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  1. that error shows up in the debug right before everything locks up, I removed FF....and it WORKS, i was able to add my saves in and everything, THANK YOU SO MUCH @undercoveryankee @vexx32 !SOLVED!
  2. Even when all of the save files are deleted, on a fresh install i have the same issue [Exception]: TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'CrewRoster' from assembly 'Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. it was is showing in the debug
  3. So with toolbar installed, on the main menu I could not click resume game or start new,but with the mod removed from my gamedata folder everything worked just fine, i completely reinstalled KSP and only had Toolbar, it seemed ok then i added the mods back and my saved file, same issue, another clean install, now even though my saved game isn't there, it says there is a save corrupted, i even went so far as to delete the saves folder and require through Steam verifing game cache.....so it seems the issue is with Toolbar, I REALLY NEED TOOLBAR....seems like most mods rely on it, thanks in advance http://gyazo.com/de72d91c322bbba75df70213fbc2bab6 <<<Gamedata folder http://gyazo.com/6673f5e45f7b5f7bab451e683610eef3 <<< what happens when i click resume Error from debug [Exception]: TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'CrewRoster' from assembly 'Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. <<<<<after i hit delete and start new
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