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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. I'll change it to lateral distance - just not sure if that will fix heleon's issue from what he described though.
  2. Can you send a save file? I got a pull request that looks like it should fix your issue (was that you that submitted it?) I'm not at a computer at the moment, so it'll be a little while before I can take a look in detail. EDIT: Had a chance to play with this, but haven't yet reproduced. Note that the way I currently have it uses the actual distance (not lateral distance). So if you're 10 km above the prescribed altitude, it'll say 10 km. Is that what the issue is? The pull request I got changes this to use the Squad function which calculates lateral distance - I'll have to play with that to see if that makes more sense.
  3. Yeah, looks like the NetKAN bot hasn't committed anything in about 4 hours. Could be a problem on their side, or could just be something delaying it. I could manually throw a .ckan update up, but it defeats the purpose of the NetKAN bot, and I still suspect it'll be faster to have the bot do it rather than waiting for someone to accept the pull request (and if I do it manually I may do a careless mistake). <shrug>... I'm also assuming it'll be up in the "morning" (despite the time difference, we appear to be on the same schedule ).
  4. I set up the NetKAN file which is what's used for generating the CKAN releases and haven't had a problem, so it's more than likely the bot just hasn't run. I *thought* it was every hour or so - but could be wrong on that part. Hopefully that means you don't have longer than 30 minutes to wait. Also - does this mean I have to start stealth-posting updates on github and waiting a couple hours before posting? EDIT: Yeah, it could be longer - 1.2.0 went up ~5 hours ago, and it popped up on CKAN ~2 hours ago (each of these could be off by up to 30 minutes either way). However, Hakan said this on the CKAN thread: So maybe github is rounding *really* creatively. Wait about another 20 minutes, hopefully?
  5. In-Flight Waypoints 1.2.1 is out! Download it now! Changes: - Don't display dummy waypoints from orbits. - Blink active waypoint if the player is within range to complete the contract parameter.
  6. I think this is happening only if I have at least one active satellite contract. How do you posting images, it doesn't want to show. Like this! In imgur, right click the image and click "Copy image URL" (text may be different for different browsers). In the KSP forum, click the "Insert Image" button, and paste the URL (the one that ends in .png). Anyway, on to your issue - definite bug. I forgot about the fact that the way FinePrint worked (and therefore stock now works) is that the orbit apoapsis, periapsis, ascending and descending nodes are implemented as waypoints. Should be a fairly easy fix, I'll try to get it out ASAP.
  7. In-Flight Waypoints 1.2.0 is out! Download it now! Changes: - Correctly detect deactivating navigation. - Allow activating/deactivating navigation by clicking on a waypoint (just like in the map view). Wasn't able to get the flashing bit for this release.... maybe next.
  8. It's a pretty small mod, so unless you have another mod it doesn't like, it's most likely an install issue. Confirm you have InFlightWaypoints/InFlightWaypoints.dll under your GameData directory. If that looks right then I'll need to see the KSP.log file to investigate further. Oh and confirm you have the latest version... Older ones didn't treat the active waypoint special, so you have to get within 50 km or so to see them.
  9. That one should be a bug, I'll take a look. I have a guess at what the problem is, and if I'm right reloading the game after disabling navigation would be the workaround.
  10. That one is fairly easy, let me have a look. Oh right, forgot about that.... I think I have some ideas now, let me think on it for a bit and see what I decide for the next version.
  11. Traveling salesman - present the nodes in the most efficient order. .... And no, I'm not really going to do that.
  12. Actually, I just had a thought - I could just add hot keys to cycle through the waypoints (maybe [ and ] if they're unbound). It could sort then into distance order and start at the closest. Leaving a spot in the list for deactivated means you can also deactivate. Does that seem like a more useful option?
  13. It should be possible. The only thing that's a pain is that I'm pretty sure the GUI code is hidden away where I can't call it externally. Which means I need to make my own dialog for it. Not that it's terribly hard - just not as easy as it should be. Anyway, I'll see if I can get these items in the next couple days.
  14. Done and done. In-Flight Waypoints 1.1.1 is out! Download it now! Changes: - Hide waypoints when the GUI is hidden (thanks DomDiaemus). - Take terrain height into account for distance calculations (thanks helaeon).
  15. Yay, RoverDude likes my mod! I knew there was a reason I used that Pack-Rat (aside from the fact that it's AWESOME).
  16. In-Flight Waypoints 1.1.0 is out! Download it now! Changes: - Always show waypoint if it is activated for navigation. - Display distance information for the active waypoint.
  17. Great suggestion, was going to throw that in since I thought it should be super easy.... but I can't seem to find a way to get which waypoint is active!! That might be a private method. I'll have to do some more digging. Another good suggestion, let me look at that as well for the next version.
  18. Awesome, I can't wait to check it out! Make sure you grab the 1.0.3 release that I just uploaded - it fixes an annoying culling issue that causes waypoints that are supposed to be behind the camera to be drawn. Oh and any feedback on the waypoint draw distance would be appreciated. It's currently based on speed - if you're going very fast (ie. in orbit), it will show faraway waypoints. If you're going slow (driving on the surface or stopped), it'll only show waypoints within 25km. Right now that's not tweakable, but I'll probably expose it via a config file at some point.
  19. Version 0.4.1 is out, with some minor fixes and new parameters courtesy of tattagreis. Download it now! Contract Configurator 0.4.1 - Added OrbitalInclination parameter (thanks tattagreis). - Added OrbitalEccentricity parameter (thanks tattagreis). - Added OrbitalApoapsis parameter (thanks tattagreis). - Added OrbitalPeriapsis parameter (thanks tattagreis). - Fixed defaults for SCANsatCoverage requirement. - Moved debug key from Alt-F9 to Alt-F10. - Added LICENSE.txt into download file. - Minor bug fixes.
  20. For those who are interested in this feature, I made a mod that does just this: In-Flight Waypoints.
  21. Oh, and I should add - the vehicle (the Pack-Rat) is courtesy of one of RoverDude's many awesome mods - USI Exploration Pack. The perfect pack for exploring those waypoints.
  22. I was going to take the time after the 0.4.0 release until Christmas off from modding. But while I was doing the waypoints for the 0.4.0 release, I found something that really bugged me. The stock settings for waypoints were that you had to get within 500m to consider the waypoint visited (or 15,000m in the air). Those numbers are HUGE! Why so far? So I tried it.... It's hard when all you have is the map view. So I decided to do something. That something is THIS.
  23. Have you taken a new survey contract and then been frustrated when you had to keep flipping between map and flight mode to find your waypoints? Did you crash your vessel? NEVER AGAIN. Waypoint Manager does the following: Renders waypoints in flight mode. Gives a GUI listing of all waypoints and allows you to activate navigation from that GUI. Allows the creation of custom waypoints. If you want to see it in action, check it out in @maxrsp's KSP Easy Mods series: Custom Waypoints @Miles Teg has provided some custom waypoint files! To use them, copy the to GameData/WaypointManager/CustomWaypoints.cfg (I'll have to add a proper file dialog in a future version) and hit the "Import Custom Waypoints" button. Included are files for the various KSC biomes and for marking off the runway and helipads. Download Waypoint Manager can be downloaded from GitHub. Source The full source is available on GitHub. Documentation No documentation, just install and enjoy the waypoints. Change Log License Waypoint Manager is licensed under the MIT license. Like what you see? Consider donating to the beer fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
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