Literally right before I opened up the forums, I was just bringing the Vanguard down over water, and trying to see how close i could get on a level flight. I got down to about 20 meters and I was cruising along. I got down to about 10 meters and I was just cruising along. Not very fast, maybe 75-80 m/s. When I got down to about 7 m there was a little bit of a hiccup and I almost ditched, but caught it at the last second and was zipping along at literally 1 meter! It was insane. It looked as though I was sitting on the water\'s surface, but I was still going like 75 m/s. I was wondering how long i could keep it up for when I finally messed it up and it caught on the water and floated to a stop. It was crazy, I was literally skimming the waves. Now that you posted this challenge, I\'m going to have to recreate it and see how fast I can get it going ;D