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Everything posted by vrothenberg

  1. I've been having a number of different crashes recently. The most common would be switching between vessels, stations and the KSC. After playing for about an hour or after switching between several vessels Windows throws the generic KSP.exe has stopped working error, and I restart the game. KSP doesn't seem to log this. More recently I've been getting indefinite hangs as well as explicit crashes with the error code: "KSP_x64.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module KSP_x64.exe at 0033:3f3b3211." The full log output and list of mods is in this Dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lhaup8vi2mg88wm/AADBeulJMvVpzImOOowVx5Y_a?dl=0 I have a pretty good Windows 7 machine with 16GB of RAM. For context, I've been building a lot of SpaceX style SSTO rockets with the Interstellar Computer Core, MechJeb orbit+rendezvous autopilot to an MKS space station in orbit of Kerbin, and I then aerobrake back to the KSC using the Trajectories mod. The station is about 200 parts and the rockets about 30. The most recent crash occurred when entering physics range of the station, at about 2300m. If anyone has any ideas on what's causing these errors I'd greatly appreciate it!
  2. It appears the Kolonist cost settings are not working. Hiring new Kerbal Biologists / Miners / Technicians etc. cost the same amount as Pilots. Made sure I was fully updated through CKAN and checked if the alternate Kolonist cost was enabled in the difficulty settings, yet they all still cost 50k. Is this a known issue? Any workarounds besides cheating to get the funds back? Thanks in advance
  3. Anyone know why FAR makes rockets in orbit at 100km experience some weird forces mimicking aerodynamics? My relatively small 1.25m ship oscillates along the prograde vector in orbit above Kerbin. Trying to move to retrograde is nearly impossible and makes the game almost unplayable. FAR shows no dynamic pressure and the atmosphere density indicator is at zero. Just uninstalled the mod to confirm it's causing the problem as well.
  4. I've tried to weld 3 girders together and saved it under the Structural tag. After reloading the database, and a restart, my new part is not visible in the VAB. Though I can see that it was saved in the GameData parts folder and the debug toolbar shows that the part was loaded successfully. Is there a wiki or anything for best practices?
  5. Does anyone know how to utilize more than 4 GB of RAM for 0.25 64 bit on Ubuntu? I have a ton of mods and during loading whenever the KSP.x86_64 process hits 4.0 GiB it just hangs indefinitely. I've tried using the launch options such as "LC_ALL=C %command%_64" in Steam to make sure 64 bit was selected. Also tried launching KSP through the bash script already mentioned in the original post. All to no avail. It's a strange problem because I'm fairly certain I could utilize more than 4 GB when playing 0.24.2 and I definitely have enough memory out of the 16 GBs available.
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