - - - Oh... ":" and "P" equals ?
  11. How to disable the control from Keyboard? I want to reprogram for pilot input like W A S D Q E keys. Thanks.
  12. Q1: How to change kOS's full physics range? (i.e. 2.5 km) A1: Q2: Online manual(http://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS_DOC/) says: Once a vessel is more than 100,000 meters away from mission control, by default it cannot access the files on the archive. But I succeed to cpoy files from Volume_0 to VOlume_1 when I was very far from Kerbin(when I was near Dres). What did I do wrong? and How shall I verify this rule? A2: Q3: There are two keywords("batch" and "deploy") in online manual. How to use these keywords? A3: A4: what's meaning of the math function round(a,? Online manual says "Rounds to the nearest place value". Waht's the nearest place value meaning? A4:
  13. Thanks for you quick reply. Now I have a new Question: In Program A, can I call a function in Program B?
  14. By kOS, Can I create, compile or run a .ks file in the folder "GamePath\Ships\Script\NewFolder\"? Thanks.
  15. How can I get terminal velocity of the vessel in air? I find "SHIP:TERMVELOCITY" at http://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS_DOC/. But it seems to not work in least version. Thanks.
  16. When I crate a maneuvernode to enter a circle orbit during launch, I think I shall get Velocity at Apoapsis firstly. So I code VelocityAt(Ship,Time:Seconds+ETA:Apoapsis):Orbit:Mag, but its value is different from real velocity. So new orbit's Apoapsis will be different from I expect. like following: set EtaTime to ETA:Apoapsis. set V1 to VelocityAt(Ship,Time:Seconds+EtaTime):Orbit:Mag. //get V1 -> Velocity at Apoapsis according to current orbit. BUT IT RETURN A WRONG VALUE set V2 to Sqrt (Constant():G*Kerbin:Mass/Kerbin:Radius). //get V2 -> Velocity shall be after node, I want to get a circle orbit. calculate from GM=V2R set MyNode to Node (Time:Seconds+EtaTime,0,0,V2-V1). //get deltaV=V2-V1 add MyNode. Thanks.
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