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Everything posted by greatorder

  1. Hachi, your link seems broken. funny pic? ok. searching...searching... ah, got one! or rather, a page of them. I can't tell if any of the pages are safe so... http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&safe=off&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=EXdZTpLACInX8gPiiIWxDA&ved=0CDkQBSgA&q=cat+I+think+there%27s+a+spy+among+us&spell=1&biw=1440&bih=731
  2. I cannot believe it. I was there when you got 10000 downloads, and I NEVER thought KSP would grow this explosively. congrats, and good luck.
  3. hmm... I'd give ya a bit o' money, but I seem to have a defecit in me coffers. next time then. PS. first post on these forums since I came back from holiday
  4. oh fuck! now they'llk start launching love rays and happiness boosters from orbit! must remember to buy a tin foil hat.
  5. I'm afraid it's money (oh no! we can't do that! there would be no economic advantage setting up a moon base!) money truly does make the world go round. I bet though, that if we make a moonbase, there will be thousands of conspiracy theories that they are in fact making a base to control the minds of all people on the earth :
  6. first game? bloody good job. spiffing, if I say so myself! good job old bean! [/end posh talk]
  8. *raised eyebrow* that was my reaction.
  10. QFTI'd have given anything to see a launch.
  11. SSSSSSSSS-boom! it was doing a creeper impersonation, methinks
  12. like hell it ends now. IT SHALL LIVE!
  13. I beat you to the correct answer
  14. so many people telling others about their proffesion... better get that card I use to piece together peoples identities. *rummages around* here it is! so, lets see...
  15. the ideas people come up with on these forums are worse (sanity-wise) than on the DF forums. next thing we know, people will make a 'digging machine'
  16. I'll sit the forum game out. too damn complex, and then I'd get bored and attatch a nuclear warhead to the sjip, and use it as an orbital mine or something :/
  17. I win! :-\ and have a crack in my face...
  18. control your old chap! beat it with a pan if you have to!
  19. the council... where have I heard that...oh yeah, in virtually every film I've warched with a small degree of polotics in it.
  20. you two posted, therefore are participating, showing you are hypocrites.
  21. if they got £1 for every download...
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