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Everything posted by slubman

  1. I have something strange happening in my career save, I landed on Iota and Ceti, however now the only exploration contracts I get are for Grannus… This is a big step up going from Gael SOI to Grannus imho. Is it an issue with GPP contracts progression, or is it a KSP bug?
  2. Here it is // Set anomaly detection rate to 100% for high tech probes // Author: slubman @PART[probeStackLarge|probeStackSmall]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleKerbNetAccess]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleKerbNetAccess] { %AnomalyDetection = 1 } }
  3. I want my crewed part to have the lights on by default, and unbound from the light control group. That way, toggling light only work with actual light beams. Below are the MM cfg I created to achieve this: // Command pods have lights on by default, and not bound to ActionGroup // Author: slubman @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleColorChanger]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleColorChanger] { %animState = true %defaultActionGroup = None } } // Cockpits and cabins have lights on by default, and not bound to ActionGroup // Author: slubman @PART[*Cabin*|*Cockpit*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { %animSwitch = false %animTime = 1 %animSpeed = 1 %defaultActionGroup = None } } I also like to have my kerbals have the EVA lights on by default, below is the MM cfg for this: // Kerbal have lights on when starting EVA // Author: slubman @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[KerbalEVA]]:FINAL { @MODULE[KerbalEVA] { %lampOn = true } }
  4. Hello, On the home page there is an option to filter by craft using certain mods. But would it possible to filter by crafts not using a mod too ?
  5. Hello, A brand new installation, where I just downloaded KSP 1.2.2. Started the game once. Installed the newest GPP 1.2.1 and kopernicus 1.2.2-5 I go in the main menu and try to create a new career, but flags appear in double (the GPP ones, and some but not all squads one): If I try to create a new career before installing kopernicus and GPP, no flag in double. Am I doing something wrong here ?
  6. Just before going on vacations, I finally sent the first manned (6 Kerbals) Duna expedtion in my 1.2 career. This expedition is made of 14 ships sent to Duna. Once everybody has arrived, there will be: 1 Crew transfer vehicle 1 Duna space station (half of the 14 ships actually), 1 Duna rover, 1 Duna lander hive (12 small landers), 1 Duna Ore scanning satellite, 1 Duna surface shuttle (crew will have to repack chutes between flights), 1 Ike surface shuttle, 1 Ike Ore scanning satellite, 1 Miner & Ore shuttle to mine on Ike and bring the ore to the Duna space station. Pictures of the main vessels below More details there: http://slubman.info/post/duna-here-i-come-a-k-a-duna-expedition-01
  7. Yes it does work. In fact the issue was on my side, my modifications were not saved on disk. When updating the craft, the details are updated.
  8. When updating a craft, are the details updated ? I updated one of my craft, one of the change was the root part. However on KerbalX the rootpart is still being shown as the one in the previous version.
  9. Once I unblock the MK 1-2 pod, all my missions are based on teams. These teams all have 3 members, and the membership of a team does not change. If a team member is KIA, the rest of the team become inactive and is sent on the Island. So depending of the mission I will send a multiple of 3 kerbals on it.
  10. In my 1.2 career save, my main Minmus Space Station / fuel depot: And my main Kerbin Space Station / fuel depot: The full story behind those station is explained there: http://slubman.info/post/kerbin-soi-fueling-system-setup
  11. When doing interplanetary travels, I don’t want my kerbal to be stranded in some small capsule for months/years. So I started working on an interplanetary vessel with lot of room. There is 16 Hitchiker (so 64 kerbals), a science lab and a cupola. Costing 3.4M$, in the career, this vessel is not close to be launched. The tests are done in a sandbox save. A test launch video is available there: http://plays.tv/video/5840abf1594ab033d4/playing-around-some-design-for-interplanetary-vessels I will continue to work on this design. I plan to add at least an ISRU.
  12. Finished the building of my second Minmus Space Station. After starting a Minmus mining operation, I decided to build a new Minmus space station, using parts who were not available when I built the first one. This station will also serve as an orbital fuel depot.
  13. Technically it was yesterday… I finally completed a Ike 4 journey, but I also had to edit my save file, as the last step was requesting to start the mission from minmus (see this reddit post).
  14. Is the female kerbal voice retro-active ? On a full female team, when manually activating the chaterrer, I only hear male voices.
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