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Everything posted by Fizban

  1. I hope i went to the correct tower My maintenance vehicle needed maintenance after my "landing", jeb decided to just jump from the control tower instead... Next challenge: VIP Pool party..Get your orange suits (Jeb,Bill,Bob) in the pool of the Admin building,the party is VIP so get them there by landing in the helipad of said building..
  2. Done, didnt plant a flag because my beloved Jebediah got buggy and he couldnt move after a minor crash i had. He still made it 2.3km away from his landing vehicle. Next up: Crash into an asteroid. Dont grab him or anything,just crash a spaceship on it.(you can choose Asteroid size and Probe/Manned/Whatever) http://imgur.com/a/CJDYE/ (I hope i didnt screw it up with the images,it's my first time doing a challenge) (PS: How can i make the imgur album show up in here???) (PS2: I Linked the final image and the rest are on the link above) (PS3: I made it, u put your Album code "CJDYE" in [imgur ] [/imgur ] brackets. Thanks Zipmafia.
  3. Good one My two bits: It would be nice if the Mods on the modlist of each craft were clickable(link to forumpost of said Mod) Also on the site it says Remaming results instead of Remaining (a typo i guess) Sorry if these were told before i must confess i didnt read the whole thread :/
  4. Oh god thank you, 1 year in the game and i didnt know about Alt+X Thanks a lot.
  5. Thats what im doing.Toggle and it dissables the torque,but it is still not completing
  6. But I cant do that without control while landed,as soon as i turn off SAS the Roll,Yaw and Pitch pointers go to match the inclination of the ground.(dunno if i am saying it correct :S)
  7. Hey guys, great mod but i am still having a problem with "Neutralize Controls for 10 seconds". I returned my vessel with 850 Karbonite from minmus and landed successfully in Kerbin and all that's left is this pesky objective. I have turned off Torque in Inline Advanced Stabilizer and in RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit but it isn't Complete yet. Any tips??
  8. It happens to me too if he means what i think he means. When trying to place a manuver node on your orbit path the "ball" of the node goes up and down the path.
  9. Hello Roverdude, First of all i would like to thank you for those great mods, it really enhanced my ksp experience and gave me lots of new challenges. One thing i would like to ask is if it is possible for me (and how difficult/complicated it is) to change the deposits of resources on the planets. What i would like to do is place abundant deposits of every resource near KSC. That would help me to learn the mechanics of all the different Modules and how the resources work into one another prior to setting up a base. (tl;dr: I would like to have Deposits of every resource on KSC to learn how everything works,can it be done?) PS.Sorry if my English are flawed, they are by no means my mother language.
  10. Sounds amazing, i am still having difficulties landing on the KSC :/
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