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Everything posted by ryohpops

  1. @NeuroticGamer Sorry for the lack of documentation. I don't have enough free time at all. The single launch idea is far simpler than the multiple launch. It should be used when you are going to launch satellites one by one, which is an popular method on early-game network constructions. Satellite A is inserted directly into the target orbit. Satellite B is launched into a parking orbit. Target Satellite A and setup a rendezvous maneuver, which is also valid as a hohmann maneuver to the target orbit. Here is the "slide" values come in: move the maneuver forward or backword by one of the values which are representing the same span. Execute the maneuver and circularize at the target altitude. Satellite B now achieves the target orbit with 90-degrees (for 4 satellites) separation to Satellite A. Launch another satellite, target the last satellite and slide the maneuver to the same direction. You can also use the dV values to design your multi-satellite launcher which has enough dV to reach the target altitude. Launch it and achieve Ap of the altitude, then bring up Pe to the lower altitude on Multiple Launch View, consuming "dV to lower".
  2. I'm sorry, there is not much time so I'm afraid I couldn't update this to get 1.2 CommNet supported. As you found out, you can still obtain basic parameters required for establishing your satellite network, using current state of this tool with adding some antennas yourself. Just make sure Range model type on Settings tab is set to Root, according to my understanding of CommNet. Currently I'm waiting for definite information about how CommNet works in 1.2 out of beta and how RemoteTech responds to the release.
  3. I'm truly glad to hear that. Yes, as you found out, the development is still active but slow. I'm currently busy in my real life, and any coding of queued features in todos / issues haven't been started yet. I'm sorry for owner of those ideas. I will continuously check this thread and GitHub repo. Please feel free to post new ideas, issues and pull requests. Well, even if the development is completely halted, you can use the website for long term because whole data are hosted on GitHub. You don't have to worry about that too much.
  4. Thank you for your comment. It has been added to the TODO list.
  5. Oops, I thought I done so in my first implemention. Fixed it. - 1.6.6 : 2015/08/01 * Fix calculation of Multiple Antenna Multiplier again. (westamastaflash)
  6. Thank you for the report. I've found a wrong calculation in my codes and already fixed it. - 1.6.5 : 2015/07/31 * Fix calculation of Multiple Antenna Multiplier. (westamastaflash)
  7. Release 1.6.1 is available. - 1.6.1 : 2015/07/06 * Fix settings page. * Fix reset feature. - 1.6 : 2015/07/06 * Add Multiple Launch View. * Borderlines are drawn clearer. * Improved units used in Views. - 1.5.6 : 2015/06/05 * Fix calculation of night time. (Aerospace)
  8. Thank you for the report, you are right. These bugs were caused by new display class. I should consider use of automated testing seriously. - 1.5.5 : 2015/05/08 * Fix display of Slide time.
  9. Thanks for the report. I've just fixed that. - 1.5.4 : 2015/05/07 * Fix calculation of Delta-V.
  10. Release 1.5.3 is available. * Views are now rendered by SVG (a vector graphics standard).
  11. Sorry for my late response and thank you for your idea. I have been busy lately and the development becomes slower now, but the idea is already planned as the next View. Don't worry and please be patient
  12. Release 1.5.2 is available. * Add data for Real Solar System. (dirtcrusher) * Views shrink on small window.
  13. Release 1.5 is available. * Support multiple pair of antenna and quantity. * Fix autosave feature with local storage. Last input and user's bodies/antennas will be saved and restored automatically. (westamastaflash)
  14. I could reproduce your problem with IE, thank you for your report. I looked into the code of ngCookies in angular project and now I'm wondering why Chrome does as I wish :-/ I will fix this problem in the next update with your detailed information, thanks!
  15. The config is superior than my code. It means Chrome ignores developer's setting of cookie and any other browser storages and clear them on close. There are some other methods to keep data, but they will be deleted as I say, so allowing Chrome to have it's data permanently is the best solution.
  16. Please make sure that your browser's cookie is enabled because your data will be saved there. If the setting is correct, try to delete cookie of ryohpops.github.io to reset the planner.
  17. Sorry, development of this mod seems halted (bandi94 is lead developer), so I don't update this nor check compatibility for newer versions of KSP. If you want the feature of this MOD, please use the web-version that is still active.
  18. Thank you for your posts! Yes, support for multiple antennas is important for me too. Calculation for multi-deploy launcher sounds great. I'll get to work on it after the above feature. Stock data for RSS seems useful for considerable number of users, so it will be also added to my queue. PS: I forgot to announce the latest minor release. Release 1.4 is available. - Add remaining four dishes.
  19. Release 1.3.1 is available. - Move user-data management for body and antenna to tab pages. - Views are now rendered on any change within Data Input.
  20. Release 1.2 is available. - Faster loading of the page. - Auto-save last calculation. This update may clear your manual-input bodies, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If you really want to keep your data, please edit the cookie of this website. The cookie seems: <name>=<data>; <name>=<data>; ...(repeat) Find and change the name from userbody to userBody.
  21. Thank you for your idea, it'll be implemented soon. I said that the development is halted in previous post, but catch up with the mod or small updates would go if there is time, I hope it.
  22. This tool is a MOD now, thanks to bandi94. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95072-0-24-2-RemoteTech-Assist-calculator-%28V-0-1-1-%29%28Sept-30%29 I become a contributer of the MOD and any updates of functions or new features will be seen there. Development of this website is halted. Please check the mod after this.
  23. The development of fourth view is halted. If I try to get accurate values with the parent body, I need to simulate movements of body and satellites,. However, this website doesn't aim at a satellites simulator. In reality, you can calculate the value which the fourth view tried to obtain even now. Input all data as usual, change Body to the parent of it and Altitude to it's revolution radius.
  24. No, it's not calculated now. But the feature is scheduled on next update, as the fourth view.
  25. Release version 1.0, the beta finished. - Implement Delta-V view about the delta-v to deploy satellites.
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