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Everything posted by ryohpops

  1. Yes, after implement of third view, I will add multiple antenna support for only calculation. I'm thinking about interface for the feature now.
  2. Release version beta2.4. - Implement manual input mode for antenna. - User's antenna data is stored in cookie.
  3. Release version beta2.3. - Sphere of Influence is drawn as yellow circle. - Overhaul input validation (only step and range adjustment, no effect on actions). - Better display method for numbers, with thousand separators and round to the third decimal place.
  4. Oh, this is what I want to use. I'm going to setup an environment from the first to run that scripts. And, I released beta 2.2. Data for stock universe and needed antennas are filled and user's custom body data is stored in cookie, making the planner customized for each user.
  5. I love SCANsat too and need a tool like your idea. After completion of this project, perhaps I will do something for it as another project. And, I update planner with implement of "by hand" input mode. I hope it will meet your expectations.
  6. Well, dealing with eccentricity needs simulation not only calculation, so it's very hard to do. To be honest, this planner does very simple calculation based on Euclidean geometry, in short, only handles circles, points and lines in a certain moment. As you say, I think more complicated and time-related calculation is necessary for elliptic orbits. I don't aim for create an orbit simulator in this moment, sorry. P.S. After thinking about the third Delta-V view, I realized it can be possible to deal with inclination as long as all satellites are in the single orbit.
  7. I'm just at an early stage that wondering how to handle a satellite with multiple antenna/dishes, so availability of Additive range calculation will be considered after I have a measurable plan. Anyway, thank you for your suggestion.
  8. Thank you for your suggestions. I will add a list of issue/planned feature at the first post. Implement of spec-pre-filled list of antennas is scheduled, but as Gaiiden say, keeping data up-to-date is not easy. So, I'm thinking about that input method of parameters can be switched between "from list" and "by hand" as the solution for the present. Dealing with the inclination and the eccentricity is not planned at the moment, sorry.
  9. Thank you guys I'm ready to provide own forum thread here. @ArkaelDren List of data-pre-filled antennas will be implemented soon. @mecki Sorry, I'm not planning to prepare data for the universe other than Kerbol system, but Parameter Direct Input mode will be available in the near future.
  10. Visual RemoteTech Planner for KSP http://ryohpops.github.io/kspRemoteTechPlanner/ Here is a web-based satellite network planner for the MOD, RemoteTech. You can plan your communication satellites network with graphical figures. The in-game MOD version, RemoteTech Assist Calculator is not actively developed. Source and issue tracker are available on github. Issues, bug reports, contributers are always welcome. Planned feature list - The highest/lowest limit altitude to establish the satellite connection ring. - The lower limit of stable altitude. - Electricity calculation when orbiting moon is in parent planet's night. - Upper limit of stable altitude above a polar. Not planned at the moment - Care about eccentricity or multiple orbit. Finally, thank you for your great MOD, Remote Technologies Group, and for all users!
  11. Hi, I have just created a web-based satellite network planner for RT2. http://ryohpops.github.io/kspRemoteTechPlanner/ I will be happy if this can be of any help. To RemoteTech2 development team, thank you for your great MOD, and please let me know if there are any problems.
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