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Space Cowbuoy

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Everything posted by Space Cowbuoy

  1. I would love to see this in 1.1, it really adds a cute touch and I miss it x
  2. Do you experience a lot of flickering when you pan or zoom the camera dude? Thanks for letting me mess around with those settings! They look lovely to fly over but break all over when you get too close lol Being able to tone down the foam is a great idea! x
  3. Hi back at you man Did the test. Removing EVE didn't help with the green jaggies, but running in dx11 did remove them. However the post processing layer, the ocean layer and the edges of landmasses especially [interplay between sea and sky shaders?] have begun to flicker like crazy in dx11. There was some flickering before when moving the camera, but moving the camera or zooming now causes serious flickering especially at high altitude. Everything else, as far as I can tell, is working great. BTW: I was also having the weird halo over Kerbin [which I thought best not to complain about ha] and those new files you provided cleared that up quick smart, good stuff!! x EDIT: Oh my stars, flickering aside, it looks so convincing; can't compliment you enough. EDIT 2: Did anyone disclose the settings for the ocean shader as seen in the OP screenshots? It reminds me of the sea in Empire TW and I want it!!
  4. Yo kids so I hate to be "that guy" but could anybody tell me a) how big in pixels the ideal cover photo size is? and, b] where do I go to add a signature to my posts? I've been looking through my profile settings and I've not seen it... Any help gratefully received guys, thanks x
  5. Thanks for the suggestions @Deutherius really appreciate the help! Yeah, I'd noticed toggling post processing got rid of it too but like you say why do that lol? At least it leaves the ocean shaders if I'm really desperate ha! As for using dx11 I don't have a problem doing that I haven't tested it yet myself [so far in testing on using dx9] and I'll give it a go. Only thing is have you noticed any bugs or glitches arising from using dx11? Some people on here have been saying it's more unstable with scatterer than 9. Peace bro x
  6. All of this, in my face, right now!!!!1 XD In the mean time I've tried everything you've suggested @blackrack but I'm still getting these strange green triangular artefacts coming down from the horizon, they are in 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 now... The only way they disappear is if I set the oceanrenderqueue to 3000 or really close to that; for example at 2500-2990 they still appear. The sea looks weird when it's up at 3000 though. Strangely they only appeared when I got up in altitude to 50% cfgpoint1. I tested this multiple times and tried to see any settings that changed massively between the two points. Again sorry if this is more useless noise, but I've not seen anybody else with this green triangle thing. I knew I was asking for trouble running it in 1.0.4, and 64-bit, but I thought you'd like to know I see the same thing in 1.0.5 Peace man x
  7. YAY!! Great news, I was going to ask about this too but you're already fielding inane queries from me! Is it still possible to modify the OceanRender queue with this new 0.0215 version or does the line oceanrenderqueue=3000 added to the config file work even if I can't edit it from the GUI? Also is there a line I can add to start with post processing disabled? And I'd love to know what I need to edit to increase atmosphere heights in earlier versions of Scatterer, say maybe v0.01781 for 1.0.4, if such a config edit exists? Thanks again for all your hard work @blackrack !! At the moment I'm just a guy asking stupid questions, but I swear when I get everything up and running I shall provide you with screenshots of such beauty and composition you will never want for promo materials again! x
  8. Once again I would be more than happy to try anything you can suggest dude and I appreciate you looking into it. In the meantime is there a line I can add to the config to make it start with post processing off as a workaround? In reference to the ability to toggle the default water back in, this is great news! Peace x EDIT: Took a minute and can confirm that on my system, KSP v1.0.5 64bit with just EVE/SVE ultra and scatterer latest with the fixed .dll runs beautifully with no artefacts I can see and looks just, just... Stunning. Just in 1.0.4 having my issue.
  9. @blackrack Hello brother thanks for posting up that .dll I've used it and increased oceanRenderQueue to 3000 and as you can see with these images it's largely resolved the "clouds through water" issue, at least it's not as obnoxious! However I'm still seeing this strange disc effect on the ground that seems to be an issue with something else? Turning off post processing gets rid of it. Sincere apologies if I'm being dumb and bothering you unnecessarily, but I really appreciate the help thank you so much x PC Windows 8.1, KSP 1.0.4 64bit workaround, no mods except scatterer latest with the new .dll and EVE v7-4. Rendered in directX 9. Also everybody's screenies are amazing! The future is so here!
  10. Haha I quoted you ... I'm not asking for official support as I understand we've moved on to KSP 1.0.5 now, but would you kindly offer an opinion for a guy still enjoying his heavily modded 1.0.4 install? I promise you I've been up and down the thread especially 10 pages back from here but didn't see any pictures of similar issues or read anything that sounded like this. Are there any fixes for issues like this? BTW this is in 1.0.4 and aside from these glitches I can confirm the game plays fine and up close the water shaders are flippin' amazing, amazing work!! Peace x
