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Manwith Noname

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Everything posted by Manwith Noname

  1. Heh, how strange. Everything looked normal as far as textures on parts in DX9. Only thing that looked really bizarre was I could see a cross mesh shape above the landing gear on the wings. I thought about taking a screenshot but realised it's not really useful beyond amusement....and now I want to share that amusement.
  2. @selfish_meme Well, for you in OpenGL you got black textures right? I guess you loaded a craft you had saved with paint on? I loaded the stock dynawing and tried to paint it. The game clearly recognised that "P" should do something as the entire craft got highlighted in blue as you would expect to happen to a part but as I kind of expected, the menu didn't show and the highlight didn't stick. Edit: I'm on Win 8.1 so DX9.
  3. It would be nicer if every time someone committed the offence their computer slapped them round the face. I just checked out a profile for someone who simply wrote, "1.1 compatibility?" in a thread. The entire page was near enough the same short one line comment from multiple threads. I facepalmed so hard I am now bruised.
  4. I see both sides. It's not a problem to ask nicely..."Do you plan to do any updates for the 1.1 pre release?". The issue is the constant one line "Update for 1.1 please" and the repetition of the same comments when they are in the post or two above.
  5. It is in the process. I believe it is using the U5 shaders, they just have put off making full use of them until 1.2. I'll try and find the devnotes. Edit: This is the one I'm thinking of... http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/139054693224/devnote-tuesday-wednesday-edition-ii Reading it again however, I'm not sure what actually got done and what didn't. My recollection was that it had switched but the fancy mapping and what not would be pushed back. Later Edit: Actually, it's probably best to do this... @Porkjet . If he can find the time in all the 1.1 madness he may be able to state more clearly what is and will be the case.
  6. It doesn't work. I tried it as soon as I found the latest MM. As a result, I pinged Texel a PM to let them know. You can tell it almost wants to work which is quite impressive really, so it might not need much to get the "system" functioning but based on the exchange of PM's I had, the shader method likely won't work as it was removed in later versions of Unity 4 and is likely not in U5 either. At least that's how I understood it, could be wrong.
  7. @DMagic something to consider, 0.25 didn't have the same kind of aero calculations so I imagine that's a factor. Maybe running 0.25 with an old version of FAR would be a better comparison. It also might be nice to see how 1.1 performs without the unload distance altered.
  8. As you may have already gathered, it was previously an issue attributed to scatterer but the streamers are playing a mod free 1.1. If it had been fixed or understood what was happening it may be helpful for squashing the problem in the new release.
  9. So, I watched some KSPTV today to get a preview of 1.1 and noticed heat effects on re entry were displaying behind the craft. I see this isn't listed in the known issues so did you or anyone ever work out exactly what caused it? Is it just something odd with DX11 perhaps?
  10. KerbPaint and DX11? Edit: Actually, I just noticed the parts in the menu are affected also and I don't think that happens in this scenario. Another Edit: ...and the log clearly states DX9...ignore me...I wasn't here.
  11. I use a 360 pad and a G27....I couldn't go back to just a keyboard and mouse.
  12. First... Slightly overdue and not really how I want them but might as well put them up for the dying days of 1.0.5, some MK3 parts. ...here's a pic showing the 3 layers better... It comes in two formats... 1) A version that works with the original KerbPaint zip....here. 2) The selfish_meme edition, which if you had not guessed, works with the restructured pack.....here. If it all still works with 1.1 when it comes then I will probably change some of the third layer but I kind of lost enthusiasm when I realised my initial plan couldn't be done due to efficient base texturing. Now, as for Procedural wings. The original shader maps are still in the repack, so all that is needed is to bring back the config code... // PWings Support @PART[Proceduralwing2] { MODULE { name = ModulePaintable Texture = Proceduralwing2_Paint Shader = Bump DeepReplace = true } } @PART[ProceduralwingBac9] { MODULE { name = ModulePaintable Texture = ProceduralwingBac9_Paint Shader = BumpSpec DeepReplace = true } } @PART[pAdapter] { MODULE { name = ModulePaintable Texture = BaseAll_Paint Shader = Diffuse DeepReplace = true } } There is also the additional update I released some time ago which covers some of the later additions to those procedural parts. They can be found here. Hopefully, this all works for everyone and Texel makes an appearance when 1.1 is released. Having this work with DX11 would probably be a big bonus.
