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Everything posted by tater

  1. Service Module decoupling... The Soyuz DM works as expected. The 2 US capsules, OTOH, are very counterintuitive. Each capsule has two places where a part can be attached on the bottom. So take a capsule, and attach an upper stage to tank to it. If you attach at the lower node with a MFT tank, a fairing is generated to cover the heat shield. If you attach at the upper node, the tank actually clips into the bottom of the capsule. You would think that the lower node that always generates a fairing would be the "service module" that can be decoupled---but this is not the case, that node attaches the 2 parts permanently. The upper node, where the tank actually intrudes into the capsule is the one that decouples. Seems exactly wrong/backwards to me.
  2. On the tanks (and some other parts) there is a button on the right click in the VAB for "configure containers." This lets you set the tank parameters (lightweight tank, zero boil off, etc), as well as the specific ratio of internal contents for each possible content item.
  3. I suppose the "full" version should have ~5100kg of hypergolic propellants for the 2 OMS engines.
  4. @Shadowmage, what I posted above I did with the empty orbiter (wings, v-stab, elevons, and all engines added). With a tank ~300kg total it's 300 m/s for both AJ10s together. With closer to 5100 (which would be the scale mass of 5184kg), it's about 400.
  5. OK, I have not used the Shuttle in actual play before, and perhaps we need a "configure containers" to balance OMS propellant vs EC... I threw a tank in the cargo bay (I used the no engines Shuttle, and added the AJ10s and main engines) with ~3000 kg of hypergolics. It gives 280 m/s of dv. The real OMS mains could do 300 with cargo in the bay, but carried some 8100 kg of propellants (which is over 5100 to scale). Scale propellants gives 409 m/s or so, empty. Fill the payload bay, and it gets near 300.
  6. Yikes. OK, that makes sense, then. The actual fairing parts only allow the solid textures, I think. That's what I end up using on the tank/capsule fairings, anyway.
  7. Then the spaceplane parts need to be made "kerbal." The "kerbal" argument stopped making sense as soon as spaceplane parts looked sleek and awesome.
  8. I'd not include suborbital craft at all, it muddies the waters since suborbital is pretty much useless.
  9. File for future reference (not to sidetrack things, but it reminded me of some of the station parts with a docking port and adapter): This is sort of a "Base" use (it looked like station parts, hence it peaked my interest (bloody autocorrect)), but as it looks like the SSTU US station parts, and depending on how the IVA is envisioned (even if not made), it could be a way to add such parts with less overhead by refusing existing parts. I just happened across the image, and figured if I didn't post it I'd forget about it, so here it is for your enjoyment. Radial engines like that could perhaps have the gear built in. As they would be designed to fit your parts of 1 diameter, they could in fact be a single part (with those 4 engines, plus that sort of gear system). Actually, assuming the gear does;t stick out more radially than the rockets, it need not even retract.
  10. Define "wings." Did X-15 have wings, or fins? HL-10? X-24? What about lifting body designs? What % of lift must be generated by the cantilevered bits for them to stop being fins?
  11. And strictly speaking, "lift" cannot be part of the definition if the only part of the flight where it is used is EDL, as Apollo capsules (and current capsules) use lift. It need not be SSTO to be a spaceplane. Some of the original Shuttle concepts were legit spaceplanes, but they were TSTO designs.
  12. In which case Gemini with a parasail was a spaceplane? I honestly do not consider Shuttle/Buran/X-37/Dreamchaser, etc to be spaceplanes. I'm not sure if a "real" spaceplane should have to take off horizontally, or if it merely have to generate some % of its altitude gain in the atmosphere via lift. Its certainly hard to nail down.
  13. Since we can have no possible idea (short of a post here by one of the principals) if adding RoverDude's already built LS is substantial work, and if so, if that would take away from some other project we could also argue about (though bug fixing, etc, as a project is unlikely to find anyone here in disagreement with), I'd say it's an argument that by definition we cannot assign any reasonable value to. Given that RoverDude doesn't seem to be the bug fix guy (looks like NathanKell and Arsonide are more in that area), any work in adding LS would take away from what other things that he's working on? Note that he's working on his LS (and all the other USI stuff) in addition to what he's doing officially, anyway. So I'd argue that it's a win as a toggle, with no demonstrable downside.
  14. So the entirety of the argument is that RoverDude could instead work on something else... like what? You need to also consider that he, himself thought LS was important enough to do already, when a few other mods also addressed it. Seems like a non-argument.
  15. Except the most likely candidate was already done by RoverDude, and won't take any dev time to speak of. I could just as well say, "The game comes with an aerodynamics implementation that a small fraction of players want, if it isn't what you want turn it of and download a mod." So you want the soup back, since we all DL FAR, anyway?
  16. Whatever entertains you is fine, but myself? I pretty much only build rockets. If anyone ever builds a real spaceplane, I might become interested in them.
  17. I see it this way, we could have a game where someone can legitimately post, "If you want life support, download a mod!" Alternately, we could have a game where someone could post, "If you DON'T want LS, download a mod to turn it off!" Or, we could have "The game comes with LS, turn it on or off as you prefer." It's kind of stunning that anyone would vote for any option but the last one, as it's the only option not telling people that their way of playing is wrong.
  18. It's already developed. RoverDude is talking about it, and he already wrote it, you can play with it now, just like you could play with his ISRU stuff before that became stock (a more complex version).
  19. Many would try ls who would not dl a mod if it were stock. The cost is effectively zero, don't like it, don't turn it on.
  20. I singled out USILS because the author is someone who has some influence on what LS might actually get added to the game, and he stated intent was to come up with something that had a stock feel to it. It's not at all unreasonable to expect any stock LS to loo rather a lot like USILS, to the point of perhaps being a subset of USILS (as the current ISRU is a subset of RoverDude's work in that area, as well). I agree entirely with @Pthigrivi that as something that would certainly be a diff-level toggle, how could anyone be against it? It wouldn't even take much work, it's already done (given who would likely write a stock version)---it just needs hooks to the career diff level page. Someone who prefers Snacks! might mess with stock, and decide USILS (sorry, but as I said above, it's the most likely "parent" of any stock LS scheme, given the author) is actually fine. Kerbalism is another awesome contender, except that the author isn't a dev. TAC, ISLS, etc all exist, but might they not use new code hooks to get their desired effect, if one system that was moddable was added to stock?
  21. I don't build shuttles, but if I did, I'd use this one BTW, I have no idea if it is possible (or worth even 5 seconds trouble), but the shuttle cargo bay doors only opened one at a time in RL. Ie: one opened, then the other, so still one open doors button, just asymmetric animation in time.
  22. It should be. Stardust holds the record for EDL velocity at 12.4 km/s, slightly faster than Apollo.
  23. Reentry is a joke. Is it even possible in stock to have a reentry problem at Kerbin?
  24. Textures: 1. Does anyone actually use the "stock" looking textures? I'm soooo past caring about stock parts, literally the only part I have used was the mk1 pod in the latest SSTU career, and I used it with the metal tank texture for a sort of Atlas look (vs Redstone). I'm thinking of just axing those textures (which I know is trivial to do), but your other stuff is so much nicer, at some point that trims a little off the size. 2. Fairing textures---They are anti-aliased along the edges, whereas the stripes on the tank textures are clean edges. 3. I'm liking the beige . Solar Panels: I can certainly see the utility in altering the panels, I guess, but I tend to see the value in no panels, vs panels (for use in spacecraft vs stations).
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