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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. When I try to make the wings bigger with G, i can only make it slightly bigger every time. I have to drag my mouse across it like 20 times before i get it to the size I want. Anyone know how to fix this?
  2. Is this mod working for the latest release? i want to see clouds again!! :`(
  3. Can this mod tweak fuels from other mods? For example, make a storage tank only for patchkits/repairkits for MKS/OKS mod.
  4. Big shout out to TAC life support! I've spent a good 2 hours now looking over all the math and reasoning behind your values, and it's great to see you made a serious effort to simulate realistic consumption/storage/waste/etc. I noticed that a kerbal will produce more waste water than they drink water, (0.2417 U/day Water in, 0.3078 U/day WasteWater out, 127% more), and the water purifier runs at 90% efficiency, resulting in being able to infinitely recycle your own waste water into drinking water. Do you know if this is true in real life too, in the ISS? Do they only need to resupply the ISS with food, and simply continuously recycle the water they drank + water from the food they eat?
  5. First of all, a big shoutout to FAR. This mod is a MUST HAVE, and really shines a light on how terrible the current KSP aerodynamics system is. One thing that bothers me however is how the deltav requirements to get into LKO drops from 4500dv (stock) down to 3100dv or maybe less with FAR. For me it shifts the game balance a bit too much. I've counterbalanced this deltav benefit a bit by installing deadly reentry and TAC life support. I have two questions: 1. What is the opinion and design philosophy of the FAR developers about the deltav reduction requirements to reach LKO? Do you plan on trying to match the dv requirements of FAR with stock, or would it negatively affect aerodynamics realism? 2. Any tips on how I could modify my own experience through mods or editing some parameters in order to match dv requirements of FAR with stock?
  6. Brilliant! I learned a lot from that answer you gave on the previous thread. So it seems we've established that a very efficient Kerbin -> Moho orbit transfer should equal to about 4000dv. Any ideas on how much it takes for the trip back, and what would the proper techiniques be for that trip?
  7. Sorry for necroing this thread, but this information is very useful and I just want to make sure I understand this correctly: - The higher the periapsis of your capture burn, the less deltaV you need to get captured? If so, is this very significant when performing a non aerobrake capture with Jool? (I use ferram aerospace).
  8. Arent the HX parts (engine especially) incredibly overpowered? Or is something wrong with my install? I was able to get to orbit SSTO with just 5 parts or something and some wings (using ferram)
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