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Everything posted by Fuel

  1. The landed spacecraft on the icy moon with the gas giant in the background although a little cliche this is absolutely beautiful, very nice work.
  2. You see I did not knew that, I just need to learn more about modding for this game Well next 1.1 update would move to unity 5 engine as far as I understood so I hope this may be the solution
  3. I do use IR a lot frankly I do not start a new KSP vs till IR is functioning on it , and true there is the ability to create cranes but at a very limited size and functions, I managed to make some nice cranes with elevators and automated hook manurers for fw and backwards but you do not have a telescopic part that retracts inwards for mobility except the Extendatrons which you will need a lot to achieve a certain height. I was also excited about a possibility to attach big parts (on node level) in EVa using external machines, as you can not build cranes once your on a different planet (unless you use extraplanetary launchpads, which is a good mod but takes away the fund of building it yourself on a planet with different proprieties) I mean even in reality humans don't lift almost anything when it comes to the building and bases constructions.
  4. Hi everyone, I am playing KSP now for a good 2 years but something that I did not saw in the game nor in any mods (as far as I know) is the following: - A game function that would allow you to attach parts in EVA (I do not mean just small parts as KIS allows you to do) but big parts like fuel tanks and engines or even stack together MSK parts which would allow you to build amazing outposts on other planets, instead of needing huge amounts of fuel to land entire structures on other planets send only parts with the help of KIS and KAS and assemble everything there! - How to build them? well kerbals are to tiny to lift them but cranes aren't, but even cranes can not be build on other planets in EVA (unless You take the smallest girders and stack them together which will take you a million years in Kerbal time ) - So You need one of this (here is where the telescopic parts come in play) Think about the construction possibilities that this would open only together with MKS/OKS Modular colonization system (one of my favourite mods, may the laws of physics bless you RoverDude) and this would be just a small part of it's application in KSP. As a result of my first suggestion ever for KSP I have placed a pull as well, the pull is simple, would You like to have this option in KSP or not. Of course other suggestions on this topic are very welcome.
  5. Just out of curiosity are You using KSP 1.0.4? - - - Updated - - - @Sirkut, mate, may the laws of physics bless You !!!!!
  6. Thanks for your prompt replay, I didn't encounter issue like this in 1.0.2, frankly I started to hate the 1.0.4 update, as I never encountered so many bugs and issue in previous updates and ironically the 1.0.4 was intended as a bug fix.
  7. Hi everyone, I just discovered that on 1.0.4 the quick save/quick load is not working, after I quick save and then try to load my spacecraft disappears, texture and camera do not function or move more then 10 - 15 degrees. Worst bug I have ever encountered literally screws up every time I try to load. PLEASE HELP, 1.0.4 is a bad update I can not play even with minimum mods installed. Edit: Solved, mod generated error, I have not yet identified what mod cased the issue, will update once the issue is determined
  8. Hi all, I have a little issue with the altitude, most planets seem to have the altitude slightly negative once you touch the ground (a few hundred m) hence I can not land Kerbals on the planets, some planets like Faz (eve's second moon) I crush if I try to land regardless of how low my velocity is. For instance I tried to land on Pergas just now, and with Mechjeb I realized that the "false" altitude is lower then the true altitude and once the "false" altitude reaches touchdown point the true altitude sinks to about -400 m give or take. No issues with texture though but I believe it's not aligned with the true dimensions (depth especially) of the planet. Does anyone else experience this ? I want to check where the problem may be, but didn't had much luck so far.
  9. Yep I have some issues as well on 1.0.4, but I am really surprised that such a small update f...d quite a lot of mods, to be honest I do not recall previous small updates to cause so many impacts.
  10. It was solved, it turned out that the problem was with 0.0.9 kopernicus it was added to the updated vs of Kerbol Plus and I did not noticed, so updating it with 0.1 solved the issue, anyhow I am not very happy with the 1.0.4 update as it interferes with quite some mods generating severe issues, for such a small update I don't think squad did a proper testing before it's release.
