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Posts posted by Leszek

  1. I only do science games so I don't have rescue missions, except once.

    A space station was in construction in orbit and I decided to launch a crewed module. (I have remote tech so it saves on things if I can just put a kerbal on it.)  Mid way up during launch the boosters crashed into the core booster and took out my launch vehicle.  So I dumped the fairings and started to try to get to orbit with a space tug with an orbital engine and a not so aerodynamic space station module.  I fail. However I did get close enough to orbit that my kerbal just got out and used his jet pack to complete the orbit and circularize successfully.

    And that is how I got a kerbal in orbit by himself, no ship in sight.

    I realize it is slightly off topic but I post non the less for inspirational reasons.

  2. That was on Skylab I think.  They turned off the comms for a day and took a forced rest.  The story goes something like this, they were all rookies on their first flight.  They had every minute scheduled for them with no down time so that it was 80 something days of 16 hours work and 8 hours sleep.  Thing where scheduled so that they would eat and then have to exercise right after that.  They were not given the flexibility to move things around.  One astronaut got sick when he got into space and the schedule started to fall behind right from the get go.  The more experienced astronauts advised NASA that the schedule was unrealistic before the launch but NASA didn't listen.  The more experienced astronauts where able to keep up with a schedule like that before. (But not for that long, the 85 days I think it was, was a new record at the time.)  Basically the astronauts were treated like equipment and not people.  Finally they had their one day strike and after that NASA listened to them.  However NASA was not impressed and they were considered complainers and never flew again.   However NASA hasn't scheduled a mission like that, with every minute scheduled and no room for astronaut input, since then.

    In regards to a mission to Mars this is not an issue.  Not just because NASA learned their lesson but because the flight would be very boring.  NASA's problem would be keeping the astronauts engaged, and other issues not fully understood yet.

    To answer the question in the title, neither, if you loose either the mission is over.

  3. On 12/9/2015, 11:34:47, Redhornet919 said:

    Its a sad state of society when this person had to say they don't mean to offend in a joke thread....  offence is never given, only taken...

    Who says he had too?  Also Necro thread.

    Scott Manley has an infinite Delta V.

    If they could get a washing machine to fly, Scott Manley can teach jimmy how to land it.

    When in space, do as Scott Manley does.

  4. Beale,.

    I have updated the Station Science configs to work again. (Was broken)  Check the following for the udpated files:


    New contents of _Extra_StationScience.cfg

        name = StationScienceModule
        moduleName = Station Science Facility
        requiredTrait = Scientist
        ConverterName = Research Lab
        StartActionName = Start Research
        StopActionName = Stop Research
        AutoShutdown = false
        GeneratesHeat = false
        UseSpecialistBonus = false
          ResourceName = ElectricCharge
          Ratio = 0.00138888888
          ResourceName = Eurekas
          Ratio = 0.00027777777

    New Contents of  _MIR_Crew_D.cfg

    name = Vega_Crew_D
    module = Part
    author = Tantares
       model = Tantares/Parts/SALYUT/MIR_Crew_D
    scale = 1
    rescaleFactor = 1
    node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.4, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
    node_stack_top    = 0.0,  1.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
    bulkheadProfiles = size1, size2
    TechRequired = advConstruction
    entryCost = 7000
    cost = 2000
    category     = Science
    subcategory  = 0
    title        = V-DOS-D "Quantum" Science Block
    manufacturer = Tantares Space Technologies
    description  = A dedicated science module for your growing space station.
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    mass = 1.9
    dragModelType  = default
    maximum_drag   = 0.20
    minimum_drag   = 0.15
    angularDrag    = 2
    crashTolerance = 10
    maxTemp        = 3400
    vesselType = Station
    CrewCapacity = 1
    		name = ModuleScienceContainer
    		reviewActionName = Review Data
    		storeActionName = Store Experiments
    		collectActionName = Take Data
    		evaOnlyStorage = True
    		storageRange = 2
    		allowRepeatedSubjects = True
    		name = ModuleScienceLab
    		containerModuleIndex = 0
    		dataStorage = 500
    		crewsRequired = 1
    		canResetConnectedModules = True
    		canResetNearbyModules = True
    		interactionRange = 5
    		SurfaceBonus = 0.1
    		ContextBonus = 0.25
    		homeworldMultiplier = 0.1
    			name = ElectricCharge
    			amount = 10
    	name = ModuleSAS
    	name = ModuleReactionWheel
    	PitchTorque = 7
    	YawTorque = 7
    	RollTorque = 7
    		name = ElectricCharge
    		rate = 0.4
    	name = ElectricCharge
    	amount = 50
    	maxAmount = 50
    	name = ModuleScienceExperiment	
    	experimentID = crewReport
    	experimentActionName = Crew Report
    	resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    	reviewActionName = Review Report
    	useStaging = False	
    	useActionGroups = True
    	hideUIwhenUnavailable = True	
    	rerunnable = True
    	xmitDataScalar = 1.0



  5. So I have an issue that I am not sure has anything to do with Tantares, however I thought I would post here just in case.

    After creating my first Vostok I find that the launch fails.  That is, I hit the space bar and the decouplers/launch clamps decouple but the engines do not fire and the ship just sits there.  If I recover the craft there is no end of mission dialogue and the crew is listed as MIA.  I can throttle down to zero, manually activate each engine and throttle up for a take off.  If I abort then, I can recover the crew just fine.

