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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Yup, inigma reported it against GAP, it's on my must fix list for 1.9.2.
  2. I'll have to revisit those soon - although a lot of those change based on the detail settings and some mods (notably Kopernicus) seem to affect it. That being said, the floating message is on the wrong monolith, so that's a bug. Raised [#11] on Anomaly Surveyor.
  3. Pretty easy, I just need to do one dot product, raise an enhancement request and I'll add it to ReachState.
  4. Easiest would be KSP.log in the Kerbal Space Program directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerbal Space Program or something slightly different for steam or non-windows)
  5. Stock rewards are the easiest to balance against, and you have to assume that most contracts packs are going to get used with a mix of stock contracts, and you don't want to break the stock ones by making them not worth taking. The other factors to look at: Expected cost to complete the contract. Seems obvious, but going to the island airfield is cheaper than returning from Eve. Player time investment. A circumnavigation of Kerbin is pretty cheap funds-wise, but takes a really long time and needs to have a high payout. Much like the stock contracts, I try and keep the science rewards to a minimum (and have science gathered through experiments). I hate grindy low paying contracts (1,000 funds to test a part on the launch pad). Just saying. I'm still not sold on the progression, here's a bunch of thoughts on why: I'd like the ability to skip or defer steps in your progression (submersibles, for example). It would be nice if each type intermixed a little bit more. Like completing submersible contracts/goals and base contracts/goals could open up a late-game contract for a submersible Laythe base, for example. Right now the progression is a very long chain. It's likely that 80% of players will never get more than 20% through that. What I'd rather see is a shallow (even as shallow a 4, 5, or 6 nodes), but extremly wide tree. That way a player can direct themselves to a specific goal (submersible Laythe bases), and complete pre-requisites with that goal in mind. Starting a new game can give new challenges, while not forcing them to go through a long set of early stage progression items.
  6. No problem, I'm like... 80% sure that it's resolved. It'll be a while before I release anyway, since I've got a good backlog of issues to work through (and not much time to work them).
  7. @smjjames - I think I see the problem in the code, but I'm not 100% sure. Can you grab the dev dll and let me know if you no longer get the exception?
  8. And when you say disable all contract packs including vanilla, does that mean stock contracts? I haven't heard of any issues like this recently, I'd have to see a log if you think there's a problem.
  9. Important CKAN Support Announcement For @ss8913, @Thegamer211, and anyone else who is not getting Contract Configurator updates on CKAN - you need to update to the latest CKAN client. Due to changes in CKAN that aren't backwards compatible, older version of the CKAN client won't get Contract Configurator updates.
  10. No dev diary post this week, the holiday season has got me super busy. I will ask again for anyone who can to update the reputation spreadsheet for me - otherwise I'll have to spend a lot more time trying to balance those numbers and it'll delay the release of the beta.
  11. Yeah, find the EVA Kerbal (Vessel) in the save file and look at the situation there - if it isn't getting set to SPLASHED when you set the altitude to 0.0 (or leave it out), then that's the bug. If not, it's something else.
  12. I think I've seen it before, it's because the Kerbal doesn't get set up properly (situation is LANDED instead of SPLASHED). If you're not spawning it at 0.0 altitude that could be the issue too.
  13. Probably a spawning issue related to the new buoyancy model. Can you raise a GitHub issue?
  14. What mods are you using? Kopernicus changes things and corrects tho monoliths so they are in the proper location. There is no way to force contracts to be available, that's just the way the stock contract system works, sadly. And for the third one - you're welcome!
  15. If you build the casino it's meant to be a money maker - so you can get a lot of funds from bringing tourists there (something like 10 times the value of a stock tourist).
  16. You may need to refresh the CKAN repository, as the .ckan file for 1.9.1 was correctly generator. Didn't get too much time for modding this weekend, I'll see if I can get a 1.9.2 release out sometime before Christmas.
  17. First I heard of this issue - if you run into it again, send some screenshots this way.
  18. Yup, not much to add beyond what @severedsolo said, beyond this graph from reddit: Notable points: You can't get any 3-star contracts (except some special ones) until almost 200 rep If you drop below -225 rep, you won't get any 2-star contracts either This is based on a max of 10 contracts (you can up that in the contracts.cfg file.
  19. Works for anything using the stock system, including station science
  20. Whoops, thanks for that - should be fixed now.
  21. Really? That's a bit of a surprise, I haven't had reports of that in a long time. Assuming you are on the latest release? Likely this will have to be 100% rewritten in 1.1 (if the changes in stock even make it possible), so I'm not likely to do too much work before then...
  22. Crowd-sourcing time! One of the balance items I'm going to have to do is look at the reputation requirements for strategies. However, I need to baseline that based on how much reputation a player is typically expected to have at different points in their career progression. There are a lot of factors that can change this, but I'd like to get a stock-ish estimate of what the progression looks like. Here's where you come in. For your career games, I'd like the following information: Where you are in the career progression Where you are in the tech tree What your reputation is To make it easy to collect this information, I've created a google spreadsheet here. If anyone has multiple saves at different points and can provide multiple data points from a single career that would be awesome - but I'll settle for what I can get. Please provide a comment on any mods you're using that might impact the results. For example, there's lots of contract packs out there that have seriously unbalanced rewards. So if you're taking contracts that give 100's of rep points, then your data may not be as valid as someone closer to stock. Thanks to anyone who's able to contribute!
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