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Polar Explorer

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Everything posted by Polar Explorer

  1. I flew into a mountain while waiting for a microwave to be done when I was going to go to the North Pole.
  2. Thanks everyone scriptkitt3h i like you're craft i do want an atmospheric craft but space based is fine.UpsilonAerospace i like you're craft too!
  3. I have Mitton Kerman and my name Alex Kerman
  4. KAMG is requesting a medium range manueverable fighter for Jeb to blow up.Requirements are 1 Kerbal 2 missles and manueverable. Can be about 7m across and 8m long...
  5. I went to the hangar after deploying a truck but the wheels glitch in the truck
  6. When I am in career mode im missing the 15by15 structural panel or something?
  7. Best thing ever with infernal robotics and skillful weapons.Link to craft-->http://www./view/fj9pd9scq5zvmsf/Skillful_Titan_Missle_Platform.craft. Screen Shots!http://imgur.com/Th6f6g9 http://i.imgur.com/enZ5ysV.png EDIT Oh sorry about title it might've mistaken you with lazor system sorry!
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