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Everything posted by ExtraWaffle

  1. I finally built my space station around Jool with pretty much everything important from mod (Convertor, Karbonite tanks, etc.), but when I ran out of fuel, I tried to convert some Karbonite (I got something from low 145km orbit) to Liquid fuel and Oxidizer so I can finish my orbit as I wanted. When I pressed button on Convertor, nothing happened. There was still the same amount of Karbonite, Liquid fuel and oxidizer as I had before. It was like the Convertor isn't working but then I though if I should change in VAB before how are parts connected. I mean if I should have put normal tank on one end of convertor and Karbonite tank on the other side. Do I have to rebuild it correctly and fly again to Jool because of this or is this just a bug ? BTW... Power generator isn't working. Do I have to put Karbonite tank next to it to make it work ? Picture: http://qs.lc/9mop2
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