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Manwith Noname

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Everything posted by Manwith Noname

  1. Essentially, yes, though that is a part of the "thinking in progress" title. I was going to add a roadmap to the opening post at some point when I've though it out some more but off the top of my head it looks something like this... Phase 1 - Get maps made / tidy for parts and working in game. Phase 2 - Create dedicated specular / metallic maps. Phase 3 - Normals? There's also something I need to decide before starting phase 2 in earnest. Textures for masked shading without "tinting mode" appear to all be scaled around 127 / 128 RGB values while the tinting mode expects the max value to be 255...though I might be mistaken and misread things. After converting configs to work in 1.4 I started dabbling in Phase 2 but I will probably revert to how things were working prior for any test release as converting every parts textures is quite a task to do and while without them there are issues, having a mismatch of how parts and textures are setup is probably more annoying. I should perhaps also mention, while getting stock sorted should probably be the priority, I have some mods covered too and would like to cover more.
  2. @Shadowmage While trying to get recolouring to stick on parts with variants, I came unstuck with the recolour GUI not being added to the right click menu. To test this further I tried on a part with no variants and it seems that the recolour GUI doesn't pick up the shader when being applied via the KSP_MODEL_SHADER method. Here's an example of what I tested on another stock part... KSP_MODEL_SHADER:NEEDS[TexturesUnlimited] { name = CupolaTest_Recolour model = Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/model recolorable = true MATERIAL { shader = SSTU/PBR/Masked texture = _MainTex,Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/ksp_l_cupola_diff texture = _SpecMap,TU_Stock_Recolour/Command/Cupola/131_cupola_Spec texture = _Emissive,Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/cupola_Emissive texture = _MaskTex,TU_Stock_Recolour/Command/Cupola/131_cupola_Paint PROPERTY { name = TINTING_MODE keyword = TINTING_MODE } } COLORS { mainColor = absolute_black secondColor = gold detailColor = absolute_white } } @PART[cupola]:NEEDS[TexturesUnlimited] { MODULE { name = SSTURecolorGUI } } Is this intended behaviour, a bug...or have I missed something? I know the shader is being applied because the colour definitions are displayed correctly, I just cannot control them with the GUI because the button to open it does not appear.
  3. What is this? This is a continuation / adaptation / expansion of previous work I undertook for the mod KerbPaint many moons ago. It now uses shaders made available via Textures Unlimited to bring user control over the colour and material properties of many many parts. Can we see it? The following pics show the colour mapping for stock parts. Here's something a bit more...tasteful......maybe. Known issues: Fairings...it's always the fairings. Installation and Dependencies: Ensure both Textures Unlimited (specific version currently supplied in download) and Module Manager are installed. Download the Stock Recolour pack below and place it appropriately within your game directory. Extra packs can then be installed if you have the mods they cover. Correct installation will result in all packs being placed within a dedicated Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot folder so your GameData isn't taken over by them. NOTE: The config files specify paths to textures. If you alter the path of a pack or it's parent mod, the universe will collapse. Important: In order for these packs to display as intended, it is important that the Reflection Refresh Mode in the games graphics options is set to anything other than OFF. Choose a refresh rate that suits you and your hardware but reflections need to be enabled for correct rendering. It is also currently critical for the included version of Textures Unlimited to be used over the public release. Downloads Stock Recolour This is the core pack. It applies the TU texture switch module and enables switching between default stock shaders and the PBR recolour shader of TU for stock parts. MK2 Expansion This pack applies the stock colour maps to parts in the MK2 Expansion mod by SuicidalInsanity. The Stock Recolour pack above is required. MK2 Expansion mod thread here. MK3 Expansion This pack applies the stock colour maps to parts in the MK3 Expansion mod by SuicidalInsanity. The Stock Recolour pack above is