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Everything posted by Cyrik

  1. usually i would agree, but it seems like just a minority is complaining about it not working, which would indicate to me that most are still running ORS 1.1. anyway, now there seems to be a stable version that runs with 1.1 so the next update will depend on 1.2. It should be done at some point today
  2. yeah i can switch it over to 1.2 with no problems, but then i´ll break everyone that still runs 1.1, and that seem to be more people. let me think about it for a bit
  3. About disabling the overlay when you are landed: I´m not really sure. I like the idea of disabling it while you are below it though. I might even get away with just changing the shader to be 100% transparent from the inside, so i dont have to change anything at all in the mod:) I like your UI. I had something very similar in mind. Specifically I´m in the process of pulling all the overlays into their own little thing so the UI doesn't have to know about them. So its pretty natural to have every overlay type produce its own popout settings window. That way i might stay sane when editing the UI:) Thank you for the inspirational layout, I think the end result will be pretty close to it, at least if unity lets me...
  4. errm no, well yes, but i mean the remote one and the local one have to both point at the same one:) if your local one points to github and github points to somewhere else it breaks, at least for me. or it might be that the remote one has to point onto itself. havent done enough testing to distinguish which it is
  5. usually the newer version should do it, but maybe i did something wrong when building my plugin. give me a few minutes, i´ll check on a clean install. ok so you need the both versions because they are named differently:/ sorry about that. the easiest thing to do for you is just download ors 1_1 and have both at once. that should work for everything IMO.
  6. version file is temporarily set back to 0.2.1 on the server so you dont get the warning until i put up a new version. And yes i can put it in gamedata. it was easier for me this way but not by much:) 1. I´ll put up more options for enabling/disabling certain parts of the overlay. I´ll put this one on my list. 2. sounds good 3. change between overlays could be made a bit faster, but only by decreasing the detail. I´ll work on putting an option for that in there. The science one will get even worse sadly, the version you guys have only calculates it for the near orbit science. My newest version takes 10 times as long for all the science:) Thats sadly very very hard unless i can model the planet wit every mountain. right now the overlay is a perfect sphere, so it has to be at the height of the highest mountain, which means you can fly through it before you get to the ground. its even worse on some of the moons:/ the little bit of clipping at the mun is on purpose. its so tiny that it looks better then raising the whole overlay another 200m. can you see scansat progress on any other layer then height/biome? or is it not working at all? map view only will be an optional thing. i kind of like it in both modes, but everyone has his preferences:)
  7. here´s your problem : Could not load file or assembly 'OpenResourceSystem_1_1_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' your ORS install seems to be broken since he cant find it. you can usually find the errors by searching for lines starting with "[EXC".
  8. new version is out! try the new biome and height maps. Thank you! That is very high praise indeed. Helps me through some of the times where i have to start KSP 10 times an hour... oh and i nearly forgot, for all the modders out there, if you want to put your own overlay on top of a planet, just implement this tiny interface and it should automatically appear in the selection menu! public interface IOverlayProvider :IConfigNode { Color32 CalculateColor32(double latitude, double longitude, CelestialBody body, bool useScansat, bool bright, double cutoff); OverlayTooltip TooltipContent(double latitude, double longitude, CelestialBody body); bool IsCoveredAt(double latitude, double longitude, CelestialBody body); string GuiName { get; } } public class OverlayTooltip { public OverlayTooltip(string title, GUIContent content, Vector2 size = new Vector2()) { Title = title; Content = content; Size = size; } public string Title { get; set; } public GUIContent Content { get; set; } public Vector2 Size { get; set; } }
  9. ah after a bit of testing: the URL field has to point to itself for it to work. If the URL differs you never get a version warning. so either fix that or if its a feature, be careful when switching the place you put your version file.
  10. very much early alpha, but going in the right direction for science overlays? btw this is the monster that produces the tooltip: var test = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ExperimentSituations)).Cast<ExperimentSituations>() .Select(situation => ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperimentIDs().Select(ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperiment) .Where(x => x.biomeMask != 0 && x.situationMask != 0) .Where(x => x.IsAvailableWhile(situation, body)) .GroupBy(x => x.BiomeIsRelevantWhile(situation)) .SelectMany(x => x.Select(y => new { exp = y, subj = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperimentSubject(y, situation, body, x.Key ? biome.name : "") })) .Select(x => new {value =ResearchAndDevelopment.GetScienceValue(x.exp.dataScale * x.exp.baseValue, x.subj), exp = x}) .Aggregate(new {str = "", total = 0f}, (a,x) => new {str = a.str+" n: "+x.exp.exp.experimentTitle+" v: "+x.value, total = a.total + x.value}, result => "Situation "+Enum.GetName(typeof(ExperimentSituations),situation)+"total: "+result.total+result.str)) .Aggregate("", (str,x) => str+x+"\n");
  11. hey, sorry i´m a bit late. was trying to get a science overlay working:) have you installed blitzys toolbar and karbonite or mks? if you have everything installed you should be able to put a red planet icon into your toolbar while you are in flight with a vessel. if thats not available, one of your mods isn't correctly installed. in that case a ksplog would be helpful. @jonrd463 glad its working for you now!
  12. doesnt actually look that bad. sadly now i´ll have to provide configs for that...