  11. Hi everyone, just for quick awareness, I have tried KerbolPlus (as it is a great mod) yesterday and discovered that you need to replace the provided Kopernicus config and dll with the Kopernicus 0.1 vs, as the one included in the KerbolPlus is not working with 1.0.4 update. It interfered with building upgrade function of KSP 0.1 https://github.com/BryceSchroeder/Kopernicus/releases/tag/beta-01
  12. Thanks a lot mate, for the link although I don't seem to be able to test it do to a glitch in the build, building upgrades do not take effect.
  13. Hi guys I have a odd issue that I never encountered before, just appeared with 1.0.4. After I upgrade a building although the texture of the building changes to the next level texture of the building the internal contend does not take effect. For instance check the research centre: It did upgrade texture wise but I can not research technologies higher the 100 science. PLEASE HELP This was solved I reinstalled and issue disappeared it seems it was generated by 1 of the mods which one I have not idea, if I will find out I will update EDIT: The problem was cause by a older vs of Kopernicus accompanied by KerbolPLUS, so replace the KerbolPlus kopernicus.dll with the new 0.1 vs released on 26th June 2015
  14. Did Anyone tried on 1.0.4, I would try it myself but I made a commitment to not start KSP till some essential mods are updated
  15. I just updated to 1.0.4 but I will not even open KSP, not even to see if the update works till I see IR update for 1.0.4 I use this mod so much that I can no longer imagine playing KSP without it "Deus ex IR" God's speed guys.
  16. Just tested the mod, beautiful planets and stars I must admit but I also encounter a lot of errors, mostly texture and some physics issues - Pandora up close when I try to land seems to miss the texture ( I can see through the planet and it's molten core, which is cool but not suppose to be) now I see that you have posted a pic up close of Pandora so I am fairly certain that the issue comes from not replacing Kopernicus Config and maybe the dll with the ones that You supplied as it would conflict with OPM and some other mods. - The problem that troubles me most is that I can't establish a stable orbit on most planets (using HyperEdit of course) and I do not think that Hyper edit would cause this issue - I discovered similar texture issues on .... what was the name Valko I believe up close only. I will continue to check and try the rest of the planets and stars, but if You can give any advice on a fix that would be greatly appreciated. Cheers love the planets though.
  17. I will provide you with a screenshot asap, sorry I can't managed it in this post but I just arrived from a party , I am not even sure whether this is directly related to the OMP I took this as the first possibility because the error existed in the previous vs of OMP as you mentioned in the description as well. Updated! - - - Updated - - - I didn't thought actually that it has anything to do with it the mod works just fine and I didn't saw any texture issues
  18. Hi everyone, I am not sure whether I missed something but to me My precious and by far my favourite moon Tekto still has a very dark texture up close, it is different then the issue on 1.7 beta 2 cause when I land now the terrain in distance is visible with less darker texture but the area around my landing spots is as dark as on the beta 2 vs. Any advice? I use the latest Kopernikus, trans-keptunian and sigma88 Pluto-Charon inspired mod which by the way work like a charm now with OPM 1.7. Ironically my favourite (I know I am repeating myself) moon doesn't .
  19. Hi everyone, I have a similar problem, although I do not see any ship or part, I have checked in every tab, and I am quite confident that I did nothing wrong in the installation. My gamedata folder does look like: :Distant Object: :Helwyr Replica Starships LTD: :FShangarExtender: So what could be wrong? I would really love to check the ships out
  20. True this needs to be done professionally, personal attempts failed to generate anything else then stress for me AND I understand that this takes time also that I should not say this but dammmmmmmmm I can't wait for this to become compatible with new KSP vs
  21. Are you able to properly attach everything with correct orientation? That is what I just discovered with my KAS when I attach say a electro magnet to a winch I have to put it with opposite orientation in order to attach to the node (so orientation is reversed on notes for the KAS parts) which makes it useless, as you can't really use any winches nor attach to other ... well stuff
  22. Indeed there are some compatibility issues with MechJeb 2.5 for me on KSP 1.02, i encounter a few issues the most common of which is that function like Delta-V status, orbit info, and surface info do not work after they were activated once I land on a planet and on my return to Kerbin they don't pop up any more, frankly this is the first time i encounter serious issues with MechJeb. If anyone has any advice it is more then welcome.
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