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Everything posted by politas

  1. I've tried to make sense of the instructions, but I get completely lost, I'm afraid.
  2. Haven't actually used any, but Snacks seems to maintain a certain kerbalness.
  3. Your wind directions are backward. Direction of wind should be from, not to. That's how it's described in meteorology, aviation and sailing.
  4. Female players are perhaps less likely to be active on forums, given the toxic treatment many female players get in the gaming community. In any case, whether or not I'm female is irrelevant to whether I'd like to have female kerbonauts. I currently use TextureReplacer so that my crew roster is a mix of skin shades and genders. We don't need to recreate the Mercury Seven.
  5. Many thanks to whoever fixed the CKAN metadata. Removing and readding Kerbal Konstructs has put the KerbalKonstructs folder under medsouz properly, and now I have proper icons! Can I make a suggestion that "Show Closed bases" be off by default in Map manager settings? I think that is a better starting position, especially if the Map manager settings aren't persistent (which they aren't). Closed bases are only really useful to show when you're deciding which bases you want to pay to open. Otherwise, they clutter up the surface of Kerbin, making it hard to see contract locations.
  6. I'm in the same boat with you two, though the crashes seem fairly random. I don't mind an early access game crashing on me, but having it completely lock up my computer is very annoying. I'm using a triple-monitor setup on AMD graphics (both MB and dedicated graphics card). On Ubuntu 14.04, which I've found quite a bit more stable than 12.04 was. fglrx drivers were crashing constantly for me, so I've fallen back to the xorg driver.
  7. Can anyone speak to the ckan installation of this mod? I've decided to use ckan for as much as possible after massive glitches caused by conflicting mods (especially textures). There's a huge list of Astronomer's pack mods on ckan, and I don't know whether I need to install them in a specific order or anything. My understanding is that sequencing mod installations is not yet handled by ckan. Any advice?
  8. Banned for militaristic image in signature block
  9. It seems odd to me that a kerbal who is part of a large space station crew once and only ever travels to and from the surface in Hitch-hiker storage containers gets the same experience as a kerbal who single-handedly pilots 50 orbital missions.
  10. Any chance that the option to show closed bases could be made persistent? Maybe in the per-game config file? Separately, I'm getting blank white icons for KK. I'm not using ATM, since I run Linux and have scads of memory available. KSP 0.90, KK v0.7.1 installed via CKAN
  11. In 0.90, you can use the Editor gadget to move those thrusters exactly where you want them. Unrelated to that: Instead of having optional ModuleManager files that users need to manually install, have you thought about using the ":NEEDS[RemoteTech]" (for example) syntax to control whether given modules are installed? Here's a version of the RemoteTech_BoxSat.cfg that I think should work. This would make installs much simpler, and let CKAN do a complete install.
  12. And now we're down to just the one entry, and it's been renamed to "Horizontal Landing Aid", as far as I can tell. I'm absolutely certain I had "Landing Aid" installed, but now I have "Horizontal Landing Aid", and there's no "Landing Aid". Just mentioning this so people don't go crazy searching for a CKAN entry that no longer exists.
  13. Looks like the NETCKAN files for your mods may need tweaking. KSP-AVC is telling me there are new versions for two CIT mods, but there's no update showing in CKAN.
  14. Would they need your permission? It's just metadata to help people installing your mod.
  15. Hmm. I thought I saw this mod in the incompatible list in CKAN for 0.90, but now I can't find it at all. Any chance of getting it added to the repository?
  16. Any chance of the CKAN gui getting a feature to put up a message when there's a new release of CKAN? It's getting so I have to check the releases page daily!
  17. Would it be possible to have a filter that shows contracts able to be fulfilled with the current craft (based on parts/modules)?
  18. CKAN seems to have two entries for this mod, now - "Landing Aid" and "Horizontal Landing Aid". Only "Landing Aid" shows the GitHub repo, does that mean that is the CKAN entry you added, Diazo?
  19. Don't know what you're talking about. 64-bit works perfectly. It's your operating system choice you need to fix.
  20. I see you've added all your mods, now. Thanks hugely for that. CKAN really does make things easier to manage!
  21. 1.7 update brought back the constantly activating decouplers for me. Removed Tweakscale again, still happening. I've had to drop TweakableEverything for now. Lucky I was just starting a new game, so I don't have a bunch of tweaked craft in flight.
  22. Any chance that KER could report on data from Kerbal Weather Systems if it is installed?
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