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Everything posted by MrWalrus123

  1. Obviously the ksp plane physics aren't accurate so therefore being a plane designer is being a CHEATER!!!
  2. After looking at the roblox forums, I found a game called who's that Pokemon, which this version is based on How it works One person states a charecteristic of a Kerbal, and the other guesses who it is (you can make up a Kerbal name or use one from one of your games) Example Player one: Never frowns Player two: Jeb kerman Likes the mun Player three: Mundun Kerman And so one. No innapropriate Kerbal names You can refrence people, just no add in K to the first name. I will start: scecret agent.
  3. False The user below me is a whale next to a bowl of petunias falling onto an alien world
  4. someone who follows where ever I go and likes farting ninjas
  5. Explore ike... And I got it from maxxo construction toys.
  6. Year 205: Kerbals use the wood around them to make huts, civilization begins. Before that, they tried creating snacks with wood.
  7. Granted... Have fun eating your free apple I wish Jeb would stop ruining my missions.
  8. Banned because the conch told him to ban.
  9. Well you did order the computer soup Waiter! There's a walrus in my soup!
  10. Yes... I do like waffles:confused: Do you like waffles?
  11. The original idea was by Goodgle, so how it works is one person lists a year with an event. Rules No repeating a year or going back in time no repeating events In a nutshell, no mass confusion You can have up to four entries in one post. Yes, you can do part of a year Example, Year:2014.05 No skipping a thousand years Kerbal exist on year 200, the present is 6000, that's not when Kerbal go extinct. I will start... Year 201: Kerbals live in caves, until Jebs's great great great great great great grand father walks outside and discovers a big white disc and a shiny disc that soon starts hurting his eyes.
  12. No, elves don't have keurigs inside them that make coffee. What is a walrus?
  13. Granted... Boom (there was a nuke in there) I want a pet walrus.
  14. No this is Patrick What's the answer to the ultimate question?
  15. Forgot the struts, all the boosters collided into the main rocket. At least one of the winglets got into space.
  16. My very first mission went up 30 feet and spun out of control. Luckly, it was only a probe
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