required. MK3 Expansion mod thread here. MKIV Spaceplane Systems Adds TU Texture switch and recolour functionality to the MKIV Spaceplane Systems mod by Nertea. Currently requires the core Stock Recolour pack, this may change. The MKIV Spaceplane Systems mod can be found here. Special note: Texture files remain under All Rights Reserved license. OPT Spaceplane This pack applies the TU texture Switch module to OPT Spaceplane parts to enable switching between the stock and recolour shaders. Currently requires the core Stock Recolour pack, this may change. OPT Spaceplane mod thread here. Airplane Plus Adds TU texture switch module to Airplane Plus parts and allows switching between stock and recolour shaders. Requires the core Stock Recolour pack above. Airplane Plus mod thread can be found here. Procedural Wings "Original" Paint wings, procedurally with this pack. Currently requires the core Stock Recolour pack, this may change. "Original" pWings mod thread found here. B9 Paint wings, procedurally with this pack. Currently requires the core Stock Recolour pack, this may change. B9 pWings mod thread found here. pGlass This pack adds a recolourable translucent texture set to both the original and B9 pWings packs. You will need either or both pWings mods and the corresponding recolour packs. Licensing Unless otherwise stated. Third party Content Below you can find additional content thanks to the hard work and dedication of other members in the community. Shower them with your appreciation and support. Making History and Breaking Ground Thanks to @OnlyLightMatters you can supplement your stock recolour experience with packs for the parts in the Two DLCs available on their GitHub page. BD Armoury Thanks to @Spartwo you can put extra fear in to your enemies with custom military hardware. Real Chutes Thanks to @UltraJohn you can now avoid lithobreaking* with your own sense of fashion. TACLS Thanks to @UltraJohn you can now store your sustenance in fancy coloured tanks. Also check out... ...for an alternative user interface and speedy colouring of craft. Thank @Halban for colourfully valuing your time. Credits: @Texel If they had not created KerbPaint, I would never have made masks for Porkjets MK2 parts (yes, before they were stock). @Shadowmage for Textures Unlimited (and other great stuff too) without which this wouldn't exist. @Electrocutor for endless tinkering and posting in the forum which initially helped me understand TU better. @SuicidalInsanity for stock themed part expansions. @K.Yeon for OPT. @Nertea F.A.B @blackheart612 for aviation goodness. @OnlyLightMatters for DLC coverage. @Spartwo for BD Armoury coverage. @UltraJohn for additional mod coverage. @Halban for Lazy Painter @SQUAD I guess...dunno why...let me think about that. Other peeps no doubt. Old Releases: * Yes, lithobreaking, not lithobraking
  4. As far as MK2 and 3 Expansion goes, you might want to save your fingers as I have previously covered them as part of the stock recolour pack... I've partially updated it just not checked it out and it doesn't use part variants still but thought it might be worth mentioning.
  5. Heh, no it was to suggest that it's a good idea that would probably require a lot of thought and coding, at least if I understood the concept correctly. It would significantly reduce the part list when initially looking at it as all 1.25m cockpits (mods included) would be under one icon, same for every part. A relevant group icon rather than individual ones. Whether or not people would prefer cycling through variants from one icon or having the parts as they are generally in the current form as separate icons and filtering, I don't know.
  6. Go go Gadget...brain? Fingers? I'm not sure which appendage he would specify.
  7. Is TU compressing PNG files or is it something KSP does? Edit: I've managed to reduce the problem and get closer to the result I expected.
  8. Haha, errr....why is this thread no longer in "Addon Development"? "International > French"? Okay... Bonjour tout le monde.
  9. It does, check the config I sent you via PM to see what needs changing. Actually... TEXTURESET { name = blah blah } ...now needs to be a line in the module the texture switch module... textureSet = blah blah Edit: Not sure if pings work from edits but... @Electrocutor
  10. I meant to mention that but I had to dash off and do something so I slapped the reply button. It's only now that I think about it a bit more, is that supposed to be placed inside the TU folder? It worked great on it's own but the game threw errors when installed alongside TU. It refused to load as the bundle has the same name.
