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Everything posted by Nooblet68

  1. Apparently 170% of my posts are on RP...
  2. Go up to floor 82... And find something... What, though?
  3. Nope, it wasn\'t nothing. I still posted. The next person will have their post in code.
  4. All I can say about this whole thing is: Lol... First, the circle image, then the Kerbal naming system.
  5. Of which, next to none of them will even have the most basic grip on hacking.
  6. Wow... Congrats to him.
  7. I\'m quite sure this is possible. It\'s going to take you a long while though. Also, don\'t crash. That\'d be amusing but annoying.
  8. The people running Roblox think they\'re \'un-criticisable\' kings, when in fact, they\'re just extortionate... Yeah... They can\'t accept their wrongs.
  9. Ponies... RAGE!!! Surpress... Operation Failed! Grr.../10
  10. You throw it out of the window and see how it fares. (Back to floor 0...)
  11. My same thoughts... They don\'t even care for their players any more. It\'s just Self Self Self...
  12. Apart from the fact this is just destined to fail as badly as my last KSP launch, it\'s overall stupid. SOPA\'s dead. They\'re protesting against something with no credibility which has near enough died anyway. Truthfully, it\'s too late for them to do this.
  13. That\'s quite an interesting design; aiming more for horizontal size than vertical size.
  14. Ponies? ... Solve the rest for yourself/10
  15. Although then the single line of the circle would never meet - not warranting it as a circle.
  16. I should probably check as well... (Massive money if they deceive...)
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