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Everything posted by Taverius

  1. I'm not arguing about not replacing the models - no need to have useless assets in memory. I'm arguing about not replacing the .cfgs, and doing the little that is necessary via MM.
  2. I wouldn't try to read that even if they were paying me for it. Break your text into paragraphs.
  3. 1.7.1 is out on KerbalStuff and BitBucket, CurseForge keeps timing out and will come later. @Mekan1k: should fix your node issue.
  4. I've been bashing my face trying to figure out what your mod was doing that was messing with TVPP, when I realized you replace the stock .cfgs instead of using MM. Never do this. I'll have a file that resolves that tomorrow P.S. Some notes: radialLiquidEngine1-2 You changed the part origin and the node, and that's fine - but you didn't then set CoMOffset to set the part's CoM back where it was. Fixed cfg-side. Changing the FxOffset is a bad idea - mods that change that engine to ModuleEnginesFX (like HotRockets!) will have FX that's in the wrong position (clipping the nozzle, I imagine). Move the thrust vector instead. ModuleAnimateHeat was missing its closing bracket, Fixed. Edit I lied ahaha: link
  5. Not here. Looks like the stock parts redo edits the scale value for no good reason whatsoever, I'll get it later. It does have fuel if you have FAR. If you don't, they don't because then the drag of the intakes would be 100% higher when the tank is full.
  6. Because you still need to nuke the B9 files that MFT/RF/DRE provide. I'll poke NathanKell some more about about releases thereof when he's back next week. No idea how to fix that, I don't use RT2.
  7. Sorry, was trying to work with the curse guys on why it kept timing out my uploads. 1.7 is up on Curse, Kerbalstuff, Bitbucket: The stock drag model is now unsupported. While parts will balanced, FAR|NEAR are now considered a dependency. Update ModuleManager to v2.4.4. Recompile KineTechAnimation with KSP v0.24.2. Cost fixes everywhere. Redone mass/capacity for fuselages. Fixed numerous errors in NTBI .cfg. Clean up MM code, detect NEAR where appropriate. Add FireSpitter git a99fc36c. Use FSfuelSwitch in fuselages. KSP-AVC support. Replace basic prop script with FireSpitter alternative. Customized ModularFuelTanks|RealFuels support. Deprecate and hide extra fuel-type specific spaceplane fuselages. Tweak turbojet velocity curve. Increase gimbal range on turbofan and turbojet. Fix drag on Radial/Nacelle body. Remove custom RAPIER curves introduced in v1.6.2 - the ones in FAR|NEAR are similar enough. Moved MKx adapters to propulsion category. Updated DA BallShark plugin. Add ModuleManager patch to bring Spaceplane+ in line with TVPP and B9. Add FSwheelAlignment to stock wheels. Add Deadly Reentry support. Add CrossFeedEnabler support to TVPP conformal tanks. Redone torque and steering curves, resource usage on all stock wheels. Set mass of landing gear to 0 since its hard-coded to physics-less. DA TJ100 now only works when model is visually deployed. There will be bees, please let me know when you find them
  8. Save the craft and load it again, and drop the attitude. Edit: remember to delete the B9 file provided by MFT.
  9. Use MFT. Example: 1) Install B9. 2) Install MFT. 3) Install Karbonite You're done.
  10. It was wrong, its been fixed, we will keep fixing things that are wrong Actually, no, its smaller - the aspect ratio is very different from yours. Also, the AN-225's wing is far less swept then the HW21, and their CoM is much further back. Landing gear is attached via a single surface connection. We can't do anything about the flex, though I have no such issues on the stock craft. Not while doing landings that don't snap the plane in half, anyway. Make sure you nuked any and all 'fixes' from the community patches from 0.23.5, and no, you're not going to be able to support 400t crafts on 2 landing gears without the suspension bottoming out. Not making larger ones for now, and we don't do rescales.
  11. You have a ridiculously large horizontal stabilizer. The CoL of the HW21 is now correct (provided you're using the unreleased FAR): Its all you from now on.
  12. Scales the size of the intakeir tank on the basis that 0.01 area intake should have 0.2 intakeair capacity. Less numbers for me get wrong in an update by automating stuff like this with MM.
  13. We don't have any, and will never have any, externally-inverted parts. Mirroring B9 parts is working as intended within the framework of how KSP symmetry works, and that's the end of the issue.
  14. And that should be that until 0.25 drops.
  15. SPH mirroring is and has always been a simple flip.
  16. No, it cant be fixed. That's how KSP is, whine @ Squad.
  17. Its a fairly long changelog, but its all fixes. Nothing particularly exciting except for moving some parts to more appropriate tech nodes, and an increase in HX connection strengths that should help with wobble somewhat.
  18. I was hoping to have it ready tonight, and pushed it by error. I've reverted the remote version for now, hopefully tomorrow we'll have 5.2.2 out.
  19. Its fixed already in the development branch.
  20. Sorry, I should have added the 'with any decent efficiency' to the end there You can get above by simply brute-forcing, but the thrust curve still drops like a stone :3
  21. Yeah, don't set Isp to 0, running out of air will take care of that for you. Karbonite git has what I think is a decent propfan speed curve, though you probably want to tighten it even more for turboprops - ain't nobody yet figured out how to make a propeller get past mach 0.67 (230m/s SL) apart from the propfan people. Well, not get past that and produce useful thrust, anyhow.
  22. Because all of the stock parts have fixed resource allocations, so the cost is baked into the base part.cost FSfuelSwitch changes different tank types and resources, so obviously it needs to be able to switch the cost.
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