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Posts posted by Leszek

  1. What Geshosskopf said.

    When I put Comstilation (My name for com sat program) sats up I follow the following process. First I launch to a curricular 100k orbrit. Then when I am on the opposite side of KSC, I raise my apoapsis to 2868.7 KM. When I get there I am 1/4 turn away from KSC. I then raise my orbit until its period is 4:30. I can usually hit this within a second or so. Then every time I get to apoapsis I am 1/4 turn ahead of last time. I release a sat and have it raise the orbit until a 6 hour period. I normally can get within 1/2 a second. This produces a perfect square that lasts many days. You need some sort of thruster on the sat, or simply releasing it introduces enough error to limit your sat network life it about 100 days. Also if you have a thruster on the sat itself you can then leave your deployment craft on its 4:30 orbit for the next release.

    This setup will release 4 sats instead of 3 but this only means that they can drift longer before it becomes a problem.

    It wouldn't be that hard to modify for 3 sats. From 100k you boost 1/4 ahead of KSC. You will reach apoapsis above KSC. Boost for a 4 hour orbit instead of 4:30. Release a sat and extend for 6 hour period.

  2. (I hope this wasn't already said. I did read through some pages but this thread is difficult to read.)

    I find CC convenient. When .25 came out, I had more mods then I can remember. The CC just wasn't all that in the way and it doubled to remind me what mods I have. If all my mods used CC it would have been easier. Especially since not every folder in game data maps to a mod. Some (like triggertech, Klockheed Martin) have more than one.

    I really don't understand why someone finds CC so in the way. It is a click and gone. It is not like it kills that cat. It doesn't take hours to skip through. It doesn't eat all my RAM so that I can't run mods.

    If I had an abandoned mod that uses CC and is always getting in my way, that I might find that mildly annoying, but not really.

  3. Laws don't work that way, even in law systems outside USA (in which legal precedents are common). You don't need to have a law for every specific action one might do. For example, if I stab someone dressed as a clown, there's no law that deals with "stabbing someone dressed as a clown". There is a law dealing with murder.

    Mars One is using gullible people and planning to send them into certain prolonged, agonizing, media-covered deaths. Now, if you don't understand what's wrong with that, something is wrong with you. Plain and simple.

    Unless we're talking about terminally ill and suffering patients which can choose medically assisted help in achieving termination of life (euthanasia), you can not make a contract with anyone which allows you to kill him or expose him to conditions where survival is barely possible. It is simply illegal.

    And yes, it is illegal to stuff 100 g of chewing gum into childrens' ears. Given the low compressibility of the gum and its large volume, such amount of gum would burst their eardrums and finish inside skull, pushing against brain and killing them.

    I understand where you are comming from now. However you are wrong about it being illegal. It might end up being that, but it is not clear yet. consider the following two examples:

    1) You talk friends into climbing a mountain. One that is known for killing climbers. Your friends die during the attempt.

    2) In Canada (and I think in the states) the price on the item in a store is what counts. The store can't mark an item for $4 and then try to charge $10 at the register. Now consider a car dealership, a car is marked $13,999 when the wind blows and all the 9's come off. The car is now marked $13.

    In these two examples (and the Mars One case) a legal idea called the reasonable person applies. In the first example, if the friends are competent adults then they being reasonable persons knew the risk going in. Things get complicated though with factors such as did you try to mislead them as to the danger. But it isn't cut and dry. In the second example, a reasonable person is expected to realize the car doesn't cost $13.

    Now to the Mars One case, a reasonable person is expected to realize that the trip to Mars is difficult and fraught with danger. They will have signed wavers stating as much. Should the people die and family take it to court, they would have the burden of proof to try to establish that Mars One mislead the colonists in such as way and to such an extent that a reasonable person would have been fooled. Further, exactly where that line is drawn depends on the precedent in the jurisdiction the case is tried in.

    So no, it is not clearly illegal. (And good thing too, you think we have frivolous lawsuits now...)

    Disclaimer: IANAL, I just had a Canadian law class in college.

    Nevertheless, this falls under planning, which is the first step of acting on something. Planning does belong to crime, too. If you think it doesn't, try planning an attack on a mall. Even if you don't buy weapons and you only have blueprints on your computer, you'll can still be arrested and brought in front of a judge.

    I'm not exaggerating too much here. If someone is actively persuading people to march to their certain deaths, and additionally to that, plans to make money on it, he's doing a crime.

    I have read this. For the reasons stated above this doesn't apply unless it can be proved the organizers knew it was certain death. (Or perhaps nearly so.)

  4. Dkmdlb is right.

    lajoswinkler has made a lot of naked assertions and then in the second post failed to explain them. I am not saying he is wrong. I don't know. I am saying he hasn't explained his ideas properly. Some of what he is saying is either wrong or explained wrong.

    For example, if you increase the amount of O2 in the air, you MUST be increasing the partial pressure of O2. Either that or you are reducing the total pressure of gas in total in the enclosure. Either by leaking it out or by removing it somehow. There is no two ways about it. That is how partial pressure works. So either he is wrong or he said it wrong when he asserted:

    Today's plants don't work that way. If they're put into an atmosphere with significantly higher partial pressure of oxygen, it will harm them. So they don't to that to themselves.

