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Posts posted by Leszek

  1. Hello.

    First I would like to say this is an awesome mod, but unfortunately it has not been working for me of late.

    After the update to 0.90 (and DRE 6.4, and FAR which is on my second version since BETA than ever.) DRE seems to do less and less. For a while it was ablating 2 or 3 points off my heatshield but has now dropped to nothing. I tried to reenter from a steeper trajectory (250km to a negative PE) and still no ablation.

    I tried to delete DRE and re install from the zip package. I deleted MM (V 2.5.6) cache files and tried again. Finally I deleted the career and started a new one. It is like DRE isn't even there.

    I am running stock size KSP with DRE currently set to hard from the in game menu. (I used to just leave it on normal.) The last reentry I did was with stock capsule from 85X85 orbit to a PE of -150 KM or so. (Traditionally I aim for a 23 KM PE and am used to some ablation on normal from LKO.)

    I have a bunch of mods but the ones that would affect this would be just FAR. (After that I have some parts packs such as Tantares, KW Rocketry, ETC and utils like Docking Alignment, KER, KAC, ETC. Finally Active Texture.)

    I am running Windows with 32 bit KSP.

    output_log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oiuazhv78ajoe5b/output_log.txt?dl=0

  2. I stopped considering myself a noob the last time I had to do an orbital insertion to dock.

    I build space stations and also my first Mun/Minmus missions are two spacecraft docked together. I have been getting to the point where even at different altitudes I can eyeball when to launch to get less then 10 KM from the target at apoapsis, so instead of orbital insertion I go right to docking. A few days ago I was 27ish KM's off so I had to do an orbital insertion first. I realized that I couldn't remember the last time I had to do that.

    I know Scott Manley is the Chuck Norris of KSP and I am not the awesomest KSP player here by a long shot but I think when you can first try build a single purpose rocket, launch it, dock it, and skip orbital insertion, you are at least not a noob anymore.

  3. I noticed during the launch that the rocket was said to do a solar roll. (If I heard right.) The launch was at night and there is no obvious clue from the video to explain exact what that is. I have done some google foo, but I have been unable to find the answer.

    I would guess that it has to do with satellite orientation for the solar panels. But then why turn the rocket instead of mounting the satellite already in the correct orientation?

    Anyone know what the deal is?

  4. Nicely Explained.

    Wiki will help with the other forms you mentioned

    could you tell the meanings of IAS and TAS

    I have a feeling Hodo got it wrong ?

    IAS is the airspeed read right of the airspeed dial. TAS is the actual airspeed the craft is traveling through the air.

    IAS is useful because the stall speed IAS doesn't change with altitude. (Err changes very little.) So if your aircraft will stall at 150 kts on the ground it will stall at 150 kts at 30,000 feet. Also speeds such as Vne (Never Exceed speed) can be in IAS. IAS changes as the atmosphere gets less dense. You can travel faster in less dense air before your wings rip off, but the IAS will show the same speed. Faster planes also have a Mach speed number as well. Many comercial planes then have a max IAS as well as a max mach. (Say 350 kts IAS or mach .82 whichever is lower.)

    However you need to convert to TAS to navigate. TAS vector + Wind vector = path across the ground.

    In KSP all speeds are TAS.

  5. I am fine with reaction wheels the way they are, but they should have a spin up limit just like real reaction wheels.

    The reaction wheel is just a flywheel, the torque needed to spin it up has a equal and opposite reaction on the craft. As the wheel spins up its ability to impart torque is reduced until it reaches max spin. All things being equal, at this point you just have to wait until you line up and then slow the wheel down imparting the opposite torque. When the wheel stops there is no net torque. This is fine in space. Once in an atmosphere though you have a problem as countering aerodynamic forces will spin up your wheel quickly. Stopping the wheel now will not help you and you will need RCS to zero out your wheels again.

    I don't know if squad will ever do that or if there will ever be a mod, but that is the way I would like to see it.

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