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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Problem solved, I updated my post on Fuel Tanks plus. It was ModuleManager. For some reason I thought the latest version was packaged with either of the 2 mods. My mistake.
  2. The textures on all my takes are flickering like crazy again (previously this was solved by updating interstellar Fuel switch after every KSP update) but now several updates have been made for 1.1.2 and the problem persists, is this somehow a problem with Fuel tanks plus? Is it a known issue for everyone? EDIT: SOLVED, I was under the illusion that the latest version of Module manager was packaged with either this mod or Interstellar Fuel switch, that turns out to have been false. After getting the latest version separately here everything seems to be working nicely together.
  3. Is there some kind of a work around to solve the current texture problem in the latest version or is it a known issue? I noticed no one responded in a day and I'm still waiting to play KSP after 1.1.2 broke this mod for me.
  4. I'm on the latest version but all my Fuel tanks (From Fuel Tanks plus) or any that use this mod the textures are all broken. Latest version of KSP 1.1.2 64 bit.
  5. After some thinking, and further tests I believe I may have overlooked 1 major design flaw in my aircraft which leads me to believe there is no bug present other than the false readings from the debugging menu (Which i did rely on, making me confident there was a bug, In fact if I never had access to the debug perhaps I would have realized my mistake much earlier on) That being? I had basically created a flying wing with VERY little YAW stability. Meaning the aircraft especially under acute conditions simply didn't have the YAW authority to keep itself stable. [A matter of aerodynamic physics I'm aware of, but sadly one I overlooked after getting giddy when I found the debug menu and relied on that, making me think it had something to do with the flight performance especially when it only seems to apply to some parts and not others] Also, with a flying wing, I neglected to make sure the only roll control would be on the edge of the wing, instead with my middle control surface also rolling[and pitching] it could often create a certain disbalance in pitch {As in certain conditions the roll, when only applied to one wing is also creating [downward]pitch automatically, this could happen on my craft as the surfaces don't always end up being equal opposites when the control surface in question also determines pitch} - This means that theoretically the aircraft would pull either left or right during the same flight depending on certain conditions however my aircraft being so bulky and slow to maneuver never got the chance to experience that before failure. ^ I discovered that with a smaller more nimble test aircraft, put more vertical surfaces on and problem solved as expected. TL;DR: This started with a mistake on my part which I overlooked after finding and sadly relying on the debug information to be accurate which once I saw it made me think I was looking at visual confirmation of a bug. Shm, stupid debug menu making me look like an ass
  6. PS: Alright I'll upload the same old craft and give you a mod list. Saves me time. - - - Updated - - - http://hastebin.com/babomucese.py I think it's just these 3 mods let me know if it doesn't work. KW rocketry, SpaceY Heavy lifters, Fuel tanks plus Before you say it, without cargo (as the version i sent you) The small fuel tank all the way in the front is intended to be locked so the center of mass remains beyond the center of lift. - Not that you'll get to that point before things start to go wrong probably. {When i fly it, I do manually manage the fuel distribution too, which normally involves pushing it forward however sometimes I push it back for more mobility) - You can drop the external tank right after takeoff, its actually just there to assist during takeoff.
  7. That's because as "your" craft consume fuel, the center of mass moves behind or too near the center of lifting causing it to become unstable, if its behind the center of lift of course its going to re-enter backwards. That's physics for you. - DUH I test all possibly fuel displacement possibilities before flight. Again, I'm not an idiot despite what you'd like to think. PS: I can upload it's text content to Hastebin but this particular aircraft uses mods which no doubt you'd love to dismiss based off that so I'd have to make a stock version that's comparable.