  13. Alright, for the people that just want terrain textures...I haven't tested this...I'm just going off looking at the directory and some configs... From the KSPRC zip, place the following folders in your installs GameData folder: Kopernicus, KopernicusExpansion, KSPRC, TextureReplacer Now, go into the KSPRC folder and delete the following: Assets and Plugins folders along with KSPRC_LensFlare.cfg if you don't want the new lens flare. Atmospheres folder (we didn't install E.V.E, so this is pointless) Citylights folder (again, we didn't install E.V.E, so this is pointless) Flags folder if you don't want Proot's lovely flags for your missions. textures.cfg (again, we didn't install E.V.E, so this is pointless...and empty) windowedIVA.cfg (I have no idea what this relates to but my guess is it's another redundant E.V.E config) Now go into the TextureReplacer folder and delete MM_ReflectionPluginWrapper.cfg if you don't want any reflections on parts. From here, there's a lot more fiddling you can do to drill down and remove part and Kerbal textures along with visor edits but...not for now, as I'm guessing most of the people wanting this simply can't handle the effects from Scatterer and E.V.E combined and are simply looking for some performance gain while having nicer looking celestial bodies. Also, there is the config edit mentioned earlier in the thread which stops Kopernicus from spawning solar particles...open the KSPRC.cfg in the KSPRC folder, it's right at the beginning of the file. Simply comment out the sun section... @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { // @Body[Sun] // { // Particles // { // Particle // { // target = Sun // texture = KSPRC/Kopernicus/Glow // minEmission = 10 // maxEmission = 500 // lifespanMin = 30 // lifespanMax = 60 // sizeMin = 9 // sizeMax = 4999 // speedScale = 0.0005 // rate = 0.015 // randVelocity = 0.3, 0.6, 0.1 // Colors // { // color1 = 1.000, 0.950, 0.747, 0.750 // color2 = 1.000, 0.994, 0.707, 0.750 // color3 = 1.000, 0.960, 0.724, 0.750 // color4 = 1.000, 1.000, 0.803, 0.750 // color5 = 1.000, 0.970, 0.800, 0.750 // } // } // } // } @Body[Moho] As I said, I haven't tested it, just looked at the folders and configs to work out what's where. I may have missed some things or even removed something required for it to work....but you can always try it and if it breaks, delete everything and start again. Hopefully, this helps someone...and is right.
  14. I actually wondered if terrain shadows could be separated as you said you used the stock shadow system...or something?
  15. I don't know if you removed them from the archive you uploaded because I have not checked but there were select mods covered by the original download and I expanded on that a little. Stretchy Tanks Procedural Wings Procedural Fairings The first 2 were in the base package, I expanded on pWings and added pFairings. Also, while they are no longer relevant, I did also cover Spaceplane Plus before it was swallowed up by the stock game. I think I also started working on KAX many moons ago but ran out of muster when life got in the way. Anywho... ...most of the MK3 parts are covered in two layers. Hit a snag on my planned design that cannot be overcome due to how things work so slapped in some silliness to relieve my frustration while I try to think about it. Also, if I stick with how things are, I'll need to revisit my SP+ masks because it looks odd when moving to the adaptor parts.
  16. Ah, right. Ok. If you're interested, here's the link to where I ask the question...then realise there's a deep explanation already in the thread.
  17. B9 pWings? I've brought it up a while back if so. They said they may consider a KerbPaint 2 but the way I understand it, their implimentation is considerably different and I don't think making your own masks is as easy...but that's probably because I understand the way KerbPaint works....where as pWings is just....beyond me in some ways.
  18. Out of curiosity, what's changed in that download? After seeing activity here yesterday I had a play around. I'm probably going to work on the rest of the MK3 parts but with 1.1 round the corner I'm loathed to spend hours working on stuff just to see it wasted if KerbPaint ceases to function. If on the other hand KerbPaint still works in 1.1 I may be up for expanding things further. Edit: Now How do I embed that link? Hmmm. Sorted
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