I know it works for nodes, guessing it works for all queued actions: when you open up the flight computer and >> to expand it, you can queue the first action for like 3 minutes out... then if you hit the arrow next to it, it will set the signal delay to just after that node. Put in your next action, hit the > after that action, it'll set the signal delay to after that action... Give yourself the extra minute or two to queue up everything, then you'll actually have a real countdown to launch: launch when signal delay is 60s Also, I've been playing with 323 for awhile and had few issues. The bold text thing is annoying but not game breaking. Getting like 1 crash every 3 or 4 hours, which is acceptable to me (and I'm playing with a dozen mods, half of which aren't 1.0.2 compatible). I have a full comms network around Kerbin and a partial around Minmus. working on putting one up around the Mun, then it's time to start working toward Duna.