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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Holy Kerbans KSC 2 is absolutely perfect !!!!! Thank you very much! The long flight from KSC to KSC 2 paid off with an absolute beautiful landing. The runway, the facilities, the markings everything is absolutely amazing! **standing ovation**
  2. Hey there, i'm not sure if suggestions are welcome so please excuse me if I might of caused a facepalm or two I'd love to have a jumbo jet friendly runway on kerbin. (extra wide extra long) currently the only runway thats capable of allowing a super-sized airliner to take off and land is the one at KSC... others are too narrow or too short for safe take-off and landing. the one from kerbin city has objects placed too close to the runway snapping my turbines off and causing a successful landing turn into a fireball on tarmac. I hope my suggestion would be taken into consideration when a new runway is being placed I'd highly appreciate it! thanks for taking the time to read my post! cheers!
  3. you got me all giggly, fuzzy and warm inside. say it again slowly ` aaaawwww lord *faints*
  4. Hey RoverDude Fantastic creations you've got there, I fell in love with the Pack-Rat from the very first moment my kerbal jumped in. I've only got one suggestion, if I may... i'd like a middle chassis section for the rover to be able to extend the rovers length. I hope it's not too much to ask for. keep up the good work !!!!!
  5. No feedback on my suggestion about a possible closed loop highway ? doesn't have to be fancy textured or anything, it just would be nice to have a bit of asphalt to cruise around on without needing to brake for dear life before plunging into the sea.
  6. I'm still keeping an eye out on this mod since 2013 last year. I'm only a bit dissapointed that progress is at a slow pace, makes me feel guilty that I have no modeling or programming skills... I can spew out ideas but it would all be just "talk" without any real "action". Although I guess one little suggestion would make K City EXTREMELY more fun -> Fixing the bridges to have the highway loop completely connected. I mean at least that should get people to cruise around in their rovers enjoying the scenery. I use this mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61717-InfiniteDice-ICE-An-alternative-Engine-Module-for-Atmospheric-Vehicles and I always get dissapointed I cant cruise continuously around K cities highway.
  7. Hi, I just registered to the forum to ask one important question... How can I change the throttle key ? currently the default you've set within the mod is "W" but this WSAD key setup is only for English keyboard layout... How about a way to have the user pick what keys they can use in my case it's ZSQD thanks in advance. P.S I absolutely Fkin love this mod !!!! ( ground vehicles engines transmission system, hopefully someday a V12 beast for a sportscar project)
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