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  1. Just for the record: RND creates numbers between 0 and 1. The seed doesn't change that. (http://www.qb64.net/wiki/index.php?title=RND) So if the SemiMajorAxis is too big, it's a problem with your Math and not with the random number generator.
  2. You're misunderstanding how the random number generator works. RANDOMIZE only seeds the generator, which is a kind of initialization. The random numbers are generated by RND. How the seed is used to generate random numbers is based on the implementation. If you use a fixed seed, the same 'random' numbers are generated in the same order. The use of TIME just makes sure, that a different seed is used every time you start the program. But you only need a single seed. Calling RANDOMIZE TIME multiple times in a program is just a waste of space and resources. If you allow the user to set the seed at the beginning of your program, she can recreate a galaxy another user may have created with the same seed. Or you can create the same galaxy over and over again for testing.
  3. What @Mycroft said. Just wait, until your code is broken. You will wish, you have listened to me :). Finding a bug in unstructured code is a poodle. A seed is just some number. You use it with RANDOMIZE instead of TIMER. RANDOMIZE 12345678 That's why you should use RANDOMIZE only once at the beginning of your code. And you'll save 474 lines of code.
  4. 8500 line of BASIC code! Now I feel nostalgic. A few hints for better structured code: Procedures can help you to avoid duplicated code. Every time you feel like copying and pasting code, make a procedure instead. You can simplify your name generator, by reading the name parts from a file into an array. Then select parts randomly from that array. Bonus point: Users can add new names, without recompiling your code. You don't have to call RANDOMIZE TIMER every time you use RND. Once at the beginning of the program is enough. By replacing TIMER with a seed number, you can recreate the same system. Great for testing. Never use GOTO. Ever!
  5. The only person bullied here is Khatarr. And I'm disappointed, that the mods allow these kind of behaviour.
  6. I don't like the hardcoded keyboard shortcuts mods currently use. Too much risk for conflicts. I'm currently looking into a solution for key bindings for mods. I have made a good start, but it's a lot of work.
  7. I know exactly what point ferram is trying to make. But he's the one misunderstanding. I'm not looking for his help. I'm trying to help him find a bug in his mod. His response so far, was to treat me like a noob. Which I tried to ignore for the sake of a constructive discussion. If ferram wants to deny the bug, that's his problem not mine. The Find button is my own Part Search mod. I've fixed the problem in my mod on my own.
  8. Please see the screenshot. And I'm running the latest versions of FAR and Kerbal Engineer.
  9. I have updated Part Search to version 1.3.0. Get it from Kerbal Stuff.
  10. I found and fixed the problem in PartSearch. The event handlers were no longer removed properly on exiting the VAB or the SPH. So the button got added over and over again. I guess FAR and Kerbal Engineer suffer from a similar problem. Though I can't reproduce it reliably.
  11. I have this odd problem, where the toolbar buttons are multiplying every time I switch between the VAB and the SPH. This new feature came with 0.25. As you can see, I have FAR, Kerbal Engineer (both updated) and my own PartSearch installed. I'm a little surprised, that nobody else seems to have this problem. Does anybody know, what causes this?
  12. I have a savegame, that constantly crashes. After reading this thread, I opened it in a editor. And lo and behold there were multiple NaNs in there. I replaced them with 0. It still crashed, but I got some NaN in another place. This game has some serious issues.
  13. Thanks for pointing that out. That's a good reason for another version. I see, that PartCatalog has support for tags. Do mod authors use them?
  14. I don't think Part Search has enough traction to make modders support it.
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