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Everything posted by kopapaka

  1. Thanks! Light and easy lander - rover science makes ... And test fuel transporter:
  2. OTRAG? Low-cost rocket, one or two parts(one and four tubes - included engines).. ...and profit (and more explosions ) http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/otrag.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jprkn8a5S3w
  3. It would certainly suit combined scramjet engines and possibly other parts SSTO Alchemyst Author mode stopped playing KSP (google translate, sorry)
  4. Tantares docking test and SRB launcher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rkviVuRjaE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTlKpzHc3VE
  5. Thanks... ...and more... ...Big Duna mission. Six Kerbals and three biomes. Nice fregat!
  6. OTMikhail: wow nice! More photos... Refueling station, asteroid sience(and landing), save (Tantares) scrap... Career : D
  7. Thanks!!! http://www.kosmonautix.cz/2015/08/sojuz-dil-1-impozantni-stroj/ Originally Posted by trooperMNG did you make changes to Soyuz rocket? I can't do a proper launch anymore (both manual and mechjeb) -Soyuz on top, TFT 15-198 + Waymaker second stage, TFT 10-630 + TFT 11-765 + Seal first stage and 4 TFT 10-450 + Walrus boosters. In other words, standard Soyuz/Progress. I even tried adding some little Otter gimballing motors. Launch, gradual gravity turn (not too vertical or too curved), and right when aero forces begin to strike the craft the boosters detach (burn-out) and I lose control of the rocket (flipped over by aero forces, as showed by aero forces overlay). This craft always worked well, maybe am I doing something wrong? REUPLOAD.... Mechjeb or manual - stable!
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