  11. Don't mean to necro, but have to confirm deleting DOE from my Gamedata folder fixes this infuriating issue! Peace.
  12. Hi guys having some success with this but there's a lot of revert/reload instability and a lot of disappearing KSC and the weird camera going to orbit thing going on. Also some infuriating bugs where I'm not able to click buildings/menu options/etc... I'm not sure how many of these are 32-bit as well I'm just flagging them up because I haven't seen these kind of bugs represented in this thread it's mostly people saying how well it works for them which is disheartening. Could this be related to transferring save and Gamedata folder from 64-bit KSP on Linux? Cheers kids, keep it real x
  13. Looking for thoughts/opinions on how one might deal with this sucker - \/ \/ \/ - just need a nudge in the right direction so I can try fixing it myself. Basically all I want to know: what is it, where is it, does it bleed, can I kill it? This little flare spawning and following me around is becoming a real pain in my bum. It ruins all my set pieces and all my screenshots and there ain't a landing site on Mun where this flare isn't perched on top of the landing stage debris like the squalid little glitch that it is! - I don't much care for his friends the puffs of smoke and the spawning launch-clamps either! PS: Big apologies if this is considered double posting or impatient or something but it's pretty clear that putting Linux at the front of the topic pretty much means it dies a cold and lonely death, especially if it's a rare/strange occurrence. The original post is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/127536-Spawning-n-following-white-flares-graphical-errors PPS: I tried to post this without a prefix like some other people but it wouldn't let me. Basically this is a cross platform issue and whilst I originally mentioned it in relation to Linux I will point out that this screenshot was taken in a modded version of Windows.
  14. Firstly apologies for no logs or detailed computer specs I just want some advice as to what the heck this *could* be so I can at least have a ham fist at fixing it myself. I've trawled Reddit, these forums and the rest of the internet for a few days now trying to find somebody with a similar issue/solution and I can't, although I won't believe I'm the only person to see these. They happen randomly, although they tend to appear a lot after staging, and follow the vessel at a set distance, anywhere from inside the part to several hundred meters away [maybe further but I doubt you'd notice them] EDIT: The one in the picture below is about 200m above my splashed down craft. It shot upwards from my vessel during descent at approx. 1000m altitude while I was dropping at about 110m/s. For me personally they're also ultimately infuriating and are beginning to ruin the game because they just look too crazy. Yes, I use a metric poo-tonne of mods but I've seen these on fresh installs as well, been noticing them on Windows and Linux 32 and 64-bit since version 1.x... Any thoughts you crazy cats?
  15. Hey dude thanks for the help, I actually spotted that just before you posted and edited my post; sorry to waste your time on this non-issue. I didn't mean to imply that TAC had a bug as I strongly suspected it did not but I was at a brief loss as to what I had done to break my ships. Also I'm no stranger to modding this game [long time listener, first time caller you might say] and therefore to removed parts not being available, but I thought MFT was just a plugin and I didn't like it so what the heck, right?? :/ Didn't realise that TACLS had MFT integration that actually edited the physical parts lol... PEACE x
  16. EDIT: Waste of my breath and everybody's time [i sincerely hope you haven't wasted time reading this however]... so MFT in these part ids stands for ModularFuelTanks I guess, the hateful mod I already know I uninstalled and that's why the parts are broken so I have to choose between not being able to properly scale even the basic stock tanks and stuff, or having oranged-out vessels in my list... Easy I want to tweak stuff!! Hello there guys sorry to be a pain I pride myself on troubleshooting all these things myself but I am at a loss. Half of my career mode [1.0.2, Linux Ubuntu] ships cannot be opened. According to the debug log it's for missing the parts 'HexCanMFTLifeSupportSmall' and 'TacLifeSupportMFTContainer' but when I go to NEW and make myself a new rocket all the TACLS parts are present and correct, so... ...? Thoughts, lol? They were loadable as of this time yesterday, although I have moved my install to a fresh copy of KSP since then all I did was run it once to Sandbox then close and merge "gamedata" and "saves". I have not changed my TAC install at all and the only other actions I've performed since transplanting to a new KSP directory were to remove ModularFuelTanks [way more trouble than it's worth, TweakScale couldn't tweak] and BDArmory [caused crashes while AVC was running on startup]; I have also updated ModRocketSystems and PilotAssistant during this interim. I've used TMSTACLSRetexture since I started using TACLS as well, if that's anything to you. Any ideas would be appreciated. It's not particularly game breaking for me [assuming it's not some kind of creeping corruption that's about to ruin my whole install] but it is frustrating being told I can't load vessels as I'm missing parts that I can prove are installed into the game :/ Cheers kids x
  17. I am a huge fan of your parts sir, long time user first time caller, and can confirm that I too am suffering this black screen o' death with some of the command parts. I can also confirm that I'm hugely relieved to see that other people have narrowed it down and are working on it; I don't really know what I'm doing and I've been faffing with my mod installs for hours. Unfortunately I can't help but mad props on everything and I hope the issue can be resolved soon
  18. Hey man sorry to bug you but I've been searching for help with this issue and tried everything it still isn't working for me dude. I'm using the It's Free installation and do not have all the MechJeb 2 features unlocked from the start... Sorry dude can you help me any further? I personally love the idea of this mod as I am no coder and wouldn't be able to implement it myself
  19. Hi Sigma thanks for the reply I've just come back to report I'd fixed it and saw you'd commented! It came to me with a flash of inspiration while I was having a puff on a South African drugs reefer style spliff doobie - - delete ATM's cache, well the cache for EVE anyway! All better now, sorry to worry yas. Many thanks again for helping as well Sigma cheers! xx
  20. FIXED!! See messages below! Make sure you delete the previous AdvanceTextureManagement cache folder "BoulderCo". Hi guys really sorry for posting this here but I'm not after support, just querying whether anybody has seen this kind of corruption. Got it when I was mixing and matching textures from AVP Interstellar now I've gone back to vanilla EVE w/ PlanetShine and DOE [fresh downloads, completely removed previous files] and I've still got it. It was working perfectly before this is especially a kick in the teeth because I just got all the mods I wanted precariously balanced together in a leaky x86 boat... As an addendum the black patches/lines/grids sometimes look very green. No other graphical options in-game or through driver have been changed for days. Thoughts?
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