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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I have a slight problem with the mod. Isn't there supposed to be a utility part associated with the mod as when I finally installed it and accepted the contract, I launched the station but it didn't register. https://gyazo.com/fd9db12567aff89470328ea8fdff0c6d
  2. When I loaded up a plane I just made, the landing gear just fell through the ground and the plane was unable to take off. I have Firespitter installed so I can't see what the problem is. And yes, its in my Gamedata folder.
  3. Will this version of DMP be able to support KSP 0.25? I've tried with it and it connects but then doesn't handshake with the servers end. The message is Invalid Key. Is anyone able to help me with this or is it a lost cause until the mod gets updated?
  4. Ok thanks! Now my friends and I can continue from where I left off!
  5. Hey, is there anyway to import a single player game from another KSP into the dmp universe file to make it run that universe instead?
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