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Everything posted by starkline

  1. Thanks for the info. Apologies if I was too blind to notice previous posts regarding this.
  2. Hello. I'm glad to see that there's a replacement for KStuff. A huge thanks to the team behind it!! I am, however, having an issue... On KerbalStuff, I had my account there sending notifications to my "spam" email account, so maybe this issue was present there, but I used my normal email address for SpaceDock. Today, I noticed the following: The issue is this: I just received an email notifying me of a mod that's been updated. Great, I thought. Then I noticed that the recipients field included everyone on SpaceDock that's subscribed for updates. I assume that my email address is being sent publicly to everyone on that list. I'd prefer not to have my email address sent out for everyone to see and use. I can find no way to change my email address in SpaceDock. I can also find no way to delete my account. I know it's picky, but I'd rather not have an account at SpaceDock if my email isn't kept more private. If this behavior is unchangeable, then please PM me and I'd like to have my email either changed, or my account deleted.
  3. Since there is only a small bit of text, I guess I'll be the 1st to edit what's written. Come on, guys, it isn't too hard to help out. @54znzn, I think you'll find this edit better gets your information out. I'd help with a direct Mandarin translation, but I know little of it. Let's be honest, many of us here are American, and the average American's grasp of proper grammar is, often, lacking. (To say the least.) But, hey, I'm being facetious...tongue firmly in cheek. Nobody likes the grammar police. :) Also, I think you'll find the forum requires the addition of a license to your mod. If it's there and I didn't see it, then nevermind. ------------------------- [B] PARTS[/B] 1.TG-Command module 2.Orbital Lab 3.Engine 3.Antenna [B]Issues/Bugs:[/B] It uses the IVA from the Squad's “MPL.” No solar panels. There is no docking port included. It will be added later. I hope to solve those problems later.
  4. Sounds like you've other issues, and this isn't really the place to trouble shoot them. I will, quickly, suggest that you rule out the firewall issue first. A 30-30-30 reset of most routers will give it a re-birth, or plug the internet box directly into your modem to rule it out as the culprit. I'm happy to help, but I'd say PM or a tech support thread is best.
  5. It's SVG that's probably causing an issue, but that shouldn't be an issue for LXDE Ubuntu. Sure you've not got NoScript or something running? Do you manually allow permissions for cookies? I run XFCE on Arch, and the website works fine, so those things are what pop into my mind.
  6. This is one of those things that's been sorely missing from the game. It has plagued my brain since .24, and now it has been remedied. Thank you hardly seems like enough, but if it is, "THANK YOU."
  7. Apologies, Biotronic. I bow my head in shame for not adhering to the guidelines. I actually thought I had said that it was TweakableEverything and RCSBuildAid that brings the issue to light. I think I may have done so, but then gone back and edited it out by accident when I re-read my post before clicking publish. Sometimes, my air-headed-ness makes me laugh. Yeah, you've just reproduced the same thing that I am seeing on my end. You, however, described the behavior in much better detail. Cheers!
  8. I'm glad I was able to provide something of use. If I can help in any other way (testing, more images, craft files, etc.) just let me know by PM and I'll help.
  9. Thanks, Biotronic, the new features are much appreciated. This plugin keeps getting better and better. I don't know which problems you were referencing regarding, "I'm looking into it." I'm not trying to pester or be annoying by repeating the same post with different words. If, on the other hand, you were partly thinking of my post regarding RCS thrust, then I thought I'd include a few screenshots. I thought that it might help you in some form. Image 1 shows a basic RCS thruster that is not Tweakscaled at all (it's from the HGR mod, but my observations apply to any RCS port). Image 2 demonstrates that changing the thrust power works as intended on both ports, the second of which is placed in symmetry on the starboard side. Image 3 shows the bug. All I have done is left-click the port RCS port to move it. Immediately after clicking it, the opposing RCS port's thrust power changes. Again, I hope this helps. My intent is not to pester, but to help in some way. Regards
  10. Hey Biotronic: thanks for the version of TweakScale! I'm grateful for the tool, so hopefully my bug report doesn't sound like a whining succubus. As I recall, it used to be an issue in that tweaking RCS thrusters in symmetry caused issues. It seems like that's the case with this new version. Tweaking the scale of RCS works fine, and the thrust even tweaks accordingly, but the second I move the RCS thrusters the thrust changes. This would be manageable if the thrust on all symmetrically places RCS changed evenly, but it doesn't. I'm not sure I described what I'm seeing with any kind of eloquence, but if you understood that, then cool. If not, let me know and I'll include craft files and images, etc. Reverting to the previous 1.44 version solves the issue. Regards
  11. Yes, you did say that, and I think I have a better grasp of what's going on after looking over your code on github. After some more playing around with it, I've got to say it's working really well. For me, at least, an already well balanced and stable plane works exceptionally well with very little effort. I don't play using stock aero or NEAR, but FAR is working a treat. As a final thought on the GUI, I think you nailed it on the head: taller and more narrow with respect to width is more advantageous. I'm sure it's a matter of taste, though. Cheers
  12. This is fantastic! I just gave it a whirl with one of my go to space planes and worked a treat. It seemed to work pretty well right out of the box with FAR. Admittedly, it took a few attempts to figure out what all the valued were doing, but once I sorted that, I was able to set a course and let it ride. Thanks for making this one. It will make flying around Kerbin so much more enjoyable. A few thoughts that I had while testing it out: It would be nice to have the option of using blizzy's toolbar vs. the stock launcher, but that's minor. The assistant didn't quite seem to know how to handle flaps with FAR. That said, I'm not sure how much of an issue is because by the time you want flaps, you should probably be taking the stick yourself. Screen space being at a premium, it would be nice to have resizable window for the display. This being an initial release, however, my guess is that you've thought of that. Regarding the on screen display, I'd love to see something similar to Kerbal Engineer's ver. 1 displays? This is a mod that I imagine keeping the window open for long periods of time when flying to spots on Kerbin, and Engineer's displays look nice and don't take up lots of space. Might I suggest making a quick readme, or in game help menu, that makes it more clear as to what the PID tuning values do. Trial and error is always fun, but in some cases the values seemed minimally effective. Other times small changes made a big impact. That said, it worked reasonably well with the default values, so maybe a "reset to stock values" button would be helpful. Hopefully, my comments are constructive, and not regarded as criticisms. This is an awesome feature for the community! Cheers!
