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Posts posted by Leszek

  1. 2 minutes ago, GoSlash27 said:

    I concur. I think that the fact that we haven't had confirmation of success on the core stage by now is a sign in and of itself, tho'. Still... I didn't expect them to even attempt to recover the core stage until last night, so I don't really consider that a failure.


    Exactly.  I wouldn't be surprised if it crashed but but the one thing we have a lack of is facts.   In addition to what you pointed out,  Musk said as long as it clears the pad enough to not damage it, he will consider it a win.  (Though I secertly wonder if he was just being careful with expectations.)

    1 minute ago, Gargamel said:

    What time is the TMI burn supposed to happen?  (EST please)

    The best we got.

  2. 1 minute ago, Gargamel said:

    Yeah, but the dang thing is full of batteries right?  If they can go 200 miles at high amp draw, they should be able to go quite a while with just some web cams drawing power....

    They must have broken the distance traveled on one charge by now.


    2 minutes ago, GoSlash27 said:

    Anyone know how long to TMI injection?


    I can't find the tweet right now but it is about 4 hours +/- by now.



    Upper stage restart nominal, apogee raised to 7000 km. Will spend 5 hours getting zapped in Van Allen belts & then attempt final burn for Mars.  <- Posted an hour ago.

  4. 1 minute ago, CoreI said:

    That was FANTASTIC!!! RIP center core though. Heard the words "Lost center core" on the technical cast.

    2.3 million people watching the webcast is a lot! Simply serves to show the monumentality of the moment.

    That could be lost signal.  Do we have anything unambiguous?

  5. Hello Beale.

    I have had a chance to try your new Tantares release and I have some feedback for you.

    -You made it so that you can't exit the Soyuz without an orbital module.  Excellent.  I never thought of that but it makes the part more than cosmetic.  I love it.

    -You made it so that you can't control the Soyuz capsule without power.  Well that just killed a few Kerbals.  (Or would have if I didn't edit the persistence file.  When Kerbals die I restart the career and I didn't feel like restart for this.)  The issue is that if you have remote tech you may run out of power during launch making the capsule a death trap without extra batteries.  However an easy fix is to change the Soyuz LV to have alternators like stock engines.  They wouldn't need much, just about 1.5 energy per second minimum ought to make it so that the  rocket can get you to a place where you can use your solar power.

    -You should change your parachutes to match stock.  With the current version of the game you can with stock parachutes stage them way out at entry interface and you won't kill the parachutes.  This allows you to jettison the orbital module with staging just fine.  I am guessing that was the reason for the non stock parachutes in the first place.  Anyway I edit the parachutes to match stock every time I DL a new version of Tantares because the settings as they come open the parachutes far too abruptly and cause g-force issues if your difficulty is turned up.

    		minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
    		deployAltitude = 1000
    		deploymentSpeed = 0.12
    		semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5	

    -Left and right Solar Panels?  That solution works.  And I like the look too.

    -Separate Heat Shield?  I like that too.  Is it possible to make that stageable?  Or if there is a reason why it isn't already, would you be receptive to the idea of making the staging enableable in the VAB?

    -For Tantares LV, have you considered making the soyuz LV available at earlier areas of the tech tree?  You can avoid making them OP by using part upgrades so that the earlier engines would have less power, efficiency and more mass so that they will not be OP.

    -Also Tantares LV, when I stage to the third stage in Soyuz my rocket rotates off to one side.  Am I doing something wrong or is this a known issue?

  6. 3 hours ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    Issue is, Kerbin the size of Gilly or the size of Canis Majoris, the body is still curved, just at a lessor rate.

    A simpler solution may be to have Kerbin located under a giant flat Kerbal Konstructs structure in the shape of a flat Kerbin, that extends near indefinately in every direction to truly emulate a flat body. Course, I don't know if there's a size/poly count limit to KK structures or if there's a range limit on the physics or whatnot so I'll leave that to the modders to comment on.

    I understand your issue but my point is that I don't think you can do that.  I think the best you can do, the closest you can get is make Kerbin large enough to be effectively flat.  As for KK structures, I have no idea.

  7. 27 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    Wouldn't quite work as the world would still be curved. Just to a lessor extent. I have an idea as to a solution but being as I'm not a modder, I haven't a clue if it's even feasible.

    It would be effectively flat.  After all if the earth is flat enough to fool flat earthers, a planet 10 times the size would ought to be close enough.  Already it would be impossible to get to orbit without modding some OP rockets.  Also you wouldn't be able to do anything or go anywhere but up a short way and then back down.

    And if you really thought that wasn't good enough, make Kerbin 100x earth size.

    But like I said before.  What is the point.  After that you would not be able to go anywhere or do anything.  It really would be a useless mod by itself.

  8. 18 hours ago, Wcmille said:

    What is the strength of a bond?

    I have no idea.  In addition mods change it.  I use KJR (Kerbal Join Reinforcement) on my rockets and they are very durable.   After that I stopped paying attention.

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