  8. Its like you think I play with the overlay? As I said before I got annoyed with this issue and started a discussion before even thinking of pulling up the overlay - When I did I noticed something quite strange which seems to have something to do with the issue I'm experiencing this I figured it was a good way to show people what I mean. - I can't really show the unstable flight with images and I've not recorded any video. - - - Updated - - - STOP that crap now! - All of these aircraft were made on the new version, before then I used FAR. I've taken piloting lessons in real life. I'm not an idiot and you shouldn't be either. That is a BLATANT excuse to try and push the blame off the bug and into unknowns no one will test whereas I've had people reproduce the issue I'm explaining which does NOT pertain to an issue in the overlay but flight performance. If you think these aircraft would behave how they are right now in reality you're simply mistaken. You simply don't have any idea of the issue at hand, seemingly because you haven't read the OP in which I've had to post quotes down here just for you.
  9. Here is a quote right from the OP in case you missed it "causing the aircraft to become unstable and pull to one side which can even lead to catastrophic failure during high altitude flight" And here is one from the steam discussion. "However it comes with difficulty. It slightly pulls to the right, up a little too while It tries to roll over. At high speed high altitude it can and HAS pulled itself all the way over to the right causing a spin out (No, I'm not running into an issue with engine airflow) You can fight it somewhat with yaw control, during the entire assent you have to fight it calmly until you hit time for orbital injection where its a beast to be dealt with. Basically, not operational."
  10. Sal-Vager. if the OP here didn't explain it to you please see my link to the steam forum where I go into MUCH more detail. - I tried to give most of that here but I was under SEVERE pressure to make this OP very short and was meant to be easily understandable. To those interested here is another pic (Which was in the OP btw) showing a good aircraft to test this (visual) side of the bug. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=484727876 OMG sal is lecturing me about 1.0 changes and old aircraft. Alright he thinks I'm just an idiot. Ignoring him. What can you do.. SAL I provided all the required information on what the bug is, and how to reproduce it. Just because you live in la-la land doesn't have anything to do with the real world. Once again, this bug obviously affects the game. PS: And dropbox says right on their website buy now or try a 30 day free trail. - - - Updated - - -
  11. Okay. Well then I give up on KSP. I spent tens of hours discovering and doing my absolute best to confirm an obvious bug that IS affecting flight performance and people who have seemingly not done any testing are simply saying I'm wrong and that everything is fine. - I started reporting on this bug BEFORE I used the "debugging" models to show what I mean. Its just easier to use the models as they obviously seem to be in some way related to the issue as on aircraft where the other side works it pulls in that direction for unknown reasons. Once again, this is only visible in situations where things get VERY sensitive particularly on large aircraft at very high altitudes. I mean this Sal_vagar who is manipulating the nature of the bug report is making it sound as if I'm talking about the natural tendency of most aircraft to pull slightly (Up or down normally) without SAS, I TESTED THIS WITH AND WITHOUT SAS., Even extreme SAS controlled RCSs to get maximum control. You're CLEARLY misunderstanding the nature of this bug and sweeping it under the rug and I do NOT appreciate that one bit. "This is why SAS exists, to hold craft steady, expecting craft to stay put with SAS off is unrealistic." - Which is of course why I use SAS, I'm not an idiot sitting here reporting an issue with a flawed aircraft without SAS being used ffs. - - - Updated - - - If people want to act like they know what they're or I'm talking about based on little to no testing not understanding the acute nature of this obvious bug then I say let them. Terrible shame and mishandling of an obvious bug but so be it, I quit KSP as this bug makes my space plane unplayable/impossible. I find it extremely insulting that you even bring up the SAS issue given the amount of time I put into explaining the issue both here and especially on the steam forums where there is more detail. (The images I provided show SAS activated) Never once did I say the debugging tool was accurately portraying the exact issue at hand, however it is blatantly related in someway to the odd behaviors of the type of aircraft I've mentioned in sensitive situations. - This is obviously a game breaking issue in terms of space planes to a certain degree. PS: If you want the .craft file send me an Email at Steven.Horacek@gmail.com I can send it to you via that. Not interested in paying for a dropbox service. PPS: Claw once again I'm not seeing the same issue in your latest pic, keep in mind the lines act strangely. For testing we need to specifically stick to horizontally placed parts. Show me using MK1 parts where one side blatantly isn't producing the Cyan line.
