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Everything posted by endl

  1. so i have a multi part rover that breaks down into smaller craft. one of them is a drone plane, after decoupling the directional controls become switched WS and AD seem to swap for the control surfaces of the craft.
  2. So i Designed a "multi purpose rover" its a fuel station, recon plane, 0 atmo VTOL, and buggy. problem is now i must launch it and needless to say my rocket is highly unstable atm. im looking for some kind of suggestion on how to get this to my space station 150km in orbit safely
  3. Do you do requests? im honestly in awe of your designs, im currently trying to make my own version of a "Astro-Cruiser". my goal is to create a crew transfer ship that can dock with my Kerbin station located 150k in orbit with enough fuel for a return flight. im trying to transport 5 MK1 Lander cans in serial position + 1 cockpit ive gone through several configurations around this "core" i was wondering if you could come up with something that can work for me. something with a fast rate of climb would be amazing if you can pull it off. im still trying to figure out how the joint works on the tail section of the Altair, how the hell doesnt it fly right off before it catches the docking ports?
  4. so i use the airfield alot to test what i can as far as if my designs are docking properly or executing incorrectly, but sometimes i need to test the interactions between designs that dont have wheels, it be nice if there was like a showroom or test field mode where i could drop down multiple ships to interact with each other or do like a simulation of 0 g
  5. tired of going item by item especially when in sandbox mode, its important to clean up after yourselves if you want to avoid kessler syndrome
  6. so when ever i try and use this during hohmann transfer the waypoint starts freaking out and flying all over the place causing the ship to chase after it endlessly. i tried reinstalling the mod but that didnt help. anyone know whats going on?
  7. anyone care to share tips/submit a high orbit space plane design, im not having much success with my SSTO and most of my "booster" designs make take off very unstable. would prefer something with enough fuel for a return trip
  8. your right it was the wheels, i had them too far back i thought it would improve my angle of attack since it placed my plane pointing up but how the hell did it stop my lift
  9. my aerodynamics are solid but im having problems generating enough lift thrust before the runway ends
  10. "there are incompatible craft files in the folder" - - - Updated - - - im not trying to evacuate the planet, its large crew plane not MASS crew lol
  11. here it is kerbavor the bat - - - Updated - - - can you link the craft file i couldn't use your craft file, i think you used mods in the save got a compatibility message from the game
  12. i feel your pain, i was getting close with my 5 seater took it up to 150k needed more fuel and i wasn't happy with its pitch climb, moved some of the weight around tried a longer wing configuration then i started getting wing flap at that point i was just like .... it, ill just download a ship this too much work for an over glorified school bus.
  13. im playing sandbox mode, that is one hell of a people carrier you built there. im pretty sure if i installed sp+ this wouldnt be so much of a headache but theres something about playing with limited parts (i.e. without a mod making it easy) ive always found appealing in my games, that said ill never understand why cargo bays arent a stock part, i like your use of the bucket seat. this is currently what some of my successful designs look like.
  14. i would prefer stock im not playing with mods yet, i dont really need more then 10 kerbals atm
  15. i have a fuel ship but yea it can - - - Updated - - - would be great
  16. so im trying to get a space plane that can transport 5+ kerbals to 150k orbit to dock with my space station but im having trouble with my own designs. does anyone have a transport that could service my needs. ideally it should be able to do return flights. edit: please include craft files with your submission
  17. sorry dude, i tried checking out your ship but i got a error message from the game when i tried to load it
  18. lol they could be twins lost at birth, im not worried about recovering the boosters since im playing sandbox for the fun of designing what ever i feel like. im glad you noticed my optimization, its tuned to hit 150k with exactly enough fuel for a full tank after docking with my station or at least as close to it without making it so heavy i have to tear down the staging again.
  19. those are definitely a quick and dirty solution to transport, im not looking for efficiency in my ground to orbit stages, thats why my space booster system runs on nukes. i probably should have been more clear in my original request when i said i was looking for a effective design i wasnt looking for some crazy scheme to get fuel up cheap with a complicated design, i was looking for something low on the parts count that can do the dirty work of sending something heavy up with reliability and a good range.
  20. Why send up a big rocket for a long range mission its a hassle, wouldn't it be simpler just to have a modular design where you can tack on as many tanks and boosters as you need without having to redesign your delivery system every time? ive come up with this simple fuel/booster design. simply launch as many tanks and boosters as youll need to get to where your going. dock them together in space (serial or parallel orientation) slap on your main module and off you go. youll have to design your own rocket for delivering the main system into kerbin orbit only. not: the tank/booster comes in 3/4 way mount but you can expand the design to 5/6 way if you want for tighter grouping of modules. Fuel unit: 4 nuke Booster drive: Docked at space station:
  21. thanks for all the help ive managed to build a Orange fuel tank transport with modular coupling i can now send up as many thrusters/tanks as i need to reach any destination, all that remains is building the actual vessels for delivery. you can set up your ship in serial or parallel as everything has a 4 way dock except for boosters which have 3 because you cant dock on the end of a rocket exhaust ;p Fuel unit: 4 nuke Booster drive: Docked at space station:
  22. thanks this is a good starting point, now if only i can figure out how to do horizontal fuel transfer i can move forward with my modular rocket design. too bad vanilla doesnt have a fuel dock for radial coupling. at least with this i can do a fuel relay system between stations and i can cut down on the size of any future craft i make since they would be using this "highway" to get to places. actually one of my projects is a shuttle using the rapier engines. ive already got a fighter plane type working, i just need to design a booster system for it to extend its range. the fuel dump is one key step i need to expand its area of service.
  23. my intention wasnt so much of a challenge but just a short solution to my problem because im too lazy to do the testing/math since i have other designs i would like to devote my time to and this is just something i need to get out of the way. in short im after something with a low part count. 150k is where i parked my station and id like to keep my future ship designs as light as possible while combining them with other craft as a staging area for other missions.
  24. so this problem runs deep, what is the most efficient engine/container combo to deliver the largest amount of fuel possible. obviously this is a question of scale and doesn't have a definite answer so ill set an upper limit of 1 FULL FL-R1 RCS tank + 1 Full kerbodyne S3-14400 delivered to an orbit of 150km
  25. your right this was the problem bicouplers dont say anything about reverse flow, i hit 200k apoapsis with this build after my first successful test. anyway for clarification the mode toggle is linked to air flow, this test proves it. @Zylark thanks for the tip it wasnt the airflow, also im trying to play as vanilla as possible only mod im using is kerbal engineer. cheers for making this a success guys, im only doing this off of 2 t400 tanks, you guys really need to give my kerbavor a try ;p
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