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    Professional Walrus
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  1. Awesome mod, the only issue I have is that with the kerbalism configs, the atmospheric harvesters harvest the liquid forms of gasses (ie LqdOxygen, LqdCO2, etc). Would it not make more sense (especially with kerbalism) to harvest the gaseous forms of these resources? Did some digging and found that in an older version, they did harvest the gaseous forms but as the resource distribution has it listed as the liquid forms, the harvesters were broken. Would it be okay to change the distribution and harvester configs to the gaseous forms (and use the chillers to change to liquid when needed) or would it break the mod/resource chains?
  2. So going into the textures folder and into planets you can delete the textures or move them for the vacuum bodies (such as the Mun and minmus) to fix the double texture issue
  3. The mod works fine with 1.4, haven't tried with 1.5 Also I've noticed on vacuum bodies that there appears to be a "phantom" texture of the body floating above, I'm guessing this is supposed to be the glow. Since I don't want this I'm guessing I can just delete the texture files for these bodies or do I need to do something else?
  4. Ok here's your ok frish fied eggs! (I logged in after almost a year of inactivity and I'm surprised this is still going on after 4 years!) I'll just have a plain piece of toast
  5. I changed the colors of my edit of the hexagon flag so the stripes matched the colors (it's based off of the USAF roundel)
  6. It's actually nice that the genera of aerospace games is getting somewhat bigger, since orbiter and ksp (maybe space engine too) are the only major games
  7. I had the same issue, if the game runs for too long (especially if you have a bunch of mods) the game begins to do that.
  8. I created this in GIMP here's what it looks like without the atmosphere haze
  9. is there any way to manually award ribbons such as first kerbin orbit? I installed the mod a while after the start of my career save.
  10. is this compatible with research bodies?
  11. Honestly I just used an older version of the game. I still can upload the crash log if you want.
  12. Never mind, I got it working again definitely one of the must have mods
  13. My game crashes whenever I use this mod, regardless of if I have the dependencies installed. I will get a crash log when possible
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