Thanks for the great work! I have some ideas regarding this great mod: From a Aero Engineer's point of view, it would be great to have manual input/adjust of certain parameters beside the dragging function. I would LOVE to see adjustable parameters like root and tip chord length, semi span, mid-span sweep (or simply root LE distance from tip LE) etc. and it would be even greater to have root and tip chord thickness as ratios of chord (t/c) rather than absolute thickness! Just imagine a right click menu with adjustable numbers for Cr, Ct, b/2, t/c®, t/c(t) and sweep distance! If I dare ask more, I would say individual root and tip chord install/twist angle would be nice. if wing twist is too difficult for FAR implementation, at least have a fine adjustable install angle. This also helps fine setting of the horizontal tail plane angle, so we can trim the aircraft to a certain Cl(speed) in the hanger! How cool is that! And... fuel in the wing would be awesome! doesn't need to be a lot, can be as low as 40-50% of the volume. This would open a whole new door for aircraft designs!