  11. I did start making spec/met and bump maps. That was where I decided to stop because it wasn't clear which parts would be overhauled or replaced by Squad. Been having fun updating the configs though...the things you find.
  12. Sorry, I can't let that slide. You've deliberately mislead people I feel by not including the entire sentences and paragraphs from the parts you want to appear more intimidating than they actually are. Prime example being 7.3. You failed to include the last part that says, "with the intention of illegal distribution". This has previously been discussed on these forums and Squad made alterations to the EULA specifically to make it clearer and allow people to have multiple installs for personal use. I'm all for playing the devil's advocate at times because...why not but deliberately misrepresenting the terms in this way is not cool.
  13. Anyone who purchased the game on Steam has never agreed to the old EULA to my knowledge. It's not linked to on the store page and it is never shown during installation or running the game. The only licensing information contained within the install pertains to the third party tools / software Squad have used within KSP.
  14. In general terms...yes <- That's a time code link to a copyright lawyer saying so. For specific terms and clauses, if someone wanted to challenge the validity of those they would have to go to court. Something a lot of end users will not choose to do since it generally would cost a lot of money and the ruling might well consider the agreement valid. Laws are in place to protect IP and copyrights but that doesn't mean you cannot then legally agree to transfer those rights via a contract. Much like people working at Squad or Take Two, people create things but their contract will most likely be worded in such a way that the company owns their work. In that instance though they are obviously paying them a salary.
  15. @Benjamin Kerman There's no need to apologise. I agree that a contract / agreement should be written to remove ambiguity and make things clear but I personally find that the majority of software EULAs and Terms of service don't really do that. That's all I'm really saying. Particularly in this instance, the new EULA and terms of service are generic and not specific to KSP, so it's almost impossible for them to cover everything clearly enough. They are written with a view that they can be interpreted with some looseness to capture things they might otherwise have not thought about and generally cover all their products, then the lawyers can argue on a case by case basis as and when they do want to enforce something. Something else I can't stand is "privacy policy". If you read them, the company will pretend to be interested in your privacy and tell you all about how they will do everything to keep your data secure, then wash all that good will away by saying they might pass it on to third parties who don't hold the same standards. Which, of course, is about limiting liability more than anything else but it's still lame.
  16. It was not my intention to make such a statement in that manner. Calling for a boycott isn't what I would call negotiation. That said, if a group of people do not accept the current EULA / Terms of Service, and wish to negotiate them, they are kind of required to not buy the DLC, or at least, they would not really be in a good position to install and use it if they did buy it. The problem is, gamers are generally compulsive and terrible at being disciplined... That depends. Were the bank put on notice that amendments had been made? Were the amendments obvious? Without going in to my work history, at one point I was coming in to contact with negotiated contracts on a daily basis (I wasn't doing the negotiating but I would need to read the contract before my day to know what had and had not been agreed). These would often be the original contract in print, with amendments clearly visible by striking out and hand written lines, which would have then been faxed or scanned and emailed back. Not saying that is typical mind you, just what I have experienced. Either way, kudos to that guy for pulling one over on the bank by using the same methodology they use on "customers". Made me chuckle. Also, I think someone mentioned legalese is used to define things clearly and remove loopholes but my personal view is the opposite. Laws do that. Agreements and contracts "appear" to do that with legalese but generally leave ambiguity and wiggle room for corporate shenanigans.
  17. @Melaconda I'm glad you like it. I've put work on recolour projects on hold for a few reasons but primarily I want to wait for 1.4 as it will most likely be implementing changes that will need addressing. I didn't really want to be doing stuff only to have to do it all again in a month (now a couple of weeks).