  12. No Claw I don't think you're fully understanding what I mean or what the OP means. - The MK1 fuel tanks DON'T suffer from the bug where one side of symmetrically placed tanks won't produce proper body lift/ just behaves oddly. In your image your MK1s were all perfectly displaying blue lines unless I missed something. You're seemingly trying to say that the bug could just be with the overall and I'm declaring right now that that's false in regards to the issue I'm having, because it DOES noticeably affect aircraft flight performance. I've spent days testing this. Now what I think is causing some of the confusion is that neither of us probably fully understand how or what the overlay is exactly trying to show hence its strange behaviors - However with MK1 those behaviors are symmetrical hence the point of this entire bug report. It does seem to me like you're trying to downplay the issue especially when you said MK1 parts "suffered" from the same bug which as far as I've seen in your images is simply unsubstantiated. PS: Is there a way I can imbed the .craft file right here via the forums? Not seeing the usual tabs under advanced edit. PPS:"Otherwise all of these wacky contraptions would probably be going out of control at some point" - Some do. However also keep in mind this bug seems to ONLY affect 1 part. If I have multiple fuel tanks ONLY 1 on either side will be missing its drag/otherwise behaving oddly therefore the creations you've made would produce a VERY small effect. In other words if I have Skylon 2 engine/fuel pylons on each wing only one on either the left or right side would be experiencing this issue based on my testing. The aircraft you've made in my eye are not the best examples to produce noticeable effects. Bare in mind I don't want to come off as insulting but I am passionate about this bug because i've had to quit KSP for now.. I've spent days testing this, what I think you're trying to imply simply isn't the case. The issue I'm experience does indeed predictably mess with flight performance in sensitive situations. Tested across several, several test aircraft. Believe me I thought at first it was something I did wrong. - Not the case. I feel I applied the proper scientific method in testing my hypothesis, further research is great and should be done however saying that we don't feel it's actually affecting the aircraft is an assumption which has already been disproven as far as I'm concerned. Nugget of logic - There may well be a combination of issues at play here, I don't disagree with that. However what is certain is that there is indeed an aerodynamics bug making certain aircraft impossible to fly properly. - The only [visual] connection to that we can see is the aerodynamics overlay of which none of us fully understand.
  13. Claw, I tried my best to make sure this bug report was small and easily readable. I can 100% assure you this bug DOES have something to do with how the aircraft flies, as with anything in this situation the bug and its effects are greatly increased/magnified when you start to build larger aircraft. - Such as large complex aircraft using HUGE rocket lifting bodies extended quite far onto the wings such as skylon to increase the leverage effect. For instance, the large aircraft I mentioned in the main post will always have the right wing for no reason rip off first under load, or that at high speed/high altitude it pulls VERY harshly to the right and up. An odd pull effect that is VERY noticeable. - When I did tests with just 1 giant rocket engine and no fuel pylons the aircraft had no such issues. See the steam discussion I linked in the OP for some more in depth detail if you're interested. On the surface with a smaller aircraft I can see why you don't feel it having a real pull but I can assure you it definitely screws over larger/more complex aircraft. Such issues do not exist in FAR, or when the problem parts are removed from the aircraft (The rocket fuel tanks) In particular my aircraft uses 2 MASSIVE rocket tanks and has quite a lot of lifting surfaces, when it pulls at high altitude its often impossible to steer out of. Its unlikely that you'll notice this effect when using such small tanks/lifting bodies on rigid aircraft. (My large aircraft is 150 parts plus)
  14. No, I actually tested that. Even if it's built in non-symmetry mode the bug still persists. A strange bug indeed.
  15. If more people would like to test this to further confirm it, that'd be great and could possibly lead to even more information about this bug.
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