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    Curious George
  1. Hey Folks. Anyone having an idea, why the "Orbit body X"-Contracts keep permanently reappearing after completition? It's as if the objective never has been completed.
  2. Welcome to Chronicles of a N00b. first of all: I can't fly propperly, have almost no idea of orbital mechanics, don't play for the challenge, have absolutely no time to finnick with an orbit for 2 hours for it to sit perfectly. BUT: I love building stuff in KSP and have a knack for roleplaying. Here I will be samelessly showing off my contraptions, successes, failures and what not. My focus is mainly on the aesthetics of these beautyful death traps. However, they will be functional - not neccessarily efficient, but they will get to space without cheating. For starting of, I made a purely non-profit facebook page, FlickR albums will follow. https://www.facebook.com/CharronIndustries/ Enjoy!
  3. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/nUqYP/embed"></iframe> this for example
  4. As far as the pure stock game goes, there are really a bunch of difficulties delivering rovers, but taking a look at some mods, the posibillities are nearly limitless. I would personally recomend Infernal Robotics, as that allows you to go for a folding design, wich helps with size limitaions. And then: go for skycrane delivery. Gimme a couple of minutes, i'll be uploading some pics.
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