  13. It's been a while since I'd looked at Engineer, and I must say the improvements that have been made are fantastic. It has quickly replaced MechJeb custom windows. I'd like to echo Sewer Urchin's opinion that vessel pitch, heading, and roll would be another great addition. It's always nice to know where you're pointing, and making the nav ball large enough to gauge axial tilt to within a degree or two is just not practical. I also dislike large HUDs when not in IVA (ala Steam Guage). Screen space is just too much of a premium! A few numbers for pitch, heading, and roll in an elegant custom HUD from KER would be sweet. Anyway, cheers for KER!
  14. BahamutoD: fantastic work you've done. Thanks for this jewel of a mod! I wondered if the new version is supposed to include the small window with animation info and gear state info in it. It seems like it's something that you use to debug, no? Included is a screenshot of the window I'm seeing. It also remains in flight. Cheers!
  15. I can finally make a Koeing 747 with these parts! I wonder who'll try to make a 524 Kerbal airliner first...I know I'll try. Great stuff, Nertea!
  16. What you're thinking of implementing sounds pretty much exactly like my thoughts. The only thing I would re-iterate is that the custom exceptions not supersede the standard exceptions, or at the least make that optional. Again, regards for the converter. It saves so much time vs. going through it all with nvcompress. This, combined with DDSLoader itself has made KSP so much more enjoyable, so cheers to sarbian also! I'm not sure I posted that in the DDSLoader thread (it seems rude to post without a good reason), but maybe sarbian will see it here.
  17. French really is such a beautiful language when used to cuss. I strongly encourage you to make it so!
  18. Lilleman, I had a thought. Would it be possible to have multiple sets of exceptions. In other words, one set of exceptions that comes with the converter and another one that is only for custom arguments. In this fashion, it would be possible for people to customize their conversions and have those customizations persist through changes of the provided exceptions. Maybe this in't the most useful thing, as my guess is that most exceptions would be pretty universal. However, that feature would be really useful when converting multiple folders. For instance, say I want to resize all textures by 1/2, but I don't want certain folders or parts to be resized at all. Setting a resize factor in a customizable config for specific folders would be great! It would save those with lots of mods from having to run the conversion multiple times on different folders. Who knows, maybe it'd be useful?? Cheers!
  19. Converting the texture maps in CommunityResourcePack might cause the issue endl is describing.
  20. Boy would I love it if you could set an action group to a specific thrust output for engines!
  21. I don't think these have been added to the list. If they've been mentioned before, oh well.... //MSI Infernal Robotics looks for pngs and complains, but it seems to look in the wrong spot according to the log. MagicSmokeIndustries\Textures //NearFutureElectrical looks for hard coded png in Reactor GUI NearFutureElectrical\Plugins\PluginData\NearFutureElectrical //RealChute looks for hard coded png RealChute\Plugins\PluginData
  22. Ok, I figured that's what it was doing. And yes, I have advanced physics education, so I know what TWR actually means. I just wasn't positive which calculation MJ was making, as TinfoilChief stated. I suppose I could have calculated it myself, but it's just a a game, and I'm lazy when gaming. Cheers
  23. Hello to the MJ thread! I've a quick question regarding TWR whilst using MechJeb build 341. For testing I had an install using only ModuleManager, MJ, Toolbar and HyperEdit. Also, I did search the thread for relevant topics, but I didn't see anything that was recent. Moving along: what I'm seeing is that my TWR values increase to very high values while in a SOI other than Kerbin's. dV numbers remain constant. Essentially, while in the VAB/SPH I can construct a craft and get its TWR values where I want them, but the second I enter another SOI (Mun, Minmus, Duna, etc), the TWR goes nuts. Immediately upon returning to Kerbin's SOI, the TWR numbers return to what they were in the VAB. I expect TWR to change depending upon what body I'm landed on, but TWR should be constant when in space. No? Is this a known behavior, or is something amiss?
  24. I'm pretty sure it's been said just a few posts ago, maybe last page, but PWB works just fine in .25. I, at least, haven't encountered any issues.
  25. One more change, as RoverDude just updated all USI components: This exception moved: remove: UmbraSpaceIndustries\AES\Spaces add: UmbraSpaceIndustries\ExpPack\AES\Spaces Oh, and I noticed that the exceptions ended with Toolbar, did the USI icons get cut off accidentally? //USI Kolonization System, those toolbar icons will look like a grey mess if converted UmbraSpaceIndustries\Kolonization\MKS\Assets\OrbLogisticsIcon.png UmbraSpaceIndustries\Kolonization\MKS\Assets\StationManager.png Cheers!
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