  18. How to EULA.... http://store.steampowered.com/eula/292030_eula_0 https://regulations.cdprojektred.com/en/user_agreement https://regulations.cdprojektred.com/regulations/privacy_policy/ While in legal aspects, it's not groundbreaking, it is at least not written in a manner to justify lawyer expenses. As far as the EULA situation in general, we all feel like we are being grabbed by the short and curlies with little option to do anything but it's supposed to be a "contract" and in the civilised world you have 3 options... 1) Accept 2) Decline 3) Negotiate Option 3 is seldom used and while as an individual we probably carry little weight, en masse, things could be changed. I'm not trying to incite a riot by saying that but it's just how it is. Personally, I have little issue with companies and individuals trying to protect their intellectual property but software EULAs have been pushing boundaries of what most would deem acceptable for a long time and largely, intellectual property is covered by regular law which one could argue makes a lot of EULA text unnecessary. I recall once being told about an individual rewriting a mobile phone contract and the company "agreeing" to it (they didn't read it). Can't remember all the details but in trying to google it I found this which is even more hilarious... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/borrowing/creditcards/10231556/Man-who-created-own-credit-card-sues-bank-for-not-sticking-to-terms.html
  19. @Ger_space I'm kinda glad you showed up, heh. I had a thought a week ago of trying to target KSC with these shaders and went on a bit of a search that left me feeling it's a lot of digging in to asset bundles which I've never done and not really equiped to do but I had a side thought of KerbalKonstructs and messed about a bit. I've not done anything serious or got very far with completing the idea, it was just a proof of concept to see if it was possible. I used the model shader available to target the door mesh... I wouldn't use that as a final config (I was just messing around) but it might help you understand how you can apply the shaders to Kerbal Konstruct structures. I didn't get round to trying the other shaders or fine tuning parameters.
  20. There's an element of that for sure but other reasons too. For starters, I kind of see the overhaul of stock as more of a community effort rather than one individual. I've got plenty of experience with making masks and can do that pretty quick (cut OPT over the weekend). Not so much making AO and bump maps, though I have been goofing about with bumps to begin understanding them. The framework is there to be expanded further. It just needs the extra textures (bumps and what not) along with some "balancing" and tidying up. Which leads me to why I have slowed down work on the stock overhaul...KSP 1.4 is due "soon". Given the features that are coming I suspect there may well be a certain amount of an overhaul with what already comes in the game so I wouldn't want to spend the time making bump maps where they are missing (which is the majority of parts) only to then find the game now has files that are usable in that aspect. Masks may also need to be redone or added to depending on what is coming. I've also been reading the TU github code and wiki to find out certain things and stumbled upon certain changes which are due to take place with the mod itself. It appears the plan is to remove the current masked PBR shader in lieu of something else rather than them being able to run side by side. At this stage, I'm not entirely sure there will be a quick fix to get things back up and running after the update as it seems there will be a hardcoded requirement for another texture which would need creating. RGB masks will always be useful I suspect so I'm more focused on creating those for mods I had always planned to cover in KerbPaint. The main reason I had considered making a thread at all was to allow for easier updating of the link. Not sure I want to keep finding old posts and updating them...so maybe I'll make a thread anyway...."soon".
  21. Right, so, if the texture set is being applied to all meshes, then simply don't define the transform as mentioned above. You won't even need to define or exclude meshes in the texture set if it's a "blanket" cover. However, if you want to get creative and break things down in to mesh groups with texture switching for each group, you will need to create a specific texture set but there's a way to do this quite easily. You already have your texture set defined somehwere, so you copy it and rename it specific to the part, then add the extra detail required. To save you downloading the stock recolour pack, here's the stock landing gear code...warning....it's quite long.
  22. @akron The way I have approached this, or at least what I think is your issue, is by defining multiple TEXTURE nodes in a texture set. So something like this... If you want more control, so each mesh group has it's own texture switch group, download my stock recolour config and mask pack (there's a link in Electrocutor's thread) and look at things like landing gear and wheels. There may be better ways to do it but....I'm a trial and error / break and fix kinda guy so I just mucked about until something stuck the way I wanted.
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