    Mods that might make a difference are "Sensible Pumps" and "Remote Tech".  With SP the engines will automatically shut down if not connected to a control of some type and RT can cause immediate loss of signal after launch causing the rocket to just sit there.  Normally this isn't an issue as such rockets are not crewed so I wouldn't know if it is "eating them."  Both mods do not normally cause this kind of issue for various reasons.

    Anyone else run into similar situations?


    It is the Alnair capsule that does it.  I haven't gotten to any of the later capsules but if I attach the bloeting one or the stock one directly to launch clamps and let them go, the capsule lands and I recover normally.  But if I try this with Alnair, the crew goes MIA.  It is almost like it is being treated like debris instead of a command module.



    So after browsing the cfg files a bit I noticed Alnair was missing the following line:

    vesselType = Ship

    After adding the line the capsule responds normally.

  6. Yeah TAC fuel balancer might be you're best bet, you can override the flow behavior.

    Is the propulsion module a single craft which was docked?

    Yes a single craft with limited fuel, probe core, communications for remote tech, some battery power, solar power, and pod for two Kerbals which was empty at launch and doesn't have control capability. The next 4 modules are just tanks with docking ports and radiators attached. The last module at the end is the science module and attached Soyuz which acted as a space tug to dock the science module.

  7. I have had to re-enable cross feed every time I add a fuel tank module to the craft. Also many ships have docked and undocked including a tanker. Having said that the engines on the main propulsion module do have a little bit of fuel. There is a small tank the engine is directly connected to that provides a bit of thrust but when the other engines are taking fuel from the last tank in the ship this one engine is taking fuel from only this attached tank. The screenshot is what it looks like when the attached tank is empty or shut off.

    Most strange.

  8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xso71alxllxsuh/screenshot6b.png?dl=0

    I have built a Duna orbiting spacecraft in orbit. This craft is a tractor type space craft and the tractor portion has its gimbals disabled. This operation took several hours and multiple launches with early game technology. When all was set and I was ready to go, the craft lost control. After a bit of a confused investigation I found that one engine in a set of symmetrically placed engines doesn't get any fuel. (See screenshot, notice the staging shows it has no fuel. The shut off engine is a Soyuz and is supposed to be off for the duration of the mission.)

    I can't find any reason for this as the whole thing is symmetrical. There aren't fuel lines, but the other 3 don't need them. Any ideas on what is going on? Bug?

    P.S. All 4 engines worked fine when I put the ship into orbit. I used them to circularize and refilled the tanks with a tanker later on.

  9. Hello Baele,

    Just a reminder the line in your LES cfg files should read:

    stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER

    You have them set to

    stagingIcon = SOLID_ENGINE

    Which doesn't work and is a pain in the rear to work with.

    Also I have copied over the decoupler B from an older version of Tantares LV as I can't live without it. I missed the post that explained why you removed it, is there an issue with the part?

    And I like the new sleek look of the Soyuz Launcher. Very nice.

  10. Gemini has to be one of the most frustrating craft to recreate in kerbal and I don't envy anyone who attempts to. First The kerbals stupid bulbous helmets makes fitting them side by side in the pod difficult (yes they need the helmets unlike the tantares soyuz which can use its orbital module has an airlock to make your ability to eva seem believable). Second that stupid interstage service module makes the design very inflexible if it is to be considered accurate meaning you must either compromise and deviate from the model like corvus does, make a series puzzle piece kit parts like fasa does, or cram all heat shields decouplers fuel tanks and engines into combo parts like tantares does. Third the accurate size is something odd ball like 1.5m (curtquarquesso ran the numbers in the tantares thread) this isn't so bad for the pod when making customs out if stock parts (the mk1 lander can is bigger than 1.25 as well) but its a killer for anything that is supposed to accurately fit flush with that (so basically the service module, big gemini, the chinese clone, and the lunar variants)

    EDIT: to clarify what I mean by 1.5 killing gemini parts other than the gemini pod itself is that a slight possibly blunt overhang on the bottom doesn't look as bad as a blunt ledge on top, but who knows the size difference is slight maybe it won't be that big of a deal depending on how they are modeled/textured what we need is some examples. Though whether 2 kerbals fit in the 1.5m pod with helmets on is also a big concern...

    That is the thing. I don't know how it would look but having a 1.5 meter Gemini with a converter/service module to 1.875 might work. Or you might have to start with the 1.875 and work back from their making an odd ball size Gemini that needs its service module to fit onto anything.

    As of right now though, the 2.5 Tantares version needs a Titan to launch it and there isn't really a good one available. OMSK started one, I know Tantares had considered making one, but there just isn't one.

  11. I have to agree with everyone for reasons already mentioned.

    But also, lets not forget that after that start the plane has a good safety record. If it was a death trap there wouldn't have been an afterwards so even during the rocky start.

    The Detroit incident was actually over Windsor in Canada, I don't remember but dad tells me about how when they were grounded in the states pending the investigation the airport in Windsor (CYQG) was over run with parked DC-10s. Windsor airport is big enough to land a DC-10 but there isn't really a whole lot of ramp space so it would have been really crowded.

  12. U sure about that? I thot sls wasn't supposed to fly till end of 3018 at the soonest.

    At first I thought that was a typo....on second thought though I am not so sure.

    Anyway, I am very glad they got useful data out of that. After two weeks I was really certain they were going to be at a loss. It doesn't matter how many sensors you put on a vehicle because it is the things you can't think of that are the most difficult to deal with. The solution looks to be straight forward, so full speed ahead.

  13. When you first turn it on, the screen is constantly scrolling off the top until you turn the adjustment nob. Then after about 10 minutes when the device heats up, you have to turn the nob the other direction to keep the picture from scrolling off the bottom.

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