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Everything posted by foxkill2342

  1. Try some reputation strategies, that will balance it out (and trash your reputation).
  2. Squad has to have a core gameplay change with these buildings. It can't be purely aesthetics. I think players would be more accepting of the Barn pictures if they saw the big picture.
  3. This is both unbelievable and awesome! Mk3 parts are next up for the preview. This game just keeps getting better.
  4. Works great in .25 with aircraft. Only problem I'm having is my lead aircraft always has a slightly lower power setting. My follow aircraft always fly ahead and away. Any fix for this?
  5. I imagine they have socialized healthcare, with all the explosions and what not...
  6. Last I checked, there isn't a way to win the game, even in career. How can you cheat if there is no winning?
  7. I have already landed on Laythe. No Explore contracts remain. My Tylo contract was half complete, but disappeared.
  8. I am unable to get the Explore Tylo and Laythe contracts to spawn. The F12 debug function to spawn contracts does not seem to be working. Are there any other ways to force Explore contracts to spawn? My career has progressed so far and it feels so incomplete to not have these 2 contracts missing. Any options for me?
  9. Laythe, Nothing like flying a plane into space then through the atmosphere and landing on another planet. Duna has a similar effect, but the atmosphere is so thin it might as well not be there.
  10. Only when I forget launch stabilizers.
  11. I have never played, nor have the desire to ever play minecraft. KSP wins.
  12. So does the KSP community actually feel .25 was a disappointment? Has there really been such a backlash and demand for resources being added to the final game that we are forcing the devs to abandon their plans to appease these select group of players? I for one was looking forward to MK3 parts, upgradable buildings and kerbal progression. I feel like how Kerbals are handled in career mode is well...lacking. It's like a part of the game is missing. I liked the focus on career mode by the devs and felt that it should be the primary goal of the game. I'm kinda annoyed that people who only play sandbox are trying to derail career mode. So does anyone have any idea what is going on? Has Squad really abandoned their plans for career to go chasing after resources and new aerodynamics which are already implemented by mods?
  13. Career mode has been the one thing keeping me playing the game. I want challenge, direction and achievement. I can hop in sandbox and go to any planet at any time, but career gives me motivation and forces me to do it conservatively because I don't have quick loads. I enjoy developing my space program. I really hope development of Career is not abandoned for things like resources. The Game is moving in a great direction and I was excited by the Tuesday notes. The discussion that followed the dev notes makes me feel that the complainers are making the loudest noise. Stay the course Squad. I like your work!
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