  13. Ah thank you. Pressing escape really enables it, even if it was disabled before. Jumping from ship to ship in map mode doesn't for me and shouldn't for you, I'll look into that. A quick way to fix it, is to disable scansat integration. That should help a lot on slower computers. Other then that, the overlay is very detailed right now (360*180 triangles). I'll make a less detailed version. Was working too much on new features instead of cleaning that up, sorry.
  14. mhh then either i´m doing something very wrong or its bugged. even when i take out the github part i dont get a new version warning. when i put http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=23 in the url field i do get the warning. the version file in bot places is the same now other then some whitespace. while i´m here: the license is saying miniAVC has to be distributed with its license.txt file. i really dont mind, but i dont want to clutter my install dir to clutter with 10 license files and have to rename them so they dont clash. is there some way around that?
  15. and here´s the height map: still need to cleanup the code so i don't break everyone's install, but those two pics show what it could look like. both with a bit of code stolen from the awesome scansat plugin once this update is done I think I'll try to draw a heatmap of the missing sience, so you see where it would be best to land:) Once that is done i will have to rename the plugin MapOverlay;)
  16. Yeah thank you, i forgot to change that back after checking if this might work over the raw link. Sadly both are broken.
  17. Oh I really like the icons, thank you! And I´ve been thinking about extending the overlays to other stuff, but I haven't looked into it yet. I like the idea though and will check if i can get the information I need out of Scansat. EDIT: I´ve just looked over it and it seems very possible. I will have to clean up my code a bit since it's not made for doing that, but cleaning up code is a good thing anyway:)
  18. Hey, great plugin! RoverDude made some not so subtle threats to me, so I´m integrating AVC into my mod right now:) I´ve got a little problem with using the .version file on github. My version file in the mod folder: { "NAME":"Map Resource Overlay", "URL":"https://github.com/Cyrik/MapResourceOverlay/master/GameData/MapResourceOverlay/MapResourceOverlay.version", "DOWNLOAD":"https://github.com/Cyrik/MapResourceOverlay/releases", "GITHUB": { "USERNAME":"Cyrik", "REPOSITORY":"MapResourceOverlay", "ALLOW_PRE_RELEASE":false, } "CHANGE_LOG_URL":"", "VERSION":{"MAJOR":0,"MINOR":2,"PATCH":1,"BUILD":0}, "KSP_VERSION":{"MAJOR":0,"MINOR":24,"PATCH":2} } version file in github: [TABLE="class: highlight tab-size-8 js-file-line-container"] [TR] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"]{[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] "NAME":"Map Resource Overlay",[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] "URL":"http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=23",[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] "DOWNLOAD":"https://github.com/Cyrik/MapResourceOverlay/releases",[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] "GITHUB":[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] {[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] "USERNAME":"Cyrik",[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] "REPOSITORY":"MapResourceOverlay",[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] "ALLOW_PRE_RELEASE":false,[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] }[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] "CHANGE_LOG_URL":"",[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] "VERSION":{"MAJOR":0,"MINOR":2,"PATCH":2,"BUILD":0},[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"] "KSP_VERSION":{"MAJOR":0,"MINOR":24,"PATCH":2}[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code js-file-line"]}[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Somehow the game is not showing me that there is a new version with miniAVC. It does work if i link to http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=23 .I'm guessing the problem is that I have two different URLS in there?
  19. Going to start looking into AVC now. Haven´t even seen it till you guys mentioned it. I bet you forgot to install MKS or Tooltips in your clean install:P Otherwise i might have some dependency i don't know about - - - Updated - - - new version is out, go grab it and enjoy!
  20. oh you were right, the cuttoff was for 0-255 not for ppm. fixing it right now
  21. its (red,green,blue,alpha). alpha is the opacity value. at 255 there is no transparency, at 0 its fully see-through.
  22. Awesome feedback, thank you. Like you said, the first one is done. The second one is also done and already in the the version you have, unless there's a bug. The cutoff point you are setting is in ppm:) Opacity change for every resource is also in the color config. For other mods: I´m waiting for the new release of ORS that will give me the ability to easily see which resources are loaded. The change is already in there and I hope the release will be out soon. Information window: I´m guessing you mean the tooltip when you go over the planet. You are right, I will put in an option to disable it in the next version. the % thingy: yeah thats an ORS thing. I copied the way ORS displays it. I will change it to always show ppm for consistency. thanks again for the great feedback. hope you have fun with the mod:)
  23. I might have overdone it a bit, but the next version will have this config in its PluginData folder: globalSettings { colorConfigs { Karbonite { Resource = ResourceName=Karbonite,ScansatName=Karbonite LowColor = (0,0,0,0) HighColor = (255,0,0,200) } Ore { Resource = ResourceName=Ore,ScansatName=Ore LowColor = (0,0,0,0) HighColor = (0,255,0,200) } Water { Resource = ResourceName=Water,ScansatName=Aquifer LowColor = (0,0,0,0) HighColor = (0,0,255,200) } Minerals { Resource = ResourceName=Minerals,ScansatName=Minerals LowColor = (0,0,0,0) HighColor = (0,255,255,200) } Substrate { Resource = ResourceName=Substrate,ScansatName=Substrate LowColor = (0,0,0,0) HighColor = (255,0,255,200) } } } its a bit over specified, but that way i can add stuff to it without breaking the old version.
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