    Plants consume CO2 and O2, but their net production gives excess O2. You'll never get an increasingly higher partial pressure of oxygen no matter how many salad you plant in the habitat.

    Further his next post after that failed to elucidate. It reads fine, I am reasonable confident he knows what he is talking about in the second post, but he didn't answer any of the objections raised in any useful way.

    It is not obvious why it is or would be an illegal idea. He implies that it is illegal in the same way putting bublegum in the kids ears would be. But as pointed out, the bublegum isn't illegal per se, it falls under assault. But how is that in any way analagous to the OP topic or Mars One in general?

    And O2 is highly reactive and his spiel about how plants and animals cope with it are correct, but plants can and do raise the partial pressure of O2 in their environment. This is a fact, and it is WHY we have O2 in earths atmosphere at all above trace levels. Why should they fail to do it again in an enclosed environment?

    He then moves on to what happens in earths biosphere. Great, but how does this apply to the mars farm?

    lajoswinkler seems to know in part at least what he is talking about, but he isn't explaining himself properly and what he is saying can't be right as said.

  5. Some feedback.

    I restarted my career for unrelated missions since I got this mod and am only now getting to try out the LES.

    It works well enough so this isn't critical.

    Suggestion 1: LES needs some sort of sideways jet, as it is now it goes nearly straight up and down. It doesn't need to be that strong, just enough to tilt it over a bit so that you don't land back down in your own rocket explosion or otherwise have your rocket plow into the back of you when your LES motors die.

    Suggestion 2: FASA mod LES jets set it so that staging decouples and fires the LES so that if you get to that step during launch you just hit space and off it goes. This is much more convenient then the stock behavior that yours follows. Basically as it is now, you have a staging for your LES but you don't ever want to use it so it just takes up space in your stage list.

    Other than that this is nearly perfect. I use it for everything now and no longer use the stock 2.5 capsule. This one just looks so much better. :)

  6. There is a good enough fix you can do yourself. From the thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92235-Cross-Platform-Issues-Thread

    The files are named differently and are in folders now, but they are easy to spot and so are the offending lines. There is enough here to fix the issue and there is more in the linked thread if you want more details.

    The following copied from linked thread:

    [0.25] Radial Decouplers Not Decoupling Correctly (parts collide) – [PARTIAL FIX]


    - For new rocket designs, design with the collision risk in mind. Add separatrons or make the entire stage fall away (as opposed to radial boosters).

    - Try Targa's fix (originally posted here). I've copied Targa's fix below.

    Navigate to your Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Utility folder. Locate the .cfg files in the following three folders: radialDecoupler, radialDecoupler1-2, and radialDecoupler2. Open them with Notepad or another text editor and change the code at the bottom to look like this:

    Original Code

    name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler
    anchorName = anchor
    ejectionForce = 250
    explosiveNodeID = srf

    Since we've identified the issue lies in the use of the ModuleAnchoredDecoupler script, we'll use the ModuleDecouple script instead in order to achieve the desired results. Like so:

    name = ModuleDecouple
    ejectionForce = 650
    explosiveNodeID = srf

  7. Well still works in .25 but you can't access the other 3 sites :(

    In other news this Mod is a great mod if you don't want to get away from stock parts: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52882

    It has a preset for RSS that works great on 10x Kerbal.

    jsimmons: The default package seems to have RSS in it twice. Doesn't change functionality but it does double the download size.

  8. Gravity is an acceleration force that pulls you towards the center of the mass. It is important to start with this fact before all else. The acceleration due to gravity on earth is 9.81 ms^2. This is also about the same on Kerban.

    As you move towards orbit, the engines are pushing you ever faster, as a result the people in the craft will feel acceleration from the engine and it is identical to them as gravity would be in every way except magnitude. When the craft reaches orbit, the engines stop, the crew feels instant weightlessness.

    If you ignore what the crew feels and look at the physics of the ship itself, as it approaches orbital speeds the effect of gravity seems to dissipate. That is the ship doesn't have to try as hard to keep altitude, but that is only because the ground is curving away from the craft at a rate approaching the acceleration of gravity. Or put another way, in near orbit gravity is accelerating you downwards at say 8 ms^2 but the ground is curving away from you at 5 ms^2. The ship only has to make up the remaining 3ms^2. The net effect is that the ship experiences less and less gravity until orbit.

  9. When I saw the title of the OP, I was thinking about my worst mistakes. But after reading a few posts...

    The firs time in KSP that I sent something into interplanetary space. Far enough out that it was just me the sun and the stars. It felt so lonely.

    Strange that a game can make you think about such things.

    For my most humbling mistake, I went all the way to interplanetary space to get science. Executed the burn to come back. Entered Kerban SOI made adjustments. A day later I realized I forgot to do the science while out of the SOI. It was too late and I didn't have the DV so I just did high above Kerban science (for the 3rd time) for a few points. Got out recovered the science and continued on to my aerobraking at home. I set the alarm in KAC and did some quick local missions. On one of these I realized my spacecraft was already several days past Kerbal on its way out. KAC defaults to the SOI change and it normally picks what I want so much I forgot to set it to Periapsis. So I thought well that is OK, I can do my high above sun science after all. Got all the way out there and realized I already removed the science from the experiments. Ultimately returned ok, 33 days late and a few hundred science points short. Good thing I don't use TAC life support.

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