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Everything posted by gh7531

  1. I'm sorry I think I didn't describe what I mean good enough English isn't my first speech I mean somthing like this. 1. You get a satelite in an high orbit around Duna (as example). 2. You ponit you telescope at the planet. 3. You press Take Picture like in the first pic. 4. Now you can see the sector of the picture you taken as overlay like in the second one. But as you said it is probably way to hard to implement and it would realy only be a tiny tiny thing. It's maby a thing after the final release of this mod. But actualy it is as not important and most likely it wouldn't be woth the afford of work on it it was just a think that flew around in my mind before thinking about the actual use of it ^^ It would only be another way to scan the planet. Just concetrate on the GUI and the science overlay. And keep the work going on I realy hope this will be the future of scanning and showing the results in an easy to use way it has (I can't say it to often) a feaking awesome amount of potential. Soo enough of the nice words I have another suggestion that flew around my head - A way of "overlapping" the overlays would be nice. So that you can see the Karbonite hotspots at the resource overlay and also see where a nice flat place to land would be at the height or the slope overlay. OR so that you can see a place with a lot of Karbonite and a lot of Water for the lifesystem at your mining base for example.
  2. - Also I got another Idea while playing around but I don't know if it's possible since it woks with an complete other mod... mabye you know the spacetelescopes from "Tarsier Space Technology"? (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62941-v0-23-5-Tarsier-Space-Technology-%28v2-5-NO-MORE-WOBBLE%29) Probably it would be a nice gimmick to make it possible to point the teleskope in a HighOrbit at the plantet, zoom a little bit in, take a picture and get the part on the picture visible at the overlay as a hight map and if implemented anomaly and slope overlay? - Also while I'm writing this adding maby a slope overlay?
  3. Wow the speed has increased an awesome lot! Good work Cyrik. - I figured out that the orbit/overlay glitch I mentioned earlier only happens while selectet the resource overlay. - Also you are able the select both Logarithmic and Colored Scale at the same time. I think this is not intended? - While selctet Logarithmic Scale and cutof ppm is at 0 it shows nothing. I don't know how you implemeted it but at 0 should't it show everything? If you set it to 1 or something else it shows as intended I think - It would be nice if you can make it visible which button is currently active. Like underline the text in the button or make the button looking "pressed" (If you know what I mean ^^) - I found a smal shifting between the position of the courser at the overlay and the shown ppm in the tooltipp. I don't know if you are able to fix it. It's probably releated to the angle you look at the overlay. (You can't see the curser actualy I don't know how to get it on the screenshot but you can imagine where it was. And there shouldn't be a ppm of 3000. I think the 3000 are at the spot 1cm to the lower right) - And I have a suggestion too. I think it make sense to only make the tooltipp visible when the curser is above an actual point where the amount of something is above the cutoff value. So the tooltipp shows only if important and you don't need to enanble and disable it. - I think someone suggested it earlier im not sure. But a independed cutoff value for each resource would be nice. At minmus as example the ppm difference between water and minerals are realy huge - If possible a marker for anomalies like ScanSat has would be realy nice too.
  4. I'm happy that you like my UI concept. I'm looking forward how your version will look like Good luck with Unity btw but also I'm sorry to report a little bug . The orbit in the mapview is not quite right. It looks like the Heightoverlay is above the orbit path. The vessel symbol is shown through but not as visable as normal. The same counts for the Ap an Pe marker.
  5. Well I'm sorry I didn't know that. I thought because you get different scince reports it is an own biome. I'm sorry. I will edit it out
  6. Here are two things from me again - If you are on the Launchpad you can see the overlay "above" you. A possible fix is mabye to disable the overlay if you are landed like If (Vessel.isLanded == true) {Overlay.disable} //No real code of couse ^^ or to disable it if your alt. is under the min. alt. for seeing the overlay since as you said it is sadly not possible to change the overlay to be persisant regardless of the alt. like If (Vessel.alt <= Overlay.minAlt) {Overlay.disable}. Here is a Screenshot what I mean: - The second thing ist a suggestion for a better UI since I think you need one if you will support more feature. I creeated a little sketch of what I'm thinking. Due to the fact that I don't know mutch about the KSP Windows I don't know how hard it would be to implement. EDIT: The Exdend thing can also hide the thing under it of course Edit II: Deleted "Also the Tooltip isn't showing the right biome if you are on the lauchpad. Probably this happens because the overlay is renderd a few hundred meters above the ship it shows due to the hightdiference the biome on an other point as you see the Tooltipp. (I'm sorry if it sounds a little bit wired I don't realy know how to describe it in English ^^)" because it is all right with it. I'm sorry. Tanks for pointing it out goldenpsp.
  7. Do you have turned ScanSat in the MapResourceOverlay window on? If not try turning it on it works for me just fine. I would dissagree for me it is helpfull to see it while landing somewhere. But mabye make it toggable so everyone is happy . Acording to this currently the overlay in the normal view is fading out if you get closer to the surface. If possible it would be nice if you can make it not fading away to the invisible. Just so that you can see both the surfcace of course and the overlay. But I think if implementing this it should be toggable.
  8. Confirmed its the same for me. You have to put the whole MapResourceOverlay folder into GameData. This is also an awsome Idea.Here are some further suggestions. - A way of disable the overlay for certain bioms would be nice so that you just see the biome you are looking for and not every one. - For the height map a min hight that needs to be shown just like for ppm at the resource map. - Not realy a suggestion ^^ sometimes the change between the overlays takes a few seconds espacely when switching to or from the science overlay. I will give a few more later they just need a litte investigation by myself.
  9. I like this config its realy clear which value does what. The only one I don't understand is at the 200. The first three numbers are RGB but for what is the fourth?
  10. This Cyrik is one of the best things since scanning in the background while fly an other ship! This is truely awesome but as a v0.2 it needs obviously some polishing. If I'm allowed to give my suggestions here are a few. - Like Rover said a different collor for each resource would be nice. Probably the possibility to change the collor ingame or in a config file. - It would be nice to set the min amount that is needed to make it visible to an amount in ppm instead of an value between 0 and 254. I'm not sure if it's possible (like for anything else I suggest) but if it is it would be nice to see it implemented. - Also the possibility to change the opacity of the overlay would be nice. - Since ORS is realy open a way of implementing own resources (probably with its own color) would be nice too. - A way of enable and disable the window that shwows the resoure an the amount of it would be usefull. Probably enable it while pressing a key or a combination of keys (alt + I for Information or something like that) Probably a little bug-report. It's maybe a thing in ORS and not your mod. - The amount of Karbonite (it is also on any other resource) in the window that shwows the resoure an the amount of it is sometimes shown in % instead of ppm. All of this is mabye curently in development. I will test your mod and will give you my feedback if I found something else. Keep the work going on this one has a lot of potential! (English isn't my native speech so I'm sorry for any mistake) EDIT: Well I see in the time I wrote it you made the first one true. I'm sorry!
  11. Is there a plan to implement tweakscale in the part configs? If not it would be probably worth to think about it. Anyway I'm really glad to see b9 isn't dead and I realy appreciate your work.
  12. @RoverDude First I want to thank you for this awsome mod. Realy nice work Second due to the fact that I don't found any MM-files for RealFuels/ModularFuelSystem and Karbonite I'm currently working on a integration in RealFuels (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64118) and ModularFuelSystem (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64117) for my self. If you (or any one else ) are intersted I will give you the files of course. Let me know if you are interested I'll create a thread then.
  13. I have the same with my install WIN 7 64bit in 64bit and 32bit ksp. Before the update it worked just fine.
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