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Everything posted by Nooblet68

  1. I blow up the indestructible bunker! My crater and destroyed indestructible bunker!
  2. I steal Mince\'s H-bomb and blow the hill and bunker! My large crater and indestructible bunker!
  3. But then fall back down the hole. Back to floor 120 for you.
  4. ...Run into a hole back down to floor 120...
  5. Someone I don\'t notice much - probably because of no activity in RP.
  6. Granted, but it\'s in my nation - and gets hit by your H-bomb. I wish that you didn\'t destroy half of Kerbin, Mincey.
  7. Granted, but you\'re the galaxy. I wish Mince would acknowledge the current IeK meeting.
  8. Granted, but the ball misses and hits YOUR face. I wish for pi.
  9. explosion.exe not found shutting down 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% logoff.exe not found
  10. Granted, but it\'s pixelated. I wish for infinite supply of whatever